mercoledì 4 marzo 2009

Glenn Hauser logs March 3-4, 2009

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. Despite not hearing anything on 90 or 105 meters, since I was getting Indonesia on 60 and 75 meters, March 4 at 1333 I tried 120 --- and there it was, VL8K Katherine NT with YL news in Strine, peaking S9+8. Could also detect carriers on 2310, slightly stronger than 2325. This was 35 minutes after local sunrise.

Just for kix, I tuned to the other end of the dial at 1335, and found 16m also propagating, with BBCWS English via Ascension on 17830, and DW Hausa via Rwanda on 17800. Not a bad spread, 15+ MHz.

R. Australia on 31m, VG on 9580, G on 9590, and F on 9560, March 4 at 1357 as Rural Reporter had just ended, into Roger Broadbent`s QSY announcement. But 9560 cut off before he could mention a single frequency! 9580 had it all, plus a bit of Waltzing Matilda before that cut off a few sex after 1358. By then, 9590 which continues, but which he never mentions, had switched to a program promo (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. VOT via Sackville, 7325, was again audible with a good signal UT March 4 at 0445 --- and it was in Turkish again, not English! Discussion mentioning Dubrovnik.

I hear from RCI that they are downlinking the same satellite channel as usual for the TRT relay at 0400 on 7325, so the Turx must have changed the uplink from English to Turkish by mistake or deliberately without notification yet of where to find English.

Also, Sackville was indeed off the air UT March 3 due to freezing rain causing icing on power lines, antennas, leading to VSWR problems. Many other broadcasts were interrupted or intermittent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CFRX, 6070, clear with hardly any QRM, March 4 at 0748 with the late-night talk show on both CJAD and CFRB, Holder Tonight, Peter Anthony Holder reporting on a john having been shot in Utah, since evidently there was no guest in this hour per
At first I thought CVC Chile must have been off, but in fades I could still hear traces of something else on 6070. Normally it`s at least an even mix or CVC atop, useless collision (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake fair on 9000 and 8400, March 4 at 1340 against Sound of Hope, but not heard on 9300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. REE Cariari, 5965, March 4 around 0730 was a big unmodulated carrier, but still too much for Vatican co-channel to be readable; still such at 0751 recheck, but at 0752 modulation cut on at normal level with only 8 minutes to go in the transmission (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. No, RHC is back on 6140 and colliding with Romanian folk music, March 4 at 0345 check during DXers Unlimited, nothing on 6180, where it was 23 hours earlier. And still on 6140 this night at 0445 recheck. What next? Guess they are trying to decide what to do, or 6180 was only a test. See what I mean about this being a ``dynamic medium``?

Tip: in this era of overcrowded bands, and lots of stations using one frequency for one hour at a time, or less, trying to stay on the same frequency for a 6-hour span, or more, is not really viable. Ya gotta hop around like the competition, whack-a-mole-wise. Of course this requires a transmitter operation staff who are on the ball, and good coördination with the studio. Never mind (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Local sunrise today March 4 in Enid was 1258, but a semi-hour later at 1327 tune-in, island music audible on 3995, not too much QRhaM at the bandedge; 1330 Indonesian announcement, 1333 back to music and weakening. No doubt RRI Kendari, 5 kW non-direxional per Aoki. At 1344, RRI Fak2 was still in on 4790 with Indo talk vs. CODAR.

V. of Indonesia back to normal on March 4 after five days of confusion, i.e. using 11785 instead of 9525, languages at wrong times, or being totally missing. At 1342 good signal on 9525.0 with songs, nothing on 11785; 1354 English ID, plugging streaming on website; 1402 closing English hour, IS, opening Malay; recheck 1502 Malay ID, 1503 re-opening English with program summary, but cut off around 1505* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. 11705 via Sackville already on with open carrier at 1348 March 4, probably pre-melting ice on the antenna; see CANADA. This was overriding NHK direct also on 11705 in Indonesian. Normally the NHK English relay cuts on very close to *1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. The two 75-meter clandestines from South to North were audible March 4: at 1328, 3985 Echo of Hope with choral music, under noise jamming; and at 1331, on 3912, V. of the People, Korean talk, and no jamming audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. JSR still on 5985, March 4 at 1402 check with sad piano music, mentioning Shiokaze, in Korean instead of English this Wednesday. No QRM audible here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. Rechecked 15280, RN via Saipan in Indonesian, March 3 for two minutes at 2214, and did not hear any audio glitches, but did hear an ``Inilah Radio Nederland`` ID; still unusually good signal for a service beamed oppositely from Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. 6075 is occupied by DW 24 hours a day from at least four sites, sometimes more than one at a time, but by 0750 March 4 its German was becoming overridden by Russian from R. Rossii, the latter transmitter developing some motor-boating, interfering with itself as well as DW. Retune at 1316, R. Rossii strong and dominant with song in English, but hum and warble on its own carrier, a shame. Its 30-degree beam from Pet-Kam carries on toward North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. VOT feeding wrong language to Sackville: see CANADA

** U S A [non]. VOA, 7575 via Tinian, March 4 at 1350 in English bothered by a noise, sort of a cross between lite grind jamming and Saudi buzz, but not enough to impair readability, in report from the Navajo Nation about substandard living conditions there, having to haul water, hopes for stimulus money, finally establishing one casino even tho it`s remote from population centers, etc.

VOA English unlikely to be a jamming target and my suspicion is that this was a transmitter defect, tsk. Should have monitored whether noise quit at exactly same time as 1400 closing. If VOA really continues on 7575 from 1400 via Thailand as scheduled, it had become inaudible. Exactly the same News Now Navajo report was heard one hour later at 1450 on 9760 via Tinang, Philippines; 1455 USG editorial (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWRB always full of surprises. Bandscanning 90m at 0734 UT March 4, I found Brother Scare on BOTH 3145 and 3185, slightly louder if not stronger on the latter. 3145 had been running only at 0200-0500. At the moment he was prophesying that your TV would be watching you, in the near future if not in 1984y. Listened only for a moment, so not sure if he also got into the current silly ``your set-top-box is watching you`` scare (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6780-6810, OTH radar pulses, presumed in this ever-changing range, March 4 at 1322; just barely audible vs noise level. Also at 1325 on 5775-5860, a much wider spread so maybe two adjacent units. Are these I hear in the morning on lower frequencies coming from China? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###