sabato 7 marzo 2020

Romanian transmitter defective, observations

ROMANIA   Logged today March 07 at 00.30-00.56 UT.

6040even ROU  RRI Bucharest in Spanish language, powerful signal of S=9+30dB
in remote SDR's of Perseus and KiwiSDR net, at Cape Canaveral Florida,
Bonaire, Brazil; in SoAM, wonderful power signal, excellent audio from
bcast center Galbeni-1 tx service.

7325even ROU  RRI Bucharest in Spanish language, powerful signal of S=9+30dB
in remote SDR's of Perseus and KiwiSDR net, at Cape Canaveral Florida,
Bonaire, Brazil; SoAM, wonderful power signal, excellent audio from
bcast center Galbeni-2 tx service at 00.37 UT.

9600 kHz channel is empty, nil RadioCom Tiganesti-tx#2 service tonight.

11800 ROU  RRI Bucharest in Spanish language, heard on air via
bcast center Tiganesti-tx#3 reserve 300 kW service unit at 00.43 UT.
At present the signal in total South America is much limited,
not to say useless in 25 meterband path at this month of the year.

Useless in Trinidad and Canary Isls target.
S=4-5 in Cape Canaveral Florida state.

S=5-6 in Brazil, but co-channel equal level mixture with
CNR2 Business Radio from Beijing #491 bcast center,
from the east across the equator.

S=8 signal in Pardinho SP Brazil,
but  n o t  from RRI Tiganesti-ROU,
S=8 of CNR2 Beijing transmission ahead instead.

S=4-5 but of CNR2 Beijing signal in Chile and Colombia.

S=4 poor and tiny RRI ROU heard in (TWR Kiwi) at Bonaire Antilles.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 7)