giovedì 5 marzo 2020

Unique Radio new schedule

Unique Radio is on air Mondays ,  Fridays ,  Saturdays and Sundays. If propagation is poor on 5045KHz during the night then 3210KHz will be in use.

Not receiving on 5045KHz USB ?
Then check  for 3210KHz USB .

On air hours may vary , especially late nights which may be extended using 3210KHz USB from time to time.

Saturday broadcasts between 5PM &  9:30PM AEDT ( 06:00 & 22:30 UTC) on 5045KHz USB
22:30 hrs AEDT - 00:00 hrs AEDT (11:30 - 13:00 hrs UTC ) on 3210KHz USB
17:00 hrs AEDT  - 19:00 HRS AEDT (06:00 - 08:00 hrs UTC )   Sounds of your life- Presented by Aussie Tim

19:00 hrs AEDT - 20:00 hrs UTC ( 08:00 hrs UTC - 09:00 HRS UTC)
 HRI - The Voice of Tasmania with Bob Wise

19:30 hrs EADT Sounds of your life - Music from the vault
(08:30 hrs UTC - 09:00 hrs UTC)

20:00 hrs AEDT - 20:30 hrs AEDT  (09:00 - 09:30 hrs UTC)
World of Radio presented by Glenn Hauser

20:30 hrs AEDT - 21:30 HRS AEDT (09:30 hrs UTC - 10:30 hrs UTC)
NEW   ' Back to Back '
featuring The Greatest hits on record
​Presented by Dave Gregory

21:30 hrs AEDT - 22:30 hrs AEDT (10:30hrs UTC - 11:30hrs  UTC)   The best of 'Sounds of your life' Presented by Aussie Tim

​Change to  3210KHz USB @ 22:30 AEDT (11:30 HRS UTC)

22:30 hrs AEDT - 01:00 hrs AEDT (11:30 - 14:00 hrs UTC )
 Music hits - Rock and POP various hits from 'Unique Radio's'  music vault


17:00 HRS AEDT  Tunes from the Unique Radio Music Vault ( 06:00hrs UTC)

18:00 HRS AEDT Sounds of your life with Aussie Tim (07:00 HRS  UTC)

19:00 HRS AEDT  Music  (08:00 HRS UTC)

20:00 HRS AEDT World of Radio Presented by Glenn Hauser ( 09:00 HRS UTC)

20:30 HRS AEDT Music ( 09:30 HRS UTC)

21:00 HRS AEDT HRI -The Voice of Tasmania - Presented by Bob Wise (10:00 HRS UTC)

​21:30 HRS AEDT  Music  (10:30 HRS UTC)

22:00 HRS AEDT  Back to Back  presented by Dave Gregory ( 11:00 HRS UTC)

Change to  3210KHz USB @ 23:00 AEDT (12:00 HRS UTC)

23:00 HRS AEDT  Music till midnight ( 12:00  HRS UTC)

00:00 HRS AEDT Close (13:00 HRS UTC)



 Programmers &  Producers

Have you ever wanted to air your program over shortwave in NSW , QLD, SA,Victoria, the ACT and Tasmania ?


Rates are super attractive and we have a lot of time available.

$15 AUD per hour on Australia's premiere shortwave broadcaster.

​For further details please contact:

Contact Tim today  on the above email link.