"Nine Sessions" on April 4, 2021
DJane Miss Nine presents her favorites in House music all over Europe!
For 35 years, "Funky Sounds 4 Central Europe" can be heard in the Charlie Prince Show. On Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, listeners will benefit from a new test: An actual DJ set on shortwave! Radio Joystick (JOY) will broadcast the one-hour DJ set "Nine Sessions" on April 4, 2021.
The rousing house sounds will make you dance on Easter Sunday after the Charlie Prince show at 1 p.m. German time on 7330 kHz (KW, 41-m band); at the mixing console will be DJane Miss Nine aka Kristin Schrot. She introduces her favorites in house musicto shortwave fans all over Europe!
Celebrities celebrate their arrival at JOY:
DJane Miss Nine aka Kristin Schrot, busy worldwide and globally booked with a sure sense for house and ambient music, will contribute her DJ set.
Her one-hour Nine sessions are already being played on numerous webradios. The Amsterdam-based DJane even runs her own record label.
Kristin Schrot also can be found on the catwalk: she is the face of a Levi's collection and a Pioneer DJ product line!
Born in Oberweißbach, Thuringia, she began her career as a celebrated model at the age of 16. With the beginning of this millennium she discovered her talent as a DJane - and for the first time in this millennium her current DJ set "Nine Sessions" is available on shortwave all over Europe - on Radio Joystick, in short: JOY!
Charlie Prince Show: Every first Sunday of the month at 12 noon German time on 7330 kHz.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain