5129.997 USA WBCQ Monticello ME eastern coast state of USA, 2301 UT on
March 8. Pop mx played S=8-9 in remote Alberta-CAN SDR rx installation.
5085even USA WTWW Lebanon TN, English "Amateur Radio License reached
in age of 14 years ..." talk, S=8-9, 23.05 UT on March 8.
5800even USA S=9+5dB one of the stronger signals out of Okeechobee FL
into Alberta. At 23.07 UT WRMI English, public annmt, batch
online annmt, on Middle East ... ?
5850even USA WRMI Okeechobee, TOM BS roarer, but many voices talk on
air mixed, S=9+15dB at 23.11 UT. \\
5950even same program, terrible to listen though, some male voices,
and female complaint. Lower S=6 strength in Alberta CAN.
5890even SNG BBC Kranji Singapore across the Arctic zone,
S=4 poor -104dBm signal at 23.13 UT.
5915even ZMB Surprise, surprise Zambia NBC, never heard so strong,
a couple sounded like in African Vernacular mix,
S=6 at 23.15 UT.
5960.003 TUR Voice of Turkey Emirler in English, S=7 or -81dBm
poor to fair signal, at 23.17 UT, female announcer talk.
5990even CUB CRI English program via RadioCuba Quivican San Felipe
TITAN bcast relay site, S=9+5dB noted in Edmonton Alberta
remote SDRrx. Low modulated -
but much stronger next channel
5995even MLI RTVM Bamako French service, powerful modulation level,
S=9+10dB strong signal, excellent modulation across the
Atlantic Ocean path. Maybe repaired recently by China's
engineer service on that MLI African relay of CRI.
6000 kHz RHC not on air in 23 - 00 UT time slot.
6060even CUB RHC Bauta Spanish sce heard on S=9+20dB level, 23.22 UT
nice modulation and audio quality this night on DST.
Cuban amore canciones at 23.23 UT. 10 kHz wideband audio
seen on screen. Stn annmt at 23.24 UT, and also checked at
00.04 UT on March 9, S=9+25dB in Massachusetts remote SDR.
6069.982 CAN CFRX Toronto domestic sce, S=7 in Edmonton Alberta.
Female voices talk at 23.26 UT.
6100even CHN CRI Beijing, 500kW powerhouse, Portuguese program, but
played only Chinese mx over and over. S=9+5dB across Siberia
via Arctic zone at 23.27 UT. Flute mx heard.
6115even USA WWCR En sermon rather TOM BS program relay, S=8 at
23.29 UT, 9 kHz wide audio block visible on Perseus software
6150.004 THA VoA Burmese sce via AGM Udorn Thani relay station,
S=7 at 23.31 UT on March 8.
6180.014 BRA RN da Amazonia, Brasilia, BrasPort px, at 23.37 UT
tremendous S=9+35dB powerhouse, real 30 ! kHz wideband
signal noted tonight. \\ also on
11780.007 BRA RN da Amazonia, Brasilia, BrasPort px, at 00.03 UT
on March 9th, only tiny S=5-6.
6185.700 MEX ?? empty signal string visible, S=5-6 poor 23.36 UT.
7490.097 USA WBCQ Monticello ME eastern coast state of USA, 23.39 UT
English talk program, '...on China's stable power, ... and
China - US relationship...'. S=9+20dB powerful signal in
Edmonton Alberta.
7494even Most probably TJK Voice of Tibet in Tibetan veiled shortwave
sce via Dushanbe Yangi-Yul site. 23.40 UT, but 2nd check at
23.43 - 23.44 UT the Dushanbe tx hopped away to 7499even kHz.
S=8 signal though in Alberta-CAN remoted SDR unit.
7540even CHN CNR jamming program at S=9+10dB level against US program
co-channel RFA Tibetan program via USAGM RFA Kuwait al-Dschahra
suburb at 23.46 UT.
7560even THA 1000 Hertz test tone procedure by technicians heard
already at 23.51 UT. Probably test procedure from USAGM relay
site at Udorn Thani, Thailand, scheduled VoA Mandarin from
00.00 UT start later. S-8-9 strength. Next door
7570even USA TOM BS overmodulated from WRMI relay at Okeechobee Florida
S=9+50dB twist the needle level, at 23.55 UT, BS heard and
some barking dog in background, noted over and over again.
9330even USA WBCQ Monticello ME eastern coast state of USA, 23.52 UT
S=8 signal in Alberta CAN. Smooth Bras-Portuguese presenter,
9395even USA WRMO Okeechobee, Hard Rock memories played, around 23.56
UT S=9+25dB powerful noted in Edmonton Alberta remote SDR rx.
