lunedì 1 novembre 2021

EDXC Zoom Meeting Saturday 13th November, 1500 UTC

The next EDXC Zoom Meeting is on Saturday 13th November, from 1500 to 1700 UTC. The link to the meeting is: Meeting ID: 892 1241 7805

We will have two well-known DXers giving talks at the meeting:

Sheldon Harvey will talk about the CIDX (Canadian International DX Club) (the website is currently not working but is being fixed as soon as possible).

Mika Mäkeläinen will be talking to us from the DX cabin at Aihkiniemi in Finnish Lapland. Mika asks that people planning to attend the Zoom meeting should watch the following ten-minute video in advance. It shows the basics of the Aihkiniemi facilities and is a nice introduction to what the place is about.

Hoping to see many of you at the Zoom meeting,
