venerdì 10 aprile 2020

FRS-Holland on air Easter Sunday April 12th 2020

Following a test broadcast in March, FRS-Holland will be on air next Sunday April 12th. We are in the middle of an ureal reality and we feel this is a great opportunity to reach out to many of you, especially now!  FRS has put together an attractive schedule with great music and various interesting topics. Common items are e-mails/letters from March, the Phrase that Pays, Archive Sound bytes from Easter 1983 and an item called 'Comfort & Hope'.
Because of band conditions, FRS commences transmissions two hours later than usual at 09:52 UTC/ 11:52 CEST; full programming will be repeated in the afternoon at approx.15:00 UTC/17:00 CEST. Please realize that conditions in the later afternoon/ evening are (much) better than day time conditions! Frequencies will be good old 7700//5810 (5800) kHz but remember that these can vary if a channel isn't clear (7705, 7715, 7685, 5810, 5790). We are looking forward meeting many of you next Sunday!

Streaming []
Choosing for ‘the best of both worlds’ FRSH goes for broadcasting on short wave in good old AM and digital high quality web streaming.Listeners can make their choice out of two streams (see below schedule):
Easter Monday April 13th
13:00-18:00 UTC/ 15:00- 20:00 CEST
Thursday April 16th
16:00-21:00 UTC/ 18:00- 23:00 CEST
SaturdayApril 18th
06:00- 11:00 UTC/ 08:00- 13:00 CEST