sabato 3 ottobre 2020

Wolfgang Bueschel log

Log October 2nd, 11-12 UT, 21.58-22.20 UT.

5024.998 CUB  R Rebelde NOT ON AIR, still only empty carrier at 11.15 UT.

6000even CUB  RHC Quivican fq recently aligned some 8 Hertz up to even
frequency. But still distorted overmodulated audio fed, S=9+25dB power in
Massachusetts SDR rx. 10 kHz wideband audio block visible on screen.

6100even CUB  RHC Bauta, ID given at 11.29:50 UT, S=9+10dB, 10 kHz wideband
audio, excellent quality now again vie Bauta transmission center, the BBEF
Beijing 'Made in China' transmitter refurbished very well.

7350.002 CUB  RHC Bejucal Spanish outlet at the Antilles target at 11.33 UT,
S=8 or -90dBm into backlobe point, heard remotedly in NY, MA US states.

9535.002 CUB  RHC Spanish on that channel towards central Latinamerica,
aimed at MEX, GTM, CTR and Pananmea channel zone azimuth target. S=5-6 at
11.35 UT on Oct 2nd.

11760even CUB  RHC Bauta non-directional all Caribbean target broadcast,
S=9 at 11.39 UT.

Grayline at that hour Detroit - Georgia - Cozumel MEX at 11.40 UT.

13740even RHC Bauta in Spanish, S=7 at 11.43 UT in Massachusetts SDR rx.
ARG antenna azimuth.

Similar signal strength in NY, MA, at 11.57 UT also on
13750even ROU  RRI Tiganesti, in English,
13760.009 TUR  TRT Emirler, in German,
13635.006 TUR  TRT Emirler, in Turkish,
15130even ROU  RRI Tiganesti, in English.

CUB, nothing did propagate / not on air on 15140 kHz Bauta,
nor on 15230 kHz QUI, towards Brazil South America at 11.53 UT.

7489.993 USA  WBCQ noted S=9+10dB signal in NY and MA at 21.59 UT,
        station ID given exact at 22.00 UT.
9330even USA  WBCQ the 500 / 250 kW Ampegon unit, S=9 at 22.03 UT.
        But in Portuguese of WLC broadcast.
5130.011 USA  WBCQ tiny, likely only exciter warm up, S=4 at 22.06 UT.
Nothing noted of WBCQ 3265 nor 6160 kHz.

6184.972 MEX  XEPPM R Educación Mexico D.F. S=5-6 poor at 22.10 UT.
6179.997 BRA  R Nacional da Amazonia, some few Hertz on lower sideband,
        S=9 -78dBm, Portuguese talk program, at 22.13 UT on Oct 2nd.
6135.090 BRA  R Aparecida, poor Portuguese signal S=5-6, at 22.15 UT.
6115.001 USA  WWCR Nashville TN, rent by TOM BS roarer sermon,
        S=9+35dB at 22.17 UT.
        SELDOM SEEN 30 kHz wideband signal from 6098 kHz upwards !
5945even ROU  RRI Galbeni, English sce, S=8-9, Romanian local pop mx
        program played, at 22.22 UT on Oct 2nd.
5939.467 BRA  much lower band Brazilian Voz Missionaria, S=5 at 22.27 UT

73 wb df5sx