** SPAIN. 9690, Fri Jan 7 at 2300, checking various remotes for token English from REE: JBA at Noale, Italy. No signal to Virginia but S6 to S9+5 to Maryland! 11940 to SAm is S6-S8 into Sao Paulo. But I`m mainly listening to contemporaneous Turkey, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** TURKEY [and non]. 5960, Jan 7 from 2300, VOT English is on; at UTwente it`s S9+25/35 but with annoying squeal. Autonotch does not rid it, but narrowing synch bandwidth to less than 2.7 kHz disposes of it. 2320, the strange feature ``Feeling Supreme`` with hard-to-understand YL talking about smearing honey on lips 3 times a day, or the peeling of something, but why? By now there is CCCCCCI from East Turkistan, standard remark, but VOT well atop (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2120 monitoring: confirmed UT Friday January 7 at 0330 on WRMI 5985, S7-S9 into Knoxville SDR, with some jamming bleed from 5980, and storm crashes altho there are none nearer than the Gulf of Mexico and out toward Bermuda.
Also confirmed Friday January 7 at 1530 on WRMI 9955, S9/+10, no jamming audible and not cut off before 1559.
Also confirmed Friday January 7 at 1915 on IRRS SW via Bulgaria 7290, S9+30 into UTwente. Monitored from 1859 when carrier on air but as usual, modulation not cut on until almost 1901, missing Aïda and IRRS sign-on, joining Feature Story News in progress; 1905 IRRS ID, address, News from UN. Briefly tuned UTwente to 14580 for second harmonic, not heard but some JBA tones. Also monitoring AM Italia 918 kHz, Villa Estense via nearby Noale SDR, which is // 7290 and almost in synch, But at 1910 I`m called to lunch so roll tape to check later. After UN News, music fill, and on 7290 WOR from 1915, but the music keeps playing on 918! Recheck at 1934 now WOR is on 918 too after a late join, vs Spanish QRM from Madrid.
The 2130 replay on 918 only is running at 2135, S9+5 but as usual transmitter dumps off the air at 2157, 2 minutes before I am finished! Uncovers La Inter, Madrid. I`ve asked IRRS to realign.
Just before this at 2153, I tuned Noale to 207 kHz, the AM Italia new longwave transmitter, JBA but could recognize my voice for the first time definitely on LW. Not on 1323 which is planned? to replace 918.
WOR 2120 also confirmed UT Saturday January 8 at 0230 on WRMI 9395: VP S5-S6 direct; at 0258 S7-S9 into Missouri SDR and not cut off before 0259. Next:
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530]
1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 918 & 207-Italy
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to Chris Krug, Tulsa OK, for a contribution via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds to: woradio at yahoo.com
One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702.
** U S A. 3215 before 0200, then 3360 UT Sun & Mon, we may not be hearing WWRB any more. Check this weekend. A sesquihour before AAAWWW this week, Allan Weiner e-mailed me: ``Hi Glenn, I heard about Dave Frantz. Is there any more info on what happened? This is very sad indeed. I was speaking with Dave back in November and he seemed fine. Any info would be appreciated. Be well and HNY, Allan & Angela, WBCQ Radio``
I replied that this was the first I had heard about it. Well, the WWRB.org website is gone, per Hitlist linx. Did anyone hear it last weekend, 3215/3360? So I inquired of the WOR iog. Replies:
Kim Elliott: ``The radio preacher who calls in to WBCQ 7490 Saturday 0000 UTC just said that Dennis [sic] Frantz died. His show will be off WWRB for the time being.``
Larry Will: http://www.allwillstand.org/index.php/schedule/ ``says "On January 2nd, 2022, I received a phone call from David Franz’s son that he had went home to be with the Lord." Lw``
I look for obits in area newspapers/legacy.com but don`t find any. General search on Dave Frantz led to age: 41. I thought he would be older by now, and not sure if that info be current.
FCC search about WWRB, finds a CP for *something* was accepted for filing July 19, 2021, and would expire 3 years later, July 19, 2024. I have not been able to pull out what this was about. Street address is: Airline Transport Communications, Inc., 6755 Shady Grove Road, Morrison, TN 37357-3065 USA. This page shows status of FCC HF licensees:
See also WBCQ AAAWWW report (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. (6160-), UT Sat Jan 8 at 0100 I`m monitoring the Area 61 webcast for WBCQ `AAAWWW`: usual banter opening, says electricity rates have just gone up 20%, but airtime rates have not even been upped for inflation, since no one could afford them. Rates run from $35 to $50 per hour, depending, rather than $200.
Bad News: According to Pastor Ken, Dave Frantz of WWRB has passed away, stroke? Allan had spoken with him as recently as November and many times before about engineering matters. There may be no one but him who could operate WWRB on SW, but his son could handle internet streaming. See my separate report about this.
TOM has made some cuts, so no longer on 4790; in fact, it`s been turned off temporarily, for no particular reason. But planned for February are tests of some *good* programming on 4790, two hours per night but apparently varying and not specified, supplied by Uncle Bill Tilford, to assess reception, for regular service in March. A&A are covering electrical costs for this.
0124, date stamp as 7th of January, YOOLF 2022. 9330 SuperStition was off for a sesquiday, now back. It`s a very complex transmitter. Problem was a little card preventing the 14 kv power supply to funxion. Three engineers Jeff, Tom and Lance fixed it with help from Continental.
0130, Angela has been taking riding lessons -- at first I thought he said ``writing``! At 0133 I check Maryland SDR and get no signals on 4790, 6160, trace on 7490 but 9330 with WLCR is S6-S8. Propagation is degraded and/or MD is too close. By 0145 I check Missouri SDR where 7490 is S4 = noise level, 6160 better at S7-S9. At 0145 reads some items from new Free Radio Weekly including Angela`s favorite, Ball Smacker Radio.
News that new FCC chairwoman nixes suggestion that FCC should censor/ban rightwing networx Fox, NewsMax and group Sinclair. Yay for Free Speech. Allan again claims that unlike USA, Angela`s Canada with no First Amendment, does not allow private SW stations! WRONG!! He overlooks CFRX, CFVP, and there were several others which quit voluntarily.
0159 prayer, a minute of dead air still on the A61 webcast, then music and ``You are listening to your favorite station, WICT Pittsburgh``, not Hal Turner tho supposedly on 6160 & 7490 not rechecked. John Carver`s reception was degraded:
``Tonight's show started on time on 6160 and 7490 with no signal on 4790 and an impossible to copy signal on 7490. Allan and Angela in the studio opening with New Years Greetings to all of us. Allan and Angela were out in last week`s time slot dining and dancing to welcome in the New Year. Allan wants to start with Angela's Angle and I lose the signal at 0107. Will continue to monitor the noise and see if it comes back. Signal pops up at 0115 and Allan is announcing the death of Dave Frantz of WWRB. Very rough copy. Allan states at 0121 that the Brother Stair organization wants to cut back a bit and asked to stop the 4790 broadcast which Allan said they did as of January 1. Then he announces what will be taking it's place and I can't copy it. I apologize for this poor report but I can only report on what I can copy. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6114, RTTY, re TDOA map linked in previous report, it apparently expired. If you can get into the UDXF iog, the link worx from https://groups.io/g/UDXF/message/102652 That`s to the west side of Italy; also two maps by mco leading to Azores area in a subsequent post (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0452 UT January 8