martedì 10 luglio 2018

Radio Ecos del Alba, Peru? heard via SDR Kiwi Pardihno, Brazil

PERU?, 4920.79, Radio Ecos del Alba?, 0608-0645, 10-07, non stop Peruvian songs, mentioned in the songs: "Alegra la vida corazón" "Naciste para triunfar",  no comments, no identification. SINPO 25322.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Log via remote SDR Kiwi Pardiho, near Sao Paulo, Brazil. Nothing heard in Reinante, Lugo Spain, no audio, no carrier, but bad propagation conditions now here. 
Pedro F. Arrunátegui in Lima, Peru, has reported that the station says it is located in Santiago de Chuco.  No station name has been announced on the air, he adds. ---  The WRTH 2018 lists OAW2H in Santiago de Chuco on 4910.   ( Henrik Klemetz via dxl yg)