lunedì 13 luglio 2020

Glenn Hauser logs July 12-13, 2020

** CHINA. CNR1 jammer quick check before 1400* July 13, from 1358: 13020, 12880, 12820, 12800, all poor. At 1423, only on 11460, 11100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 12200, July 13 at 0544, RHC English is S9+10 and the SSOB (if you attach this to 25m), but suptorted during a song. 2 x 6100, but nothing on 12290 which would be 2 x 6145. Unusually, however, 2 x 6000 is also audible on 12000, S9 and undermodulated but not distorted. At 0557 I check the fundamentals: 6100 S9+30 suptorted; 6000 S9+20/30 undermod. Something`s always wrong at RHC. In case you think I say that too much, axually I should say it four times about this item: bad mod on both of them, harmonix out of both of them (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** JAPAN [non]. 13840, July 13 at 0541, JBA YL in French. I`m checking in case NZ be on here in addition to its VG 9700 this hour. No, this is NHK via MADAGASCAR at 0530-0600. BTW, Radio Japan languages continue to default to English filler. Alan Roe reports:

``JAPAN [non]. The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect output from NHK World R Japan. English news audio originating from NHK Newsline [television! -- gh] heard during the opening 9 minutes in the French service of NHK R Japan on 11730 kHz via Issoudun at 0530 UT on Saturday 11 July. This was followed by audio from the English TV programme J-MELO with a voice-over in French. NHK Newsline audio continues also in the English service (as heard on 5975 at 0500, also Saturday 11 July). Alan Roe, Teddington, UK``, WOR iog (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. In Enid we are blessed with three signals carrying ``The House FM``, Jeezus rock aimed at younger demographic, which I avoid like the plague, but in a very idle moment compare them, July 12 around 2132-2145 UT. First how they appear in the WTFDA Database:

KJTH 89.7 PONCA CITY OK 100.0 kW H&V 307.0 m HAAT 36-35-42 97-34-38 29B9 KJTH - Religious Music CHRISTIAN CHR/ROCK THE HOUSE HD is Off

KGVV 90.5 GOLTRY OK 14.0 kW H&V 40.0 m HAAT 36-27-45 98-02-28 220F My Praise FM - Music with a message Adult Hits CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN THE HOUSE OF PRAISE

K253BC relays KLVV 88.7 98.5 ENID OK 0.25 kW H&V 78.5 m HAAT H 0.0 m HAAT V [huh?] 36-23-54 97-50-14 CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MY PRAISE FM

At this time, 90.5 is running 20 seconds behind 98.5; 89.7 sounds similar but I can`t make a match plus or minus at all. Also on my headphones it is obvious that 90.5 in $tereo is modulating on right channel only!

88.7 and 89.7 in Ponca are the originating sibling stations. To confuse the situation further, July 13 at 1639 check, the three *are* in // but not synchronized during a joint ``The House, and Praise`` fundraiser: translator 98.5 is first, 89.7 follows 13 seconds later, and 90.5, another 5 seconds later! I suppose internet connexions are being used for some or all of this. And 90.5 is still right channel only (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. July 13 at 1455 UT, level-5 tropo blob centred around OKC per Hepburn predixion, lesser rings out to the fringe here. Bandscan with broken antenna gets many Bad signals on the few open channels, including 6, presumably KBSD Ensign = Dodge City KS. And some of the OKC channels are not decoding, RF 27 & 29, obviously due to DX QRM, and even our local Enid K17JN-D translator invisible.

RF 20, 19-1 KQCW `News on 6` Tulsa market`s CW is the only clear decoder, as it often is, but no subchannels on it.

RF 23, KSBI OKC is normally marginal or not decoding with its inferior tower/power situation, but now it`s boosted so I explore its lineup: 52-1 KSBI; 52-2 Bounce: 52-3 Laff; 52-4 Grit; 52-5 Mystery. These match listings, but does not show any beyond 52-1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2042 monitoring: missed check of the newish 0030 UT Monday July 13 on WRMI 7730; did anyone hear it?

Confirmed UT Monday July 13 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, good via UTwente; also WRN webcast a few seconds apart.

Also confirmed UT Mon July 13 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, good at Utwente.

NOT confirmed UT Mon July 13 after 0300 on WBCQ 5130, nor 6160v, both of which are not audible at Rochester or Alexandria SDRs, and presumed off air. But on Area 51 webcast start at 0302. Recheck the remote at 0400, 5130 is now on but signing off; unknown at what point during the hour 5130 came on, during or after WOR?

Also confirmed UT Mon 0330 on WRMI 9955, VG at Bonaire SDR and no jamming heard, while at Rochester there is only jamming.

Also confirmed Monday July 13 from 1800:23 as received via UTwente SDR, on 7290, IRRS via Bulgaria, off to a good start and still going well at 1825, over at 1829.4 into music, IRRS ID and Milano contact info, 1830.5 longer FSN.

Carrier was already on at 1755 tune-in, vs 7291 warble and 7280/7300 splash; just before 1759 cut on music --- never the same prélude from one week to next; just before 1800 quick sign-on and Feature Story News from Washington, headlines only, and then WOR. Next:

0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from Ron Howard, Monterey CA, for a generous check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702; in memoriam Brian Alexander, Pennsylvania DXer who died in December 2012

One may also contribute via PayPal to woradio at PayPal not necessarily in US funds as they will convert. (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9385, July 13 at 0549, WEWN English is still AWOL. Found nothing about this on website; still shows A-20 frequency schedule, but the program schedule will not open. Lots of activity on their disgraced FB linked from WOR Hitlist, but all about program promotion, and listener response, obviously not any by SWLs. Who needs SW?

I`ve now asked Glen Tapley, frequency manager: ``Glen, WEWN English frequencies 15610 and 9385 have been off since July 3, at least never heard here in numerous checks. What`s the problem? Have you decided to stop broadcasting in English? Both transmitters out of order? Spanish continues on 12050 and 5970. Regards, Glenn Hauser`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 11835, July 13 at 0546, RV talks in Bislama, S5-S7, after several nights of JBA signals; 3 x 3945, but pales in comparison to RHC 2 x 6100 on 12200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1840 UT July 13