domenica 18 novembre 2018

eQSL letter from Radio Nord Revival

eQSL letter received:

SWEDEN, 6035 kHz, Radio Nord Revival, received eQSL letter for a special transmission October 26 with a power of 500 watts. They reply in 20 days and the with the letter attached four nice pictures of the short wave and FM transmittesr and transmitter site. 

"Radio Nord Revival QSL

Dear Manuel Méndez

Many thanks for your reception report. We are happy to confirm that you heard our special event broadcast on October 26, 2018 at 1657 - 1755 SNT.

You heard our SW transmitter operating on 6035 kHz in the 49 metre band with a power of 500 watts. Great to be able to hear us in Spain, nice catch!

All the best from the staff of Radio Nord Revival. We hope to be back again soon.

QSL manager"

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain