lunedì 3 agosto 2015

WRMI Listener Correspondence Summary - August 2015

News - August 2015

Comments from recent listener correspondence

Colombia (Hermes Alexis Rubiano, via Facebook) - Queridos
amigos de WRMI, desde Neiva, Colombia. Quiero enviar un efusivo saludo. Deseo muchos éxitos a cada uno de quienes hacen posible las transmisiones de tan importante emisora. Hace mucho rato que no les escribo. Sin embargo, soy asiduo oyente de sus programas en español. Deseo recibir el boletín de programación, calendarios asi como recuerdos de la emisora. Hasta pronto amigos. Me pueden NEIVA HUILA COLOMBIA.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Douglas Copeland) - I picked up Wavescan on 9955 kHz and heard WYFR Part 15.  SINPO 43344.  Could you please verify my report with the special QSL card?

Welsum, Netherlands
(E.J. Zijlstra) - I heard a transmission of Wavescan on 11995 kHz via the SLBC relay in Sri Lanka.  

West Bengal, India
(Mr. Avijit Mondal) - I heard Wavescan via KSDA Guam on 15330 kHz.

Forest Hills, NY, USA
(Alfred Spremo) -  enjoyed your broadcast on 9955 kHz with Wavescan.  As usual, this was a very interesting and informative show, especially the WYFR report.  I was a big shortwave listener from the early 1980’s to the early 1990’s and my Yaesu FRG 7700 and later JRC NRD 515 and hear that interval signal, which was remember the station so well.  I can remember how often I would tune the dial of one of the best out there.  The Australian DX Report was also excellent as Wavescan.usual.  Personally, it’s my favorite of the various DX reports that air on

Naugatuck, Connecticut, USA
(Henry Zapatka) - I returned to shortwave listening last year after about 20 years and was really surprised at how much has changed.  I’ve listened to your station quite often and enjoy many of the programs (Wavescan, World of Radio,  Radio Prague, Radio Slovakia, etc.).  Most days reception is fair to good.

Scarsdale, New York, USA
(Frank Colella) - I listened to the Wavescan program yesterday.  The signal was very strong.  

Summit, New Jersey, USA
(Edward Insinger) - I am pleased to report reception of WRMI at 2305 UTC on 11580 kHz.  I heard news from the Famagusta Gazette, with a mention of new cancer drugs tested on 945 patients with positive results.  Reception conditions today were good -- SINPO 45444.

Kanagawa, Japan
(Masaru Sekimoto) - I heard Family Radio in Japanese on 7570 kHz at 0959 UTC.  Now your wave conditions are becoming good.  Thank you for your Japanese program.  I can study the Bible through the program of Family Radio.  I have a good time to listen to your beautiful hymns.  

Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK
(C.R.S. Stacey) - Thank you very much indeed for sending me your station’s QSL card.  They arrived here to my surprise on 18th May.  As a token of my thanks, please find enclosed a postcard from Eastbourne, showing Beachy Head, a 500 feet high promontory some two and a half miles west of my apartment block.  It is one of the premier bird-watching sites in the United Kingdom.

Poitsila, Finland
(Hannu Kiiski) - I heard The Overcomer Ministry on 21 May at 0700 UTC on 11580 kHz.  Signal strength was good.  Could you please send me a list of programs and frequencies.  I don’t have a computer.  I also heard you on 11580 kHz with good signal strength with mentions of Nicosia and EUNN.  

Portland, Oregon, USA
(Soren Hackley) - I am a listener of the station from Portland, Oregon.  I can receive WRMI on my shortwave radio during all times of the day on several frequencies, but the signalstrength is best at night.  On June 6 at 9:45 pm PDT on 7570 kHz I heard The Overcomer Ministry.  Signal strength was very strong.  Overall merit was excellent.

Postmunster, Germany
(Thomas Drescher) - Last night I succeeded in listening to Wavescan via WRMI on 15770 kHz.  So it was great listening to you over here at my new home at Austrian border.Postmunster, a village you surely do not know in Bavaria, not far from the

Bloomington, Indiana, USA
(Carl J. Heuer) - I am reporting reception of your broadcast on 9955 kHz.

Ireland (Godfrey Ryan) - I was receiving your signal this morning, June First, between 0500 and 0700 UTC, on the west coast of Ireland.  I’m not sure of the frequency, but it was somewhere between 10,000 and 12,000 kHz [11580 kHz).  The program was by Brother Stair of Overcomer Ministry.  At 0630 there was a 10-minute talk by another announcer about the wrath to come.  He spoke about the End Times and Russia’s missiles pointing at the US.  It was quite easy to listen to.  

