ANGOLA, 4949.75, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 1926-2023, 06-01,
Portuguese, comments, news, Id. “Na Radio Nacional”, news about Maputo, songs.
ALGERIA, 1550, Radio Nacional República Arabe Saharaui, Rabuni,
1912-1933, 06-01, Arabic songs and comments. 32432.
AUSTRIA, 7330, Radio
Joystick, Prince-Charlie Show, *1100-1150, 07-01, pop songs, German, comments,
id “Prince-Charlie Show”. 45444.
5952.4, Radio Pio XII, Siglo,
XX, 2203-2228, 06-01, Spanish, female and male, comments, advertisements, flute
music. Very weak. 14321.
6184.82 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, 2211-2228, 06-01, Spanish, male, comments. Very weak.
4875.2, Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 2215-2233,
06-01, Portuguese, comments. 14321.
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém,
0541-0620, 07-01, Brazilian songs. 25322.
6011.7, Radio Inconfidencia,
Belo Horizonte, 0810-0830, 07-01, carrier and Brazilian songs detected.
Extremely weak, barely audible.
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania,
2155-2210, 06-01, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments. // 11815.
9515, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 2032-2040, 06-01, Portuguese,
religious comments. 14321.
9564.9, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba,
0505-0518, 07-01, religious comments, Portuguese, “A Voz da Libertaçao”.
9665, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2008-2020, 06-01, Portuguese,
religous songs and comments. 23322.
9674.9, Radio Cançao Nova, Cachoeira
Paulista, 2030-2048, 06-01, Portuguese, religuous comments and songs, id.
“Comunidade Cançao Nova”. 24322
9725.4, Radio Evangelizar, Curitiba,
0503-0522, 07-01, Portuguese, religious songs. 35433. (Méndez)
Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2032-2048, 06-01, Portuguese, religous comments.
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2115-2138, 06-01,
Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, “Bom dia, boa tarde”, “Radio Nacional da
Amazonia”. 15321.
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2109-2120, 06-01,
Brazilian songs. 25322.
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1750-1839*,
06-01, French, comments, news, id. “Radio Congo”, “Le president de la
Republique...”. 23322.
Also 0614-0633, 07-01, French, comments, mentioned
“Le Congo”. 15321.
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0431-0500*,
07-01, Cuban and other Latin American songs. 25432.
5005, Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata, *0524-0614, 07-01, Spanish and
religious songs, at 0600 Spanish, news and comments. Very weak.
5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa,
1757-1810, 06-01, East African songs. 34433.
6030, Radio Oromiya, Addis
Ababa, 1755-1815, 06-01, East African songs. 34433.
6090, Voice of Amhara
State, Addis Ababa, 1753-1811, 06-01, East African songs. 33433.
Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1759-1807, 06-11, East African songs, Vernacular
comments. 22322.
3975, Short Wave Radio de., 2017-2040, 06-01,
pop songs, English, id. “Short Wave Radio de, on 3975 and 6160 kHz, Short Wave
Radio...”. 25322.
6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, *0757-0840, 07-01,
pop songs in English. Id. “Radio Mi Amigo”. 25322.
6150, Radio Marabu,
Datteln, 0711-0840, 07-01, pop songs, German, comments, id. “Radio Marabu”.
7310, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, *1058-1120, 07-01, pop songs in
English, “Radio Mi Amigo International”. 25432.
9485, Hamburger
LokalRadio, Gohren, 1055-1159, 07-01, German, comments, id. “Hamburger
LokalRadio”, at 1100 English, “This is Hamburger LokalRadio”, comments, at 1130
Glenn Hauser’s program “World of Radio”. 25432.
Radio, Monrovia, 0640-0705, 07-01, religious songs in English, religious
comments. 24322.
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0559-0718, 07-01,
tuning music, id. French, African songs, comments, at 0700 news by male, news
about Mali and Bamako. 24322.
9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1746-1810, 06-01,
African sons, French, comments. 13321.
Also 0850-0920, 07-01, African songs,
at 0900 news, French. 24322.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de
México, 0453-0540, 07-01, classic songs, Spanish, comments. Very weak.
SOMALILAND, 7120, Radio Hargeisa, Hargeisa, 1748-1756, 06-01,
Vernacular comments. 34433.
SUDAN, 7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab,
1910-1925, 06-01, Arabic, comments, East African songs. 24322.
13680, Voice of Hope, Lusaka, *1157-1120, 07-01, tuning music, id. “From Zambia
to the World, this is the Voice of Hope Africa”, “The Voice of Hope World Radio
Network”, “Wavescan DX program”. 34433.
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters
Lugo, Spain
Logs in Friol
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters