lunedì 2 febbraio 2009

Urgent appeal to monitor Radio Damascus on 9.330 Khz and 12.085 Khz

Radio Damascus - Urgent appeal :

My friends at Radio Damascus are asking to monitor both frequencies which are registered at Radio Damascus : 9.330 Khz and 12.085 Khz .

Although I haven't personally monitored 12.085 Khz for a very long time, some listeners did think to have heard the Spanish program of Radio Damascus recently again on this frequency (see Glenn Hauser's DX LISTENING DIGEST 9-010, February 1, 2009).

Maybe Radio Damascus re-activated 12.085 Khz again.

My own monitoring of Radio Damascus on 9.330 Khz in Belgium gives the following results :

18.00 UTC : German : if on the air, fair to strong signal (1)

19.00 UTC : French : idem but heavy interference from Radio Farda (?), using a transmitter in Kuwait (1)

20.00 UTC : English : only on satellite - no shortwave

21.00 UTC : English, second hour : no reception on shortwave -
                     signal too weak

22.00 UTC : Spanish : idem as English at 21.00 UTC

(1) Very weak modulation. Even when 9.330 Khz is on the air with a strong signal, it is very difficult listening because the extremely low audio signal.

May I ask all listeners of Radio Damascus, wherever they are, to monitor both frequencies (9.330 Khz and 12.085 Khz) in the coming days and to send their comments and reports to this email address :

Please also report on the modulation.

I will forward every report immediately to the head of the English section at Radio Damascus.

unofficial website of Radio Damascus :

Radio Damascus Listeners club :


Kind greetings from Belgium!

Kris Janssen