A new clandestine station began broadcasts on shortwave around January 1. The station is called Mizzima Radio and is on the air on a daily basis via the Encompass DM transmitter at Dhabayya, United Arab Emirates. Here is my logbook note from yesterday, January 11:
17730 U.A.E. Mizzima Radio - Dhabayya. S/on 1159 with introductory music, a clear ID and welcoming anncts in Burmese at 1200, news at 1202. Music at 1216 to introduce a commentary program. Good signal except for some slight carrier hum, Jan 11.
Clearly, Mizzima Media is having trouble functioning inside Myanmar due to the military government's interference. It would seem it has chosen shortwave radio as another platform to independently inform citizens inside the country of news events. It will be interesting to see how long Mizzima Radio remains on shortwave and if its services will be expanded over time.
73 and good DX to you all,
Rob Wagner VK3BVW (medxr.blogspot.com)