mercoledì 6 aprile 2022

Texas Radio Shortwave

Texas Radio Shortwave continues to provide a great line-up of programming throughout 2022 - primarily featuring songs by Texas artists, or about Texas, or music performed at Texas venues. There are also occasional specials featuring including a variety of music genres and artists including non-Texans and topical themes. TRSW airs as follows:

 WRMI weekly on Saturdays at 2300*, and Sundays at 0000 and 0100 on 5950 kHz., and occasional specials at other times and/or frequencies, such as 5800 and 9395 kHz.

 Channel 292 on the third Saturday of month at 0900 on 6070 kHz, and at 1800 on 3955 kHz.

 WBCQ on the last Sunday of the month at 0200 on 6160 kHz
Here is what is coming up over the next three months (and is subject to change). I’ll update this schedule in this column every other month detailing the upcoming three months programmes. The Music on Shortwave list (due in mid-April for the new A-22 broadcast season) will include the latest schedule for the whole of the A-22 season.

WRMI: Saturday 2300UT on 5950 kHz:
*Weekly: Repeat (or Encore) presentation of a previously aired programme. This is a temporary airing by WRMI which may be replaced by other paid programming at any time.

WRMI: Sunday 0000UT on 5950 kHz:
3 Apr: Howdy Neighbor! – Louisiana 10 Apr: Howdy Neighbor! – Arkansas
17 Apr: Howdy Neighbor! – Oklahoma 24 Apr: Howdy Neighbor! - New Mexico
1 May: 50th Kerrville Folk Festival - Week 1 8 May: 50th Kerrville Folk Festival - Week 2
15 May: 2022 Conroe Xroads Music Fest-Wk1 22 May: 2022Conroe Xroads Music Fest-Wk2
29 May: Fifth Sunday Special: Meat Loaf 5,12 June: Roger Miller Music Special
19,26 June: Texas Reggae 3,10 July: On-Stage: Luckenbach Dance Hall

WRMI: Sunday 0100UT on 5950 kHz:
3,10,17,24 Apr: Jerry Jeff Walker Mostly Live
1,8 May: (Dixie) Chicks Music
15,22 May: {--to be confirmed--}
29 May: Fifth Sunday Special: ZZ Top Music
5,12 June: Bob Wills & Texas Playboys
19,26 June: {--to be confirmed--}
3,10 July: Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown

WBCQ: Sun 0200UT on 6160 kHz
24 Apr: Jerry Jeff Walker – Mostly Live
22 May: (Dixie) Chicks Music
26 Jun: Bob Wills & Texas Playboys

(Listening Post, Alan Roe via BDXC-UK)