giovedì 5 febbraio 2009

Glenn Hauser logs February 3-4, 2009

** ANGUILLA. 11775, Feb 3 at 1430 and 1515 chex, just open carrier, no PMS. Is anyone in The Valley paying attention? Off the air again around 1400 Feb 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. The VL8s were in Feb 4, first time heard here in months. 2485 best with Aussie-accented English talk at 1345; also could hear weaker carriers on 2325, 2310 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Vinyl Café from CBC Radio 1, Wed Feb 4 at 0722 on 6160, Stuart McLean going from a story to a song. This is the final Tuesday night repeat from the PST zone via CKZU, 11:06 pm local across Canada. SAH probably from CKZN but CKZU quite dominant at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. Yet another HCJB anomaly. Listened again to the ID at 1444:30 Feb 4 on 11960. Besides claiming to be on ``11690, 21455, 11690``, says ``la señal`` will indicate the time of 9:45 am --- but unlike BBCWS, HCJB never runs timesignals on the quarter hour! The announcer must have been recording a string of these ages ago for the automation, without engaging brain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 4790, RRI Fak2, again the only Indo audible on 60m, Feb 4 at 1355 with talk in Indonesian, constant CODAR, and 4750 still absent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI has been very poor to poor lately, even inaudible, on 9525.9; Feb 4 at 1446 all I could make out was open carrier and hum; by 1450 some undermodulated music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. While P`yongyang was in on 2850, Feb 4 at 1342, also noticed SSB VOLMET in YL robot English on 2863 kHz. Hard to catch cities, but heard Fukuoka mentioned twice, and at 1344 ``Tokyo, out`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. Nice when propagation and noise level coöperate to bring in P`yongyang on 2850, an old and extremely out-of-band frequency: Feb 4 at 1338 M&W in Korean with dramatic dialog, fair with heavy fading; nothing heard on somewhat higher NK channels 3250, 3320, 3560, so we may class this as a mediumwave opening?

However, at 1349 there was a continuous wailing sound and a het on 3480, which I assume has something to do with this, as in Aoki:

3480 KOREAN NAT. DEM. FRONT 0757-1400 1234567 Korean 5 ND Wonsan KRE 12725E 3905N KNDF relay KCBS --- Also another entry for same at 2157-0400. One might wonder, why they bother if all they do is relay KCBS?

This is a ``target broadcast`` in WRTH 2009, page 495: ``broadcast service claimed to be provided by the Pyongyang Mission of the [South Korean] `Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front` (AINDF). Believed to be a North Korean government operation. Jammed.`` And they QSL from an address in Shinjuku, Tokyo. This is the one also on 1053, 4450 and 4557.

Also, 3985 at 1354 with roaring noise, waves, no doubt NK jamming against Echo of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9880, Feb 4 at 1448, Japanese W&W narrative, sad-sounding, with occasional music stingers; G signal with lite hum. Per Aoki this is: Furusato no Kaze, daily at 1430-1500, 250 kW, 3 degrees via Darwin, AUSTRALIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA SOUTH. 6215, Korean numbers pronounced by emphatic YL, Feb 4 shortly after 1400 and again at 1437. S. Hasegawa, NDXC says this is ``random number station of S. Korea. I can sometimes receive even 5715 kHz at 1400``. But nothing audible here on 5715. Are the numbers really random, or encrypted spy messages? Neither frequency is in Aoki, probably classified as utility (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. With all the axion on the 120 and 105 m bands, looked for PNG stations on 90m, Feb 4 at 1347: 3235 with island music; best signal was 3365, but only a carrier with hum, still wastefully audible past 1400. Carriers on 3325, 3345 at 1352. 3335 at 1358 bothered by non-Spanish SSB (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. While the day before, BSKSA was inbooming on 15435 with buzz, also 15225 and 13710 audible after 1500, on Feb 3 at 1505 check, no signals at all from any of these. Some European signals were making it thru, somewhat weakened, such as Farda 15410 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Brother Scare via Germany audible on both 13810 and 17485, but the two were an echo apart, Feb 3 at 1509; 13810 is Nauen, 17485 is Jülich, so that explains the disparity. WWRB 9385 with same program was 34 seconds behind. Is WWRB taking a webfeed?

Also heard B.S. on WCKY 1530 Cincinnati circa 0715 Feb 4 mention that he is not getting much response from listeners to KAAY 1090 Little Rock so it`s time to re-evaluate whether to continue on that station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. KJES, 11715, inaudible around 1405 Feb 4, but by 1457 it had infaded with G signal, but very undermodulated, YL solo. This correlates with sporadic E opening on HF if not VHF, which during the hour had also brought WWCR from nothing to inbooming on 15825. Once again, it seems these HF Es openings are quite broad geographically, unlike when they hit VHF (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 12150, VOA at 1454 Feb 4 with editorial about Richard Holbrooke, envoy, and clip of Sec. State Clinton. Hard to copy tnx to CODAR x 2. This is via Iranawila, Sri Lanka, 250 kW at 322 degrees. I cringe whenever I hear an English-speaker pronounced `envoy` half in French, half in English. Make up your mind! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 3623, Feb 4 at 1403, open carrier with fading, when NK and PNG were in on lower frequencies, so possibly Indonesian or some other Asian broadcaster of interest meriting further checking tho nothing listed here. Or just a closer ham (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6092v, carrier oscillating making variable hets with weak 6090 and 6095 signals, Feb 4 at 1433; trying to pull some audio, but off already at 1434. One guess: Mérida 6105v malfunxioning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)  ###