** MALI. Dear Glenn, I thought this may be of interest to you. Last night (25th
July) I was scanning through the bands at my QTH and I noticed Radio Mali
operating with significantly better modulation at 2214 UT. Instead of the
station being a carrier with very faint modulation, it was instead alive with
much better modulation. I have a video which I will paste into this email,
towards the end it has an ID. I hope you are interested in this and if you wish
to share amongst fellow SWL'ers.
Equipment: Perseus SDR & Wellbrook
Location: Armagh City, Northern Ireland
Time & Date : 25th
July, 2214 UTC
Link : https://youtu.be/3dDDCbjFS1A
Regards, (Jordan Heyburn, Sent from Outlook, 1006 UT July 26, DX LISTENING
5995, Radiodiffusion Télévision du Mali - Bamako. Noted at Mount
Evelyn via the long path at 0655 UT with unusual African instrumental sounds,
then news in French at 0700. Occasional phoned-in news reports. At 0720, Malian
stringed music behind studio announcements, then more commentaries. A Malian
song at 0725. This station appears to have taken some corrective measures at the
transmitter as it seems to be producing much better modulation and audio now.
Perhaps the problem that has plagued this outlet for years may now be fixed? I
couldn't hear them at all last week, so definitely something has changed! Not a
strong signal but quite good considering it was long path propagation. July 26.
73 and good DX everyone, Rob Wagner VK3BVW (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK yg via
Radio Mali has not been off shortwave, just not audible because of
its poor modulation. But yes, modulation does seem to have improved as reported.
Daytime frequency 9635 (same transmitter as 5995) seemed better when checked on
Canary Islands remote receiver this morning. 73s (Alan Pennington, ibid.)