9455even USA WRMI Okeechobee site, TOM BS at 23.53 UT, then organ +
singer at 23.54 UT. Powerhouse S=9+30dB, 10 kHz wideband audio
block visible.
9504.994 USA WHRI En sermon, S=6 at 23.58 UT.
9535.005 CUB RHC Bejucal site towards Central America, Caribbean target
Spanish sce fair S=6-7 at 23.59 UT.
9640.004 CUB RHC Spanish sce from RadioCuba Bejucal former USSR relay,
Latin Cuban mx program. S=7 \\ checked 11760 kHz S=9+30dB.
11700even CUB RHC French sce on DST time, Spanish Cuban singer group,
surprisingly also intermodulation same programe, often reported
also before many times, on
12000even CUB RHC French intermodulation of 11700 / 11850, some 150 kHz
away distance. Via 250 kW RadioCuba site at Quivican San Felipe
TITAN site. S=8-9 nice signal. Forgot to check lower side
tonight on symmetrical 11550 kHz intermodulation.
RHC lot of "Día de la mujer ..." programs mentioned often during newscast.
Noted also in Sao Paulo Brazil check on remote KiwiSDR rxs there.
All S=9 signals there on 11670, 11700, 11760, 11850 kHz,
and at S=7-8 level on 13740 kHz. At 0015-0022 UT on March 9 followed by
Sports nx as noticias deportivas ...
11780.007 BRA RNA 00.03 UT see above.
5999.996 CUB RHC Spanish started from 00.00 UT, Quivican site S=9+15dB
Little low modulated.
15120even CUB CRI Spanish sce via RadioCuba relay site at Quivican,
noted behind the signal skip zone in Sao Paulo Brazil target,
on remote KiwiNet SDR S=8 at 00.19 UT on March 9.
15425even CHN CNR1 jamming against co-channel AGM VoA Tibetan sce via
Tinang the Philippines realy site, at 00.24 UT, S=9+25dB
noted in Edmonton Alberta remote rx unit.
15730even CUB Now at DST time RHC Creole / French sce to South America
at 135 degr azimuth from 50 kW ex USSR relay site. S=7 signal
at backlobe into Edmonton Canada SDR rx unit. Final 00.30 UT
Nothing noted of RHC on Sundays night on 11950 kHz at 00.00 UT.
Nothing noted around 5910 kHz from domestic Colombian transmission.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 8 / 9 )
BRAZIL. 9630v & 11856v, Sat March 7 at 2220, no signals at all from
R. Aparecida just when we wanted to hear their DX program. Propagation
OK with 11780 S9+10 RNA in SBG; some weak distorted talk on 11815,
probably RBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR, March 7)
and some DST time changes from March 8th, see above, wb.
CUBA. 13635 & 13766 approx., Sunday March 8 at 1427, RHC spurblobs
out of 13700-AM transmitter, ending music show presumably 'Sonido
Cubano` now one UT hour earlier, and plugging 22 de marzo as "Dia
mundial del agua -- fuente de vida"; 1430 Música del Cine. 13740 is
off but 15230 and distorted 15140 are still on. At 1508, 13700 is
still on with dead air, making the spurs less obvious; and weekly
Esperanto confirmed on 11760 and distorted 15140 --- now one UT hour
earlier for DST season in step with Yankee Imperialists.
Something's always wrong at RHC.
Despite being an international SW station, RHC allows local DST to
bump most but not all of its transmissions and programming around.
Something's always wrong at RHC.
Based on what happened in the A-19 season, we expect first English to
be at 19-20 instead of 20-21, still on 15140? Next at 23-24 instead of
22-23 on 11880 --- yes, one real hour *later* rather than earlier in
this case. While the 5040 English at 00-01 should earlyize to 23-24,
i.e. same time as the 11880 --- but will that frequency maintain now
and/or into real A-20? Sometimes it's been on 9720. Evening to NAm,
will English start at 00 reliably instead of 01? Will end at 07 rather
than 08 on constantly shifting batch of frequencies? TBD.
15140, March 8 at 1713, RHC still on here at S9+10 but suptorted while
// 11760 modulation is OK during music.
Something's always wrong at RHC.
15140, March 8 at 1830, RHC starting Kriyol, moved an hour earlier
from the winter timing of 1930, so expect English too at 1900. But
this frequency is very suptorted. Something's always wrong at RHC.
Yes, English now confirmed March 8 from 1900 on 15140, but who would
want to put up with its crummy modulation? Something`s always wrong at
RHC. 11880 has reliably provided the best signal and modulation back
here even tho it's supposedly for Africa, now at 23 instead of 22?
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR, March 8)