lunedì 19 ottobre 2015

Glenn Hauser logs October 19, 2015

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 9580, Oct 19 around 1240, I tune across R. Australia, and get stuck since the conversation is so interesting, ``Learning from Nelson Mandela`` with John Carlin, third of three guests on today`s `Late Night Live`. Beware. At 1259 promo for `Daily Planet` coming up after the news, but NOT --- RA should have suppressed that, as at 1306 it`s another talk show hard to tune away from, `Conversations with Richard Fidler``. His guest is ``Hellen Nadolu, Romanian-born Hellen lived through a great deal to become an independent Australian``. But on another receiver I do also simul-listen to terrific Kurdish music on 11600 until 1400. Would still like to hear `Daily Planet` music *sometime* on RA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005+, Oct 19 at 0459 tune-in, JBA carrier is here from presumed RNGE Bata, after no such signal on Sat or Sun, Oct 17 or 18. It`s very very slightly on the hi side, on the FRG-7 comparing BFO pitches with 6005 BBC-Ascension presumed to be 6005.000. This carrier is constant, but far too weak to detect any modulation; still there at 0538. Wolfgang Büschel agrees that it was back on air today and his fingerprint of +4 Hz off matches closely my observation:  

``On Monday Oct 19 at 0502 UT tuned-in, RN Guinea Equatorial Bata was already ON AIR on 5005.004 kHz footprint, played a lot of African fast music, in southern Germany, Belgium and France not much strong signal this morning, at selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz approx. signal strength of S=5 or -94dBm. GNE signal strength lowered more and more to fade-out around 0535 UT, best signal noted at transmission start at {varies} 0458-0500 UT. RN Equatorial Guinea Bata widely reported in Austrian A-DX newsgroup in past days, BUT IRREGULARLY time on air`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1210, Oct 19 at 1223 UT, KGYN Guymon strong as usual; seems never to be on night pattern any more, which should be direxional away from us and Philadelphia. Exact canned ID says ``From the Nineties till now, this is Today`s Country, 1210 KGYN``, played twice, before at least a minute of dead air until a commercial (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, Oct 19 at 1157 tune-in to JBA carrier in splash from 5025 Cuba, but enough to detect its cutoff time: 1158:35.5* as typical for SIBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9395, Oct 19 at 0457, WRMI with `TruNews` that ``Huma Abedin will testify today`` !! She already testified on Friday Oct 16, so more Olds from so-called TruNews --- of course, they aren`t really about current news at all, but trying to scare people that the world is going to hell, especially the USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1543 UT October 19