giovedì 20 dicembre 2018

Special Holiday programmes on shortwave

Holiday Broadcasts

I have started compiling a list of special holiday programming on Shortwave. Here is my updated list, and I'll update this list again in a few days if more information becomes available. I hope that you find it useful.

In the meantime, best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year

Alan Roe, Teddington, UK


UBMP Special Holiday Broadcasts:
In addition to its regularly- scheduled programming, UBMP (Uncle Bill's
Melting Pot), a program that presents music from around the world along
with a little comedy now and then, will be presenting the following
hour-long holiday specials for the Americas in December:

1. Uncle Bill's X-Mess Special, featuring Christmas music from around
the planet, unusual holiday customs, a laugh or three and other stuff to
help you escape the 86th version of that song you just heard 85 times...
Tuesday, Dec 25 8-9pm Eastern US time (meaning Wednesday, 0100-0200 UTC)
on WBCQ 5130 kHz for the Americas
2. Uncle Bill's Rockless New Year's Eve Special: We'll take a look at
some of the more unusual NYE / New Year's Day rituals around the world
with appropriate music to go with the countries in question. If you like
to wear weird underwear, set fire to things or gorge on grapes, we may
have just the thing for you...
Monday Dec 31 7-8pm Eastern US Time (meaning Tuesday, 0000-0100 UTC) on
WBCQ 5130 kHz for the Americas
Monday, Dec 31, 1800-1900 UTC on Space Line, 9400 kHz, directed to
Western Europe


BBC World Service:


"Gruß an Bord" from NDR

Details for this year are as follows. Transmission will run from 1900 to
2300, where two frequencies are given they are for 1900-2100 and
2100-2300, respectively.

6125 / 5930, 125 kW, 250°; to western Europe, northern Atlantic and
9740 / 9765, 125 kW, 130°; to Indian Ocean
9790 / 9650, 100 kW, 115°; to southern/southeastern Asia and Australia
9800 / 9590, 250 kW, 156°; to eastern/southern Africa and Indian Ocean
11650 / 9830, 250 kW, 195°; to western Africa, southern Atlantic and
South America
6145, 100 kW, 305°; to the whole of Europe


FRS Holland:
Sunday December 30th FRS-Holland will be on air with its annual Holiday
Season broadcast.
The broadcast will be on 7700//58xx between 08:52- 14:00 UTC/ 09:52-
15:00 CET.
Similar to November 18th, the full broadcast will be repeated in the
More info follows later in December.


Channel 292
Some special programmes scheduled over Christmas on Channel 292 (not
necessarily Christmas music):

SuperClan Radio: 24,25 & 26 Dec - 0800-0900UTC 6070 and 7440kHz
  30,31 Dec & 1 Jan - 0800-0900UTC 6070 and 7440kHz
R Ohne Namen: 24 Dec - 0900-1300UTC 6070 and 7440kHz
R Waves Int: 25 Dec - 1300-1400UTC 6070 and 7440kHz
SM R Dessau: 26 Dec - 0900-1000UTC 6070khz (100kW via Moosbrunn)
  1 Jan - 1100-1200UTC 6070kHz
R PowerRumpel: 26 Dec - 1000-1100UTC 6070khz (100kW via Moosbrunn)
R Decade AM: 26 Dec - 1100-1200UTC 6070khz (100kW via Moosbrunn)
R Klein Paris Int: 26 Dec - 1200-1300UTC 6070khz
SurfRadio: 25 and 26 Dec - 1500-1600UTC 6070kHz


Radio New Zealand
Here is the programme schedule for R New Zealand National for the week
22-28 December - expect some of this to be broadcast via R new Zealand
International (times are UTC+13)


VORW Radio International
Hello shortwave listeners! I never like doing any self-promotion but
nobody would know about this otherwise. Coming up this Tuesday the 25th
of December (Christmas) I will have a special 1 hour program broadcast
to North America on 12160 kHz via WWCR (100 kW) at the time of 2100 UTC,
3 PM Central or 4 PM Eastern. The show will feature some lively talk and
mixed music - some Christmas tunes and some alternative/indie/classic
rock music as well. I just hope for it to be a fun show on Christmas
afternoon for whoever listens. Spread the word to any DX groups that
might be interested. Feedback is most welcome at and
I've even designed a special QSL just for this program.

