giovedì 5 marzo 2015

Glenn Hauser logs March 4-5, 2015

** BRAZIL. 11815 & 11745 poor and 11710 very poor, distorted crackling spurs from 11780.1v, RNA/RNB are still audible, March 5 at 0700 check. You can hear how bad they were the night before in the clip I have included on WORLD OF RADIO 1763 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9200, March 5 at 1343, CNR1 jammer, very good with flutter; no others in this range, and this one is gone an hour later

12910, March 5 at 1437, CNR1 jammer, very good; none in the out-of-band ranges of the 10s, 11s, 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s.

15745, March 5 at 1441, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter, // 12910

** CHINA [non?]. 9585, March 5 at 1341, surprised to find CRI English here next to Australia 9580, and a few words ahead of the Cuban relay on 9570 which is very undermodulated. Unlisted in latest HFCC or Aoki; site?? Previously had been hearing Iran`s Japanese service on 9585 at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 17730, March 4 at 2059, RHC with brief announcement in English! presumably linked into the 11760 feed, IS several times and dead air: carrier stays on past 2127, presumably the whole hour break until resuming at 2200. What a waste! While countless Cubans survive on food rationing. Note: look for 1-hour shifts earlier in some RHC programming, especially Spanish, from March 8, as daylight-shifting is imposed in lockstep with Yanqui Imperialism, and a so-called international service fails to stick to UT yearound (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ISRAEL [non]. [9395 [non]], 0530 UT March 4, Israel Radio`s morning news in English delayed one hour from 0430 (local time announced: 6:30), via WRN, via Global 24 webcast as no longer associated with WRMI. All about guess what? Bibi`s speech to a joint session of the US Congress, interfering in the internal affairs of what should be his greatest ally. 

0545 WRN ID and on to Vatican Radio (still not RNZI as on the Jan 1 WRN schedule). So never mind my attempts to get Israel Radio recognized as a revived SW broadcaster by this very indirect means. Then the webcast was also removed by WRMI. Global 24 hopes to make a comeback somewhere else. It would be nice if they kept the webcast going meanwhile! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 5985, March 5 at 1344, Sea Breeze is still here and still in English on Thursday, customary YL voice talking sadly about North Korea, poor-fair. We also get English on Thursdays at this time from R. Nikkei, 6055, fair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1640, March 5 at 0706 UT, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC is open carrier/dead air. Also earlier, trying DF from some other spots around the house gets correct direxion toward east of Hennessey, unskewed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 11920, March 5 at 0157, music prelude? 0200 into RTI relay in Spanish mentioning the WRMI relay frequency later, 7730. This is the first of a 3-night test as possible replacement for France, where relays are being terminated at end of B-14. RTI publicity failed to give the site, but WRMI says it`s them. Fairly good here but fading down before the hour is over. (I believe I misstated date for this log as March 6 on WOR 1763) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15570, March 4 at 2052, big open carrier, no doubt Greenville warming up for 2100 English broadcast on 15580, in order not to interfere with another VOA site using it until 2100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1762 monitoring: confirmed on WRMI 9955, UT Thursday March 5 at 0431, final repeat

WORLD OF RADIO 1763 monitoring: confirmed first airing on WRMI 9955, Thursday March 5 at 1330, good with no jamming; next:
Fri 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770
Sat 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Sat 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sat 2030v on WA0RCR 1860-AM Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter, MO 
Sun 0415v on WA0RCR 1860-AM Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter, MO
Sun 2300 on WRMI 11580

[USA DST shifts now in effect!:]
Mon 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v
Tue 1100 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1315 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2100 on WBCQ 7490v

Our schedule has now been updated for DST season:

As chances to hear WOR on SW are reduced, I suggest you may want to subscribe to a podcast: three different sources are linked atop 

This report dispatched at 1641 UT March 5