giovedì 2 aprile 2009

AWR Radio Wavescan DX Contest 2009

Adventist World Radio Wavescan DX Contest 2009

Once again, Adventist World Radio takes pleasure in conducting an annual listener contest, and for this year the title is: "Silent Shortwave Station Contest".  You are invited to search through your own QSL collection and assemble together all of your QSLs that verify the reception of shortwave stations and/or shortwave transmitters that are no longer on the air.  In addition to the regular awards worldwide, there will be special awards for those who include a reception report of our DX program, "Wavescan", via radio Miami International WRMI, in Miami Florida.  Here are all of the details:-

1. List what you consider to be the five best QSLs from shortwave stations or transmitters that are no longer on the air.  The "best" may be described as the station or the transmitter itself, or the distance, or the power, or the age, or the circumstances under which you heard the station; or the QSL card itself, etc.  (Do not send the original cards.)

2. In one paragraph each, describe the reason why you consider each card to be one of the best in your collection.

3. Enclose a photocopy or each of these five cards, preferably in color, though black and white may be acceptable.  Remember, do not send the originals.

4. Send at least three reception reports on any AWR broadcast from KSDA Guam, or any AWR relay broadcast via any relay station anywhere in the world.  The AWR broadcasts may be on shortwave, mediumwave, or FM. All reception reports will be verified with a contest endorsement on the QSL card.

5. Where possible, please enclose three radio cards for inclusion in the Indianapolis QSL collection.  These cards may be old or new, and they may be QSL cards, reception report cards, picture cards, etc.  Not valid for this contest are amateur nor CB QSL cards.

The 2009 AWR DX Contest, "Silent Shortwave Station Contest", will run through the month of June.  All contest entries must be postmarked at the listener's location in any country of the world on any date during the month of June, and they must be delivered to the AWR postal address in Indianapolis no later than the end of July 2009.  Return postage in the form of currency notes in an international currency, mint postage stamps, or IRC coupons would be appreciated.  Also, where possible, provide a self addressed envelope, business size or half quarto size.

The only address for the 2009 "Silent Shortwave Station Contest" is:-
Silent Shortwave Station Contest
Box 29235
IN 46229 USA

The awards for this year's contest will be similar to all previous contests. There will be a special award for the world winner, one of the Jerry Berg radio history books; and "World Radio TV Handbook" or "Passport to World Band Radio" for continental winners.  In addition, there will be special awards for those who send in a reception report on the broadcast of "Wavescan" over the shortwave station in Miami, WRMI.