Hope you can listen in,

John J. (VORW Radio Int.) (via WORiog)


U S A. Holiday Music Specials
--- once again I refer you to
numerous webcasting public radio stations, especially those with a
semi/classical format. Many of them put up special schedules of such
programs. Besides my local which has not done that yet,
altho with a Chanukah music program at 16-17 UT Tue Dec 4, my favorite
is alma mater WUOT, Knoxville TN:

including an annual treat:

``Friday, December 21st 10 p.m. – [UT Sat Dec 22 0300-0500]
Paul Winter’s 31st Annual Winter Solstice Celebration

Celebrate the return of the sun with an encore performance recorded in
the world’s largest Gothic cathedral. Musicians include gospel singer
Theresa Thomason, multi-instrumentalist and singer Arto Tunçboyaciyan
and double reed wizard Paul McCandless. Hear the American Performance
Premiere of the Grammy-winning suite MIHO with The Paul Winter
Consort: Eugene Friesen, Paul Sullivan, Eliot Wadopian, Jamey Haddad,
Tim Brumfield and the thundering Cathedral Pipe Organ``


Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via Yamata, Japan,
which currently is on 6085 kHz., from 1300 to 1400 UT, will shortly be
broadcasting their annual special mini-concert program. The concert will
take place in Tokyo, on December 15. The mini-concert will be broadcast
via Shiokaze and will often be rebroadcast throughout December and
January. It is always timed to coordinate with “North Korean Human
Rights Abuses Awareness Week" and the international symposium held by
the government of Japan. We can expect a disruption of their schedule of
languages, so perhaps Thursdays will not be in English?

"Part 3 : Mini-Concert
  Joint recording of radio programs to North Korea by “Furusato no
Kaze (Wind of Home)” and “Shiokaze (Sea of Breeze)” co-hosted by the
Secretariat of the Headquartes for the Abduction Issue, and
Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to N. Korea.
  Cast : A gathering to sing “Anata wo Wasurenai (We never forget
you)”, Ms. Ayaki Yamaguchi, Ms. Yumiko Usami, Ms. Saya, and students
from Tachikawa Daishiti Junior High School."

(Ron Howard, WOR iog)


GUAM KTWR Guam Christmas special DRM transmissions
Japanese - Towards Japan
15 Dec 2018 1100-1130 UTC 9910 kHz 50 kW
16 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 7500 khz 50 kw
22 Dec 2018 1100-1130 UTC 9910 kHz 50 kW
23 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 7500 kHz 50 kW

English - To South Asia
24 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 9380 kHz 75 kW
25 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 9380 kHz 75 kW

English - To ANZ/South Pacific
24 Dec 2018 1030-1100 UTC 11995 kHz 50 kW
25 Dec 2018 1030-1100 UTC 11995 kHz 50 kW

Note: Stereo mode B 64 QAM to Japan/ANZ/SP
and mono mode A 16 QAM to India.
(Alokesh Gupta-IND, DXsasia via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 12)


Radio OZ-Viola from Hillerød-Denmark
Now we have a Christmas holiday and we will try again, between Christmas
Eve and New Year's Eve, one evening in week 52, more about this will
follow. 5825kHz
(Jan Sørensen in Radio OZ-Viola Facebook Group)


Channel Africa

SOUTH AFRICA   Special broadcasts of Channel Africa, Dec.23
0800-1500 on  7230 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English Sun
1500-1600 on  7260 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg to SoAf English Sun
0800-1200 on 15170 MEY 250 kW / 355 deg to ECAf English Sun
1500-1600 on 17770 MEY 250 kW / 355 deg to ECAf Swahili Sun