sabato 1 febbraio 2020

Bretagne 5 OFF?

It seems that Bretagne 5 is OFF again. Last night Romania dominatred the 1593 kHz channel and right now it is not even a carrier heard here in Cantabria (Northern Spain). 

According to one of the presenters, the company had some financial tautness. 
Would be the end of French presence on MW?

Jorge Garzón (EB7EFA · EA-0080ure SWL) 
Urb. San Roque 95, casa 5 (Villasevil)
39698 Santiurde de Toranzo (ESPAÑA - SPAIN)
QTH: IN83ag / 43º15' N · 03º56' W
LF-MF-HF: AirSpy HF+, LOWE HF150, ICF-2010 / Ant: ALA1530LN, Mini Whip PA0RDT.
FM: RSP1A, Sony SA3-ES-EE / Ant.: Fanfare FM-2G, 3H Yagi 5el.
TX: YAESU FT-2000 / 