Veurne, Belgium
(Hugo Matten) - I heard a broadcast from WRMI on shortwave at 0100-0200 UTC on 7570 kHz. Interesting to hear again recordings of the voice of Radio Netherlands after they left shortwave 2.5 years ago.  I enjoyed the broadcast.  I was a little village near Veurne in Belgium.  That’s about 10 kilometers from the therefore pleased that reception here was fair.  I’m 62 years old and I live in French frontier and 10 kilometers from the North Sea coast.  I work in a mediumwave and shortwave for 32 years now.  I am very proud of having been able hospital in Veurne as a technician.  I have been listening to remote radios on to listen to this special broadcast on WRMI here in my location.  I saw on the Internet there is also a program “Viva Miami.”  I hope to listen next time!

Wainscott, New York, USA (Tom Lewis) - Enjoying great reception here on Long Island as you carry the music programming of Radio France International at 2115 UTC on 15770 kHz.

Scarsdale, New York, USA
(Frank Colella) - I tuned in to the Radio Africa broadcast over WRMI on 15190 kHz from 2148 to 2202 UTC on 19 June.  The signal strength was very strong, with no interference. I listened on my Sangean ATS909 receiver.

Rockford, Michigan, USA
(William Zahradnik) - I am here in Rockford, Michigan listening on 9955 kHz at 0356 UTC.  I am listening to the e-mail reports right now from listeners, and I thought I would shoot out a report too.  You are +20 over 9 just booming into  Michigan tonight.  You are sounding like you are right next door.

Millsboro, Delaware, USA
(Kevin Turner) - I heard you at 9:45 am on 9395 kHz with an RST 5/9 signal.

Saratov, Russia
(Dmitry Elagin) - I had the pleasure of listening to your radio station on 11580 kHz at 0100-0205 UTC with news about the crisis in Greece and Putin’s war of  Russia against Ukraine on Radio France Internationale with a SINFO rating 45335.

Espelkamp, Germany
(Georg Morawski) - I was very pleased to hear you today on 13775 kHz in English from Issoudun, France.  With best wishes from Germany.

Yuzhno-Sakhalinski, Russia
(Nikolay Kudryaev) - I heard the Overcomer Ministry with a talk from Brother R.G. Stair on 11580 kHz at 0717-0737 UTC with good signal strength.

Dessau-Rosslau, Germany
(Eckhard Roescher) - It seems that reception conditions are fair to good here early in the morning on 9955 kHz.  I listened to the Spanish program of Radio Overcomer Ministry too on 9955 kHz.  I also heard about the 25th anniversary of Slovakia with good results.  Later on I could listen to Radio Prague and The the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters (NASB).  I want to send my congratulations for this great birthday.

Gilching, Germany
(Rudolf Sonntag) - I heard about the special NASB 25th anniversary QSL card which is issued by the NASB member stations.  I take this opportunity to listen to WRMI.  Reception quality in the early morning hours here in southern Germany was good.  The SINPO was 45444 on 9395 kHz at 0340 UTC.

Rosny-sous-Bois, France
(Jacques Agustin) - I heard WRMI on 11580 kHz at 0930 UTC relaying The Overcomer Ministry with preaching by Brother Stair, with a fair signal.

Fort Worth, Texas, USA
(Eddie Matney) - I was able to listen to your Spanish broadcast of Radio Libertad and Forum Revolucionario Democratico Cubano on 9955 kHz.

Pune, Maharashtra, India
(Arjun Sharma) - Wavescan was heard in India on 9955 kHz.  I enjoyed reception of WRMI with fair signal strength.

Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USA
(John P. Cooper) - I really enjoyed listening to your Hausa program.  I really liked the selection of music that was played.  

Tottori, Japan
(Kazuhiro Takao) - I have listened to your radio Family Radio programs on 7570 kHz in Japanese at 1028-1100 UTC.  I enjoyed the holy music.

Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
(Jeff Lee) - I heard your relay of Radio Ukraine International in English at 2330 UTC
on 11580 kHz with a report on joint Ukraine-Saudi aircraft production, followed
by a report on yoga.

Miyagi, Japan
(Yukihiro Yuasa) - I heard Family Radio in Japanese on 7570 kHz at 1002 UTC.  When a hymn is heard, my heart is refreshed.  I am 54 years old.

Ottawa, Canada
(Robert Gauvin) - I write to you as springlike weather is finally amongst us.  Trees are beginning to show buds and tulips are slowly beginning to sprout out of flower beds.  I listen to your Radio Ukraine International broadcast s almost on a nightly basis.  I used to be a listener to Radio Kiev in the 80’s.  I am  grateful your rebroadcasts make Ukraine available on shortwave.

Chicago, Illinois, USA
(John Andres Jr.) - I recently returned to listening to shortwave radio and stumbled on your station.

Warlingham, Surrey, England (Frank Miles) - I want to let you know that I listen to your station here in the U.K. on frequency 11580 kHz from 0400 UTC with very good signal and reception.  Towards 1000 UTC the reception begins to fade away.  As I do not use computers, would you please send me a copy of your list of shortwave frequencies?  Thank you very much and God bless you all at WRMI.  

Horsham, Sussex, England
(David Ansell) - I listened to WRMI on 11580 kHz with good reception at 0800 UTC with the Brother Stair ministry.

Pontes e Lacerda, MT, Brasil
(Jose Moacir Portera de Melo) - Tengo el placer de escribir nuevamente a su emisora.  Algunos programas son mis preferidos:  Antena DX, La Verdad para el Mundo, Blues Radio y otros.  Y tambien los programas de Radio Praga y Radio emisiones de Family Radio y Radio Taiwan Internacional.  Estoy escuchando esas Eslovaquia.  Me alegro mucho descubrir ahora la frecuencia de 11920 kHz con la 0000 UTC Acontecer Venezolano, a las 0045 el program Dios Habla Hoy, y a la dos emisoras.  A las 1100 UTC escuche Historias de Radio con Daniel Camporini, a mejoras maneras de llevar informacion a las localidades mas remotas del mundo, 0100 UTC Maravillosas Palabras de Vida con senal buena.  La radio es un medio de comunicacion que no falla.  Para mi la onda corta sigue siendo una de las radio sigue con su mision.  como en algunas de America Latina.  A pesar de los avances tecnologicos, la

Central Espana Republicana, Matanzas, Cuba
(Jose Travieso Blanco) - Cada jueves escucho su programa Antena DX.  Lo disfruto al maximo.  

Hiroshima, Japan
(Yuuji Murakami) - I heard Family Radio in Japanese on 7570 kHz at 1000 UTC with reading of the Bible from Kings chapter 9.  Reception was reasonably good.

Cedar Lake, Indiana, USA (Joseph Pecenka) - A big thank you WRMI for keeping shortwave alive.  I enjoyed the Radio Prague broadcast.  The interview with Van Tesla was fantastic.

Berlin, Germany
(Detlef Jurk) - I have great pleasure in sending you the following report.  I listened to WRMI on the web live stream with excellent quality with a broadcast of Radio Prague at 1200 UTC.

El Paso, Texas, USA
(Luis Camarillo) - Por medio de esta carta les saluda un amigo mexicano el cual les desea esten bien de salud.  Escuche Radio Libertad y Radio Hobart.

Sartirana, PV, Italia
(Massimo Uccelli) - At 2145-2200 UTC on 15770 kHz I heard FG Radio and the Famagusta Gazette news about Greece appearing one step closer to leaving the Eurozone.  

Dagenham, Essex, England
(Grant Skinner) - I have pleasure in submitting a report after listening to various programs including a newscast, a pastor, and Radio Ukraine via WRMI on 11580 kHz.  I am very pleased that you broadcast to England.  WRMI radio listeners’ curiosity and emotions.  In my mind it is the very fundamental provides fully-fledged radio broadcasting programs which always enliven criterion to arouse listeners’ intensity and devotion to remain with WRMI.

Padiham, Lancs., England
(Allen Dean) - You may be interested to know that TruNews radio on 9395 kHz is heard regularly here each morning until fadeout around 0700 UTC, although some mornings a little later.  It’s good to know that AWR continues with its Wavescan programme; long may it continue.  

Leibnitz, Austria
(Patrick Robic) - I am 38 years old and I have been interested in listening to remote radiostations for 25 years.  

Hopewell, Virginia, USA
(Luther Gray) - I listen to your station Sun Power Radio on 9395 kHz daily.  I have a Grundig G4000A radio.  Keep up the good work.  If possible I would like a program guide and frequency list.

Astoria, New York, USA
(Renato Belac) - I listen to your program every day.  Please send me your program schedule.

Yamato-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
(Shoko Sakaguchi) - I have listened to Family Radio in Japanese via WRMI on 7570 kHz.  A lot of music was played on the program, but I didn’t know the titles of these song.  So please announce the titles of songs.  Thank you.  I was born in 1972.

WRMI Radio Miami International
10400 NW 240th Street
Okeechobee, Florida 34972 USA
Tel +1-305-559-9764
Fax +1-863-467-0185