venerdì 9 luglio 2021

South Sudan: 10 years of independence

Ten years ago on 9 July 2011, South Sudan gained independence from Sudan. But on 9 July 2021, there were no big celebrations as high hopes had not been met. Instead South Sudan went from an independence war to a big number of internal quarrels.
There are two international stations focussing on events in South Sudan
Radio Tamazuj (
schedule in African languages including news in English Tu/Fr 1544-1556 h und We/Sa 0414-0426 h.
0329-0427 h UTC: 7315 kHz (SMG 250 kW, 151°) 11650 kHz (MDC 250 kW, 335°)
1459-1557 h UTC: 15150 kHz (MDC 250 kW, 335°) 15400 kHz (ISS 250 kW, 138°)
The programme currently uses transmitters in France (Issoudun), on Madagascar (Talata Volonondry) and on the extraterritorial station of Vatican Radio (Santa Maria di Galeria).
On 9 July 2021 the English segment was generally pessimistic. All items and some more can be found at the website mentioned above.

South Sudan in Focus (
schedule in English
1630-1700 h UTC: 11910 kHz (SAO 100 kW, 138°) 13590 kHz (DHA 250 kW, 255°) 15660 kHz (LAM 100 kW, 132°) Mo-Fr The programme currently uses transmitters in Germany (Lampertheim), on Sao Tomé (Pinheira) und in the United Arab Emirates (al-Dhabayya). Usually reception on these three frequencies varies, but on 9 July 2021 reception was OK on all three frequencies.

Another station well audible and dedicating much time to South Sudan’s independence day was Vatican Radio (
1615-1630 h UTC: 11620 kHz (CVA)
Vatican Radio reported on a joint message of Pope Francis and Christian leaders calling on South Sudanese leaders to work towards peace and another message of South Sudanese Christian Leaders along the same lines. (The three other items: assassination of Haitian president, tensions Belarus/Lithuania, recovery of Pope Francis) Only the first item is also found on the website mentioned above.

(Dr Hansjoerg Biener 9 July 2021 via WOR io group)