** AUSTRALIA. For many years 4835 kHz. was the frequency of ABC
Alice Springs NT, but that was shut down earlier this year and is now extinct.
Craig Allen (owner and operator of the low powered "Ozy Radio," that was
recently successfully testing on 5045 kHz., till off the air since Sept 7), now
has the use of 4835 kHz.. He indicated to me "I was able to acquire this
frequency off the government."
"Status: Not
Craig inquired as to what the current situation for me was
regarding any 4835 reception. My reply:
"Here on the California coast the
only station I occasionally do hear now on 4835 kHz. is All India Radio -
Gangtok (Sikkim). Majority of days I can only hear their weak carrier, but when
there is very good propagation, I can hear some faint audio. Here is a recording
I made earlier this year - http://goo.gl/Jw2yxo . They play nice
subcontinent music. As you can hear, even on a very good day, they have rather
poor reception via their 10 kW transmitter. AIR Gangtok schedule: 0100-0415 UTC
& 1030-1600 UTC.
Can only guess that Ozy Radio would have no real
problem on most days of being heard here in California over AIR Gangtok. It is
rare that reception of AIR Gangtok on 4835 kHz. is reported in the SW listening
press, unless from within India or that general area."
Would indeed be
wonderful to again have an Australian station on 4835. Wish Craig good luck with
his endeavors! (Ron Howard, Oct 25, San Francisco, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING