venerdì 8 marzo 2019

Glenn Hauser logs March 7-8, 2019

** CUBA. 15370, March 7 at 2046, RHC is in English and just barely 
modulated. This Bauta frequency is supposed to be in French starting 
at 2030; 15140 is also in English where it is supposed to be, but 
overmodulated/distorted at S9+10. Anyhow, no spurs audible from 
either. Something`s always wrong at RHC.

15370, March 7 at 2206, RHC by now is in proper Spanish, S9+5 but JBM, 
yet the SSOB if not the OSOB. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn 

** CUBA [and non]. 6060, March 8 at 0523, RHC in Spanish instead of 
supposed-to-be-English after 0500, only S9+10 so not the usual bigsig; 
and suffering a SAH from Qur`an, underneath as the Fribbath is 
underway overthere. That`s Algeria via FRANCE at 04-06, only the first 
hour supposed to be Qur`anic per Aoki, the second Network 1 in French 
& Arabic. Something`s always wrong at RHC.

How about the other RHC English frequencies? *None* of them are any 
good now: 6100 S9+10, 6000 S9 but both undermodulated; 6165 very poor 
S8 with ACI from stronger 6170 VOA Hausa via ASCENSION! Somethings are 
always wrong at RHC.

5040, March 8 at 0622, the final RHC hour here is also in English, 
S9+20/30 but overmodulated/distorted. Something`s always wrong at RHC 

** CUBA. 13728.283V, March 8 at 1426, JBA carrier blob wobbling, and a 
match on 13671.715V, spurs out of 13700-AM RHC, i.e. plus & minus 
28.28+ kHz as also measured previously. 

There could also be second-orders at plus/minus 56.56 kHz, the upper 
clashing with WINB DRM noise 13755-13760, but its lower component 
cannot be detected circa 13643 in the clear. Something`s always wrong 

** CUBA. 15700, March 8 at 1432, China Plus relay in English is S9+30 and suptorted. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15230, March 8 at 1433, RHC is S9+10 of dead air, maybe a trace of modulation, while 15140 is too-loud & clear. By 1538 recheck, 15230 is modulating but distorting and crackling, about like 15140 during `Sonido Cubano`, tsk2, ruining an otherwise worthwhile music show. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. 11815.0, March 8 at 1435, wild jazz from R. Japan in Japanese service; S7-S8 with a heavy het from weaker Turkey off-frequency 11815.7, but almost eliminated by ANF button on R75 (Automatic Notch Filter), better by LSB-only tuning. 1500 ``NHK Warudo`` ID and 3+1 resounding timesignal, // 9750 which had no such QRM. Then 11815 off clearing for Qur`an from VOT; see Turkey (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI. 5995, March 7 at 2214, S6-S7 very poor music, but must be ORTM reactivated again after a few more days AWOL. Richard Langley says it went off at 2230* instead of nominal previous schedule to 2400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 11815.7, March 8 at 1502, VOT Turkish with Qur`an, Fribbath vespers, in the clear after stronger NHK closed 11815.0 (see JAPAN). I wonder if it`s live from the brand-new super-mosque which just opened yesterday in Istanbul: A report I saw said each minaret is dedicated to some war or another 

** U S A. 7490.17v, UT Fri Mar 8 at 0103, WBCQ playing back an old `Allan Weiner Worldwide` during an Available Time Slot and there was another(?) one three hours earlier sometime after 2200 as I tuned by March 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5130.48v, UT Fri March 8 at 0109, this WBCQ is on, S9+10, two guys conversing giving multiple platforms, mentioning Liberty Radio, time for the Intel Report (subsexion?), 0113 pause to fulfill a listener`s birthday music request from Kalkaska; refers to ``lower 49`` maybe implying this originate in Alaska? No, Kalkaska is a small town and county in northern Michigan near Traverse City. Probably the revived militia show, secretly shortwaving: Still *nothing* displayed on the 5130 schedule between 0330 UT Wed and 0100 UT Sat.

3264.9, March 8 at 0115, this WBCQ can be detected as JBA carrier, apparently always on but never usable here; and NO info about program content: Others have indicated it relayed Pirate Joe`s WHVW; or the AM side of WBCQ, WXME; or Timtron`s LP in Skowhegan ME, WXNE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, Thu March 7 at 2208, JBA carrier, the Only Signal On 
Band, must be KVOH running later than scheduled, but total loss as far 
as we are concerned. Another look at skedgrid revised 1 Feb. shows 
closings: 2005* M/W/F, 2200* Tue/Thu, 2100* Sat, and never on Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1751 UT March 8