CHINA(non) Canceled transmissions of CRI via Bamako
0800-0857 on 7295 BKO 100 kW / non-dir to WeAf Hausa
2230-2257 on 11975 BKO 100 kW / 020 deg to NoAf Chinese
2230-2257 on 15505 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf Chinese
2300-2357 on 7295 BKO 100 kW / non-dir to WeAf Chinese
First transmission of China Radio International in French via Bamako is
1310-1357 on 13685 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to WeAf French, ex 1300-1357UTC
1310-1357 on 17880 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to WeAf French, ex 1300-1357UTC
All other transmission of CRI via Bamako remain unchange
1400-1557 on 13685 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf English
1400-1557 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English
1600-1657 on 15125 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CEAf Arabic
1600-1657 on 17880 BKO 100 kW / 020 deg to NEAf Arabic
1700-1757 on 13645 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf Swahili
1700-1757 on 15125 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf Swahili
1800-1827 on 11640 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to WCAf Hausa
1800-1827 on 13645 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to WeAf Hausa
1830-1927 on 11640 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf Arabic
1830-1927 on 13685 BKO 100 kW / 020 deg to NEAf Arabic
1930-1957 on 11640 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf Portuguese
1930-1957 on 13630 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf Portuguese
2000-2127 on 11640 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf English
2000-2127 on 13630 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf English
2130-2227 on 11975 BKO 100 kW / 020 deg to NoAf French
2130-2227 on 13630 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf French
73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
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QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.
QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire