martedì 10 febbraio 2015

Glenn Hauser logs February 8-9, 2015

** BANGLADESH. 15505, Feb 9 at 1359, tune-in BB just in time to hear mistimesignal ending at 1359:31.5 to open Urdu service; just barely audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11713-11714, Feb 9 at 0433, second-order extremely distorted spur from mostly music 11780.1v, RNA/RNB, peaks in this area, while hi side match circa 11846 is JBA; first-orders of course even worse and roughly equal circa 11747-11748 and 11812-11813; determined by 1-kHz stepping on the DX-398.

11780.1v, Feb 9 at 0557, now RNA/RNB is in dead air! So blessèd relief, no spurs to mis-modulate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 2598 & 2749-USB decommissioned? Hi Bill, Random chex evenings here have not turned up any of the marine weather broadcasts on these frequencies. I believe the were about to be decommissioned this year, so have they been now? 73, Glenn Hauser (Feb 9 to William Hepburn, of via DXLD) Hi Glenn, All USCG wx on 2670 kHz has been decommissioned, but as far as I know the Canadians are still on. Heard Rivière au Renard simulcast on both frequencies the other night (Bill Hepburn, Feb 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. CNR1 jammers, Feb 9 morning:
16920, Feb 9 at 1346, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter
Started bandscan after getting CRI EAST TURKISTAN [q.v.] on 17650, but not much else found, none in the 14s, 13s, 12s, 10s, only:
15265, Feb 9 at 1349, CNR1 jammer, with usual het from off-frequency Taiwan target, and not synