log 08/04/2017 - PBDXP N°2 - 2nd Short DX Expedition in Passo
del Broccon (TN) North Italy
17:58 utc 4980 khz PBS Xinjiang -Chinese music and Talk at 18:00 signal
off 33333
18:01 utc 4930 khz VoA via Bostwana Realy - English news 34333
18:03 utc 4920 khz PBS Xizang - Tibetan music 23232
18:06 utc 4810 khz Voice of Armenia - Persian talk music 34443
18:14 utc 6220 khz Laser Hot Hits - techno music 44444
18:28 utc 6400 khz R.Pyongyanh -Classic music 43343
20:09 utc 1476 khz IRIB R.Kordestan talk farsi 22222
20:20 utc 1530 khz VoA via Sao Tomè Relay - african music 44444
20:32 utc 1350 khz I AM Radio - dx px by Roberto Scaglione 54444
20:36 utc 882 khz BBC R.Wales - English talk 23322
20:42 utc 3320 khz R.Sonder Grense African music Vernauclar talk
20:50 utc 5915 khz Zambia BC - African music 44444
20:55 utc 9650 khz R.Guinea- Afro Music talk 44444
21:35 utc 11.765 khz R.Deus è Amor - Brazialian music portughes talk -
rx: tecsun pl 660
ant telescopic for SW and Rgp3 ferrite for MW
QTH: Passo del Brocon (TN) 1.600 m.s.l.m
73s de Alex