sabato 9 marzo 2019

Is Saipan really back on with RFA?

Hi Bill, Tnx for your reports on this. Since RFA is cagey about sites (other? Asia?), and since I have had no other reports about Saipan being in service again, I still have my doubts. What do you think?
Are those broadcasts continuing post-summit? (Glenn to Bill Harms, March 6, via DXLD)

Hi Glenn, I am listening to RFA in Korean 9985 from an SDR in Seoul with a good signal. (See the screen shot.) There is no signal on their alt frequency of 5885. They were talking about the missile site activity that we have been hearing about in the news. Now they are talking about a British human rights group addressing women's right in North Korea.

The signal is strong enough to be from Saipan, or anywhere else in the West Pacific, East Asia area. Hope this helps (Bill Harms, March 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

Meanwhile, March Australian DX News has several reports alleging that RFA Saipan is back on, all by Rob Wagner, Victoria:

9455 RFA, Agignan Point. The first of the Saipan is now up and running again after major repairs and reconstruction from the recent cyclone. Mandarin to EAs at 2030, a good signal at first but deteriorated by 2055, with the usual Firedrake jamming, 22/2. (Wagner)

9985 RFA, Agingan Point. This txer now back online after repairs, with s/on in Korean at 2100, very good signal at first and no jamming heard. However, by 2145, the signal became pretty scratchy, which is typical of this band at this time of day here. S/off at 2200. 22/2. (Wagner)

17660 RFA, Agignan Point. Mandarin to EAs at 0610. Back up on air after the recent cyclone. Fair signal but heavy CNR jamming dominated until s/off 0700. 23/2. (Wagner)

How do you KNOW these are Saipan rather than substitute site(s)? 

RFA cannot be trusted to verify accurate info about their own clandestine broadcasts. We need someone(s) to perform direxion-finding on these, such as TDOA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)