domenica 3 marzo 2019

A special month for Radio Veronica

The Foundation Friends of the Veronica Shipship aims to return once more the former ship of the sea channel Veronica, the Norderney, to its old berth off the coast of Scheveningen and from there one month of broadcasts.

The year 2019 is the perfect year for that, it is 100 years ago that the first radio broadcast in the Netherlands took place, it is this year 60 years ago that the sea channel Veronica was heard and it is this year 45 years since Veronica had to stop her broadcasts.

The Veronica mission ship can safely be seen as Cultural Heritage. Radio Veronica brought us the first commercial radio, music for scattering and programs of DJs such as Lex Harding (top 40), Rob Out, Jan van Veen, Hans Mondt, Joost de Draaijer, Frans Nienhuijs and Tineke.

Radio Veronica revolutionized, artists from Dutch soil have had a chance via Radio Veronica. An entire generation grew up with Radio Veronica.

The former radio ship is currently still in Amsterdam, the owner has given us permission to use the ship for one month for our objective. The state of the ship is such that it can sail back to the sea with relatively little expense.

For us a wonderful opportunity to conclude this illustrious period.

For this we have received promises from various sides, but the project can only take place if we can tap funds to make the project succeed.