I wrote a software that connects to a dx cluster and repeat spot to clients while adding spots based on list files.
It is intended to use with SDR Console for SWL/BCL so they are able to see broadcasting stations (for example) based on scheduling day and time.
You can check it at https://iu2meh.blogspot.com/2020/06/shiva-dx-cluster-for-swl-bcl.html and the related github page.
Shiva DX Cluster connects to a ham radio dx cluster and repeat the dx spot to shiva clients while adding spots based on list files.
It doesn't send to ham radio dx cluster any spot nor it can receive any spot.
Ham radio dx cluster spots are repeated to shiva clients immediately, broadcasting stations and other lists are sent to shiva clients every 10 minutes (default,configurable).
Shiva DX Cluster connects to a ham radio dx cluster and repeat the dx spot to shiva clients while adding spots based on list files.
It doesn't send to ham radio dx cluster any spot nor it can receive any spot.
Ham radio dx cluster spots are repeated to shiva clients immediately, broadcasting stations and other lists are sent to shiva clients every 10 minutes (default,configurable).
IU2MEH - Walter Panella