sabato 15 giugno 2019

SAQ Grimeton Transmission on June 30th, 2019

The Alexander association is greeting all visitors welcome to the Alexanderson Day , Sunday June 30th, 2019 between 10 am and 4 pm.
This year we will try to do two transmissions with the SAQ transmitter during the day. Detailed transmission information to follow shortly. Here is the programme for the day, with reservation for changes:

All Day

Fixed schedule

(local times if not specified)
Radios amateurs
(Studio and tent next to Alex lab)
10.30 (08.30 UTC) Alternator is started
11.00 (09.00 UTC) Transmission of a message
Guidance in Swedish & English language
(Transmitter hall)
Skällinge fire brigade
The rescue service from Skällinge shows off their cars
(between the transmitter hall and Alex lab)
11.10 Guided walk to tower no 1
(Gathering at the cooling pond)
Alex lab
Experiments for all ages!
11.40 Lecture
Professor Karls-Gustav Strid is talking about…
Swedish language
(Tent beyond cooling pond)
Station car
(On display outside the transmitter hall)
12.45 Guided display of the radio station
(Gathering at the cooling pond)
Horse and carriage ride
(Start from field by cooling pond)
13.30 (11.30 UTC) Alternator is started
14.00 (12.00 UTC) Transmission of a message
Guidance in Swedish & English language
(Transmitter hall)
Face painting
(Small tent at the cooling pond)
14.15 Guided walk to tower no 1
(Gathering at the cooling pond)
(in the serving tent, Cafè Alexander)
14.40 Lecture
Professor Karls-Gustav Strid is talking about…
Swedish language
(Tent beyond cooling pond)
Flea market with radio gadgets
(Tent beyond cooling pond)

Science Safari
A bus full of experiments. Science and technology, for children, adolescents and adults.

Video display
(Visitors center)

Shelter room
Visit the exhibition Radio:activity in the shelter from the 2nd world war.
(To the shelter: follow signs from the tents)

in the Visitors center and café Alexander
(tent in the area)

Grimeton Radio / SAQ Transmission on June 30th, 2019.
The annual transmission on “Alexanderson Day” with the Alexanderson alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz with the call SAQ will take place Sunday, June 30th, 2019.
Two transmissions are scheduled as follows:
  1. Startup of tuning at 10:30 (08:30 UTC) with a transmission of a message at 11:00 (09:00 UTC).
  2. Startup of tuning at 13:30 (11:30 UTC) with a transmission of a message at 14:00 (12:00 UTC)
    Both transmission events will be broadcasted live on our YouTube Channel.
We are introducing a new online SAQ reception report form to be used by listeners to report reception of any SAQ transmissions. We are kindly asking listeners not to send SAQ reception reports via E-mail.
QSL-reports to SAQ are kindly received via:
Reception report form at
– or via: SM bureau
– or direct by postal mail to:
Alexander Association
Grimeton 72
The Amateur Radio Station with the call “SK6SAQ” will be QRV on the following frequencies:
– 7.035 kHz CW or
– 14.035 kHz CW or
– 3.755 kHz SSB
QSL-reports to SK6SAQ are kindly received via:
– Email to
– or via: SM bureau
– or direct by postal mail (see address above)Two stations will be on the air most of the time.
The station will be open to visitors between 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.
World Heritage Grimeton Radio station and The Alexander Association
For further details, se or