domenica 2 febbraio 2020

Wolfgang Bueschel log

Morning log of Febr 2:

MALI  9635even  RTVM Bamako scheduled in French at 08-09 UT, this morning
excellent audio signal noted here in central Europe.
S=9+10dB strength at 08.42 UT on Febr 2.
10 kHz wideband audio signal. Heard in Perseus SDR rx unit in Germany.

Male singer performance, typical Sahel Zone song type.
Audio and transmission quality is an example of China P.R. aid and
reputation in the bc transmission world
these days to Third World most in Africa.

MALI  7295even  CRI African shortwave relay Bamako Mali heard in their
08-09 UT morning Hausa transmission to West Africa. Made it across the
Atlantic Ocean to remote SDR Perseus rx unit at Detroit northern USA, noted
at 08.22 UT at S=9 level in peaks.

TURKEY  11710.006  VoTurkey Emirler at 08-0856 UT scheduled in Azerbaijani,
noted S=9+10dB strength in central Europe Perseus SDR unit at 08.30 UT.
Heard Turkish folk mx example, what else ...

NIGERIA  7255v  Voice of Nigeria Abuja not on air this Febr 2 morning.

CUBA   RHC Bauta Sunday only Esperanto special 08.00-08.30 UT not on air
in 49 mb, no trace at all.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 2)