domenica 7 novembre 2021

Wolfgang Bueschel log

7505.002 kHz exact - Yes WRNO also heard 07.36 UT when monitored in NY, FL, and Edmonton Alberta-CAN remoted SDR's this Nov 7 morning. Measured exact on Perseus against CHU Canada standard stn on 7850 kHz.

5024.996 CUB R Rebelde Bauta played LatinAM mx on Nov 7, heard at K2ZN SDR remotedly, S=9+5dB at 0715 UT.

6060even CUB RHC now DST over, noted Esperanto special program when tuned-into channel at 07.20 UT on Nov 7th. Clear audio ! 6060 kHz Chinese BBEF Made in China unit' BUZZ repaired now, no buzz - no disturbtion - but low level modulated though.Tiny string seen either sideband +/- 120 Hertz apart distance. But couldn't hear the buzz to the pensioner's ears Esperanto special Sundays only transmission at this 07.00 UT hour. S=9+15dB at VE6JY port-8023 Perseus at Edmonton-Alberta in CAN. End of Esperanto px feed at 07.28:35 UT. Bauta trans- mission carrier TX off at 07.30:33 UT.

6159.950 USA WBCQ older ancient TX unit, one of the countless TOM BS late roarer transmissions in 60 and 49 mbs. 07.33 UT Nov 7.

7254.939 NIG Voice of Nigeria from fixed azimuth antenna installation fair S=6 in N9JY installation in FL state, at 07.40 UT.

5995even MLI RTVM from Bamako Mali French S=5-6 in FL state, 07.43 UT

6069.994 CAN CFRX Toronto in English, at S=6-7 level at 07.45 UT, domestic program little unstable tx though, shipft up and down 2 - 3 Hertz continously.

6184.970 MEX XEPPM R Educación from D.F. site, poor S=5 on nearby FL state, but much stronger on greater distance in Rochester NY state remote Perseus unit. At 07.48 UT played symphonic classic orchestra.

6169 - 6177 kHz OTHR burst at 07.31 UT.

6030 and 5980 Cuban scratch jammer against USAGM R Marti Greenville NC, Spanish program against Cuba state, on low poor power of S=3 or -118dBm at 07.53 UT.

5939.120 BRA Poor and tiny signal string, likely against R Voz Missionaria at 07.55 UT on Nov 7.

4980even USA WRMI what else TOM BS roarer sermon this UT morning at 08.00 UT, S=9+5 in NY state remotedly.

4885.027 BRA Likely string of R Clube do Para BrasPort on SW, local BRA mx at 08.02 UT. To mark also a tiny string on

4885.002 also Brazilian ? RadioDif Acreana ? at 08.04 UT.

Three CODAR 'wiper sounds' to mention, 4735-4765, 4801-4837, and 4884-4914 kHz ranges at 08.06 UT.

4839.995 USA WWCR Nashville TN, sermon prayer about "Brainwash Telephone Calls" talk, S=9+15dB at 08.08 UT.

4789.985 USA WBCQ from ME state in the northeast state (ex former 5130 kHz requested) S=3-4 poor and tiny at -108dBm level at 08.11 UT on Nov 7th.

(wb df5sx, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 7)