sabato 7 febbraio 2009

Late delivery of WRTH

I have noticed that quite a few people are/have had problems with the delivery of WRTH2009. The publisher is also aware of this and has asked me to send the following explanation:
"We are very sorry for the delay in shipping of WRTH 2009 by Copies of the book reached the Port of New York on December 16. They were trucked from there in a sealed container direct to the distribution center in Virginia, USA. They should, and could easily have been, released from there before Christmas. For some reason they did not get released *officially* until January 15. We think they were actually released on February 2.
We are aware that the late delivery to Amazon has also had an impact on readers and clubs all over the world who ordered from or from websites who do so.
This is the worst distribution performance ever in any country for any edition of WRTH. Next year we will be using a different distribution system.
Nicholas Hardyman
World Radio TV Handbook
I can only apologise for the distribution problems from Amazon. You can order direct from our website as well as your usual sources.
Sean Gilbert, International Editor - WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)
RX : Icom IC756PRO, CI-V, SEM Multifilter
ANT 1: Wellbrook ALA1530+ @ 1.5m agl + MFJ1026 Phaser
ANT 2: Inverted Half size G5RV @ 6m agl