What changed this year at TWR (Trans World Radio)-Bonaire?
On January 30, 2018, Trans World Radio put into operation a new 440 kW transmitter. Before that time, TWR used a 100 kW transmitter. A transmitter turns electrical signals into radio waves.
What are Radio Waves?
Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic waves, the same kind of waves as e.g. visible light, but with a longer wavelength and much lower frequency. Radio waves travel at the speed of light and have been used for communicating across long distances for almost 100 years.
Is this the first time TWR Bonaire broadcasts on 440 Kw?
No, Trans World Radio had been broadcasting at higher power (500kW) for 35 years, from the year 1964. In 1999, TWR decided, for financial reasons, to downscale to a much smaller transmitter. This transmitter did not reach countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and Caribbean Islands very well, therefore TWR recently restored the power back to 440kW.
Are there health risks?
In 1997, KEMA *) measured the field strength of the 500 kW transmitter. KEMA reported, “The electric and the magnetic field strength measured outside the TWR fence is very low, much lower than the limits mentioned in the European and American standards”. Measurements by Trans World Radio on February 6th, 2018 confirm that this is still the case.
*) Kema: KEMA (Keuring van Elektrotechnische Materialen Arnhem) NV, established in 1927 was a global energy consulting company headquartered in Arnhem, Netherlands. It offered management consulting, technology consulting & services to the energy value chain that includes business and technical consultancy, operational support, measurements & inspection, and testing & certification services. On 22 December 2011, DNV GL acquired KEMA's shares, creating a global consulting and Certification Company with 2300 experts located in over 20 countries