domenica 1 marzo 2009

Glenn Hauser logs February 28-March 1, 2009

** ALBANIA [and non]. R. Tirana, 6110, concluding 0330 English broadcast with theme at 0356 March 1, fast SAH, under Ethiopian singing. A collision to be avoided in B-09, but Tirana will be on 7425 in A-09 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. RNA, 11780, VG with all-night Sunday broadcast, March 1 at 0645. This time could detect no spurs, with France/South Africa clear on 11830 and New Zealand on 11725; altho there may have been some weaker spurs elsewhere obscured by local noise level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC colliding for an hour on 6140: see ROMANIA [and non]; see also VENEZUELA [non]

** ECUADOR [and non]. Missing Feb 28, but RTTY on 11687.5, NAA? was back as usual March 1 at 1357, heavily QRMing HCJB Spanish on 11690. See also VENEZUELA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [non]. With VOI back on 11785 Feb 27, I was standing by at 1500 March 1 to see if they were still there, as they are totally blocked weekends while WHRI is on, including at first check 1358 with gospel huxter in English. After Hmong Lao Radio, at 1459 OCS theme and ID, then a bit more Hmong hmusic(?) before cutting to open carrier and off at 1500:30, uncovering a weak station, but does not sound like VOI --- just talk in non-Malay-Indonesian language and not English either. Not Guaíba, Brasil; and BTW Brasília 11780 was audible much stronger.

Checking PWBR `2009`, it looks like V. of Turkey as scheduled in Arabic from 1500 in W-season --- EXCEPT, no such listings in HFCC, WRTH, Aoki, EiBi or VOT`s own schedule! Nothing else at all listed during this hour anywhere. So maybe it really was VOI past 1500 on 11785 in uncertain language. No, nothing audible from VOI on 9525 or 9526 at this hour or earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. V. of Africa, still on 17725 in English, March 1 at 1439; could not make out much but all I needed was a bit of Beethoven`s Ninth to be sure it was this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. RRI Spanish on 6140 in big collision with RHC in English --- March 1 at 0353 tune-in just as DXers Unlimited was closing with coded message; RRI signing off with full Spanish transmission schedule, including this frequency at 0300; and ``9523`` at 2400 --- an old error outpointed before which they still haven`t fixed.

This collision must have been in effect since RRI came back full force last fall. As an outlaw nation`s station, RHC refuses to participate in HFCC, and evidently doesn`t even bother to coördinate on a bi-lateral basis, especially with ex-Commies. (I see Aoki lax RHC on 6140 between 01 and 05, where it has really been since last summer; but Eibi has it.) Tho RHC has a big signal aimed usward on 6140 most of the time, RRI was now atop. O well, serves Arnie right for allowing fellow DX programs to be jammed by Cuba, such as QSO with Ted Randall, checked Sunday March 1 at 0643 with jamming pulses on 9955.

RRI again with very anomalous reception on 25m, March 1 at 1355, 11970 wrapping up English hour, just barely audible, while 11940 in Romanian was much stronger, contrary to what you would expect from the nominal parameters. What`s the explanation? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17660, March 1 at 1440, YL speaking French slowly, almost at dictation speed, about Allah, birds tweeting in background; poor signal from BSKSA R. Riyadh, but only makes it at all on better days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 6020, March 1 at 0357, awful mixture of CRI via Albania in Chinese, atop VOT IS preceding English to NAm direct; PLUS big het from always off-frequency R. Victoria, Perú. Contrary to Aoki, CRI did not end at 0357 but stayed on all the way to 0400* sharp, just as timesignal a few sex late from Turkey was heard. VOT opened English without China QRM, but still unlistenable due to het, lacking a notch. And how many portable SW radios have one these days? No station should use 6020 to North America in prime time as long as Perú is hetting away.

7325 Sackville relay had not been on before 0400 with IS, so checked it after 0400 and now found it on in TURKISH instead of English which it is supposed to carry // 6020, except for the feed delay. Sounded like a cabaret show with two guys talking, guitar accompaniment, audience laughter and applause. So Sackville was getting the wrong feed from TRT; notified. I wonder how long this has been going on and/or how often it happens as I am seldom monitoring this transmission. I know I also heard wrong feed here many months ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7215, with rustic exotic music, UT Sun March 1 at 0337; first guess SEAsian, second guess S Asian, then a talk mentioning Christus Jesus several times, not Asian; 0344 a bit more music, TWR chimes IS and open carrier until 0346* Per Aoki this is TWR, 250 kW, 5 degrees via South Africa in Amharic (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon); Orominya Tue; Sidamo Wed and Thu, all at 0330-0345 only. Good signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. After several weeks of no transmissions at all on the Sunday ``Alo, Presidente`` frequencies via Cuba, they were back March 1: first noted at 1432 on 11875 with ``Mundo Siete``, RHC`s week-in-review program and one of those always played as lead-in to Venezuelan relay. // 13750 but an echo apart; also // 11690 now overriding HCJB and RTTY, another echo apart. In other words, all three frequencies were slightly unsynchronized with each other. At 1439, also audible on 17750 but under VOA music via South Africa --- another collision which should have been avoided. Unheard so far on the fifth frequency 13680, aside much stronger China via Canada 13675.

At 1458, 13750 with Bolivarian talk, but apparently still Cuban-produced programming. At 1503, 17750 in the clear after VOA closing, but weak; a few minutes later built up to strong. Still nothing audible on 13680. At 1505 retuned to 13750 and it was gone, but soon cut back on, still with Cuban programming. At 1510 the show was RHC`s ``Somos Jóvenes``, another perennial lead-in.

At 1513 I tried 13680 again and could barely hear it // the others, very weak and SAH with R. Farda via Wertachtal, 105 degrees scheduled until 1600. Obviously Cuba is using a very different antenna for 13680 on Sundays than it does on weekdays when it`s inbooming here. After this I was not paying close attention, but at 1538 finally noticed Chávez intoning, so maybe he got started around 1530 (11 am Venezuelan time). Still going at 1642 recheck on 13750. I suspect Hugo was eager to brag even more than usual, having secured the possibility of remaining president-for-life. The state, it`s him.

Meanwhile I had checked other RHC frequencies to confirm what they were doing. Mainstream RHC at 1432 on 11760, 13760, and a few minutes later also on 15120, 15360, 15370. At 1505, Esperanto on 11760 only; and the others off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Since last year it was unheard past February, I made a point to check for 8GAL on 6074, March 1, 2009 at 1400: undetectable between 1359 and 1402 as R. Rossii closed 6075 and turned off the carrier a few sex after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###