sabato 3 febbraio 2018

Memories Tom Taylor on-line

Dear FRS/ E.M.R.Friends,

It doesn't happen that often that I forward two messages on the same evening.
But no need to will all know the reason...
I have just uploaded my personal Tom Taylor/ E.M.R. memories. Special thanks goes out to Ian Biggar!

Just for your information:
There will be a Tribute on SW late February. Many radio people who know Tom from past and present will participate.
Of course you will be informed about time and frequency.
Apart from that (and before I heard about this great initiative from Herbert Visser) I had already decided there will be
a  tribute from us at FRS as well. Hopefully in February. 
Soon I hope to publish a number of reactions I have been receiving in recent days from both radio people as well as listeners. 
Feel free to share your personal Tom Taylor/ Barry Stephens/ E.M.R. memories. We appreciate any contribution! 

For now...have a good weekend!

73s  from all at FRSH,
Peter Verbruggen