sabato 2 aprile 2022

WRNO noted back on 7505

USA 7505.004 kHz - heard today April 2nd night at 02.19 UT here in western
Europe, WRNO sermon in English, S=9+25dB powerful these last 3-4 days
worldwide shortwave signal propagation excellent.
'King of Israel', 'Jewish People and ... Jesus...'

and nearby also
UZBEKISTAN 7599.918 odd fq of Taskent bcast center, R AFG International,
at 02.20 UT on Saturday April 2.

from same relay site S=9+10dB here in Europe
5829.940 odd fq, R Iran International TV in Persian at 02.23 UT.

4789.979 USA WBCQ Maine eastern state next Canadian border, TOM BS roarer
old recording, S=5-6 here in WeEUR, poor signal of older transmitter.

INDIA 9874.806 kHz much odd fq of AIR Kingsway site in Tibetan,
S=5-6 here in western EUR. 01.00-02.30 UT, heard April 2nd at 01.49 UT.
No China mainland jamming noted tonight, only tiny string
on even 9875.0 kHz fq seen on SDR Perseus screen.

FRANCE 9490.044 centered. Much odd shifting variable x.035 ... .044 kHz fq
up and down. Older 100 kW TDF ISS transmitter of the early 90ties,
Radio Republica Jeff's Spanish opposite sce towards Miami Spaniards and
few Cubans in P.R. paradise too.
Back path from European TDF Issoudun France older center relay.
S=9 strength when checked at Rochester NY remotedly on SDR screen,
at 02.03 UT tonight April 2.

TURKEY 9465.006 TRT Emirler in Uyghur sce, HQ Ar prayer at 02.07 UT,
02.00-02.58 UT scheduled, S=8 signal here in western EUR.

BRAZIL 9666.854 kHz odd fq, April 2 at 02.09 UT,
R Voz Missionaria Braz-Port mx program.

UAE 9840.106 odd fq, faulty aligned 5th unit at Al Dhabbaya relay site.
US AGM VoA DEEWA Pashto language sce, S=9+15dB strength at 02.10 UT.

another - religious - sce from same ENC FMO UAE site:
7325even kHz FEBA / FEBC Asia ('Radio Pakistan' called so far) in Sindhi,
S=9+10dB at 02.14 UT, acc Aoki moves to Baludshi from 02.15 UT,
(ex 6170 kHz in B-21 winter season).

73 wb df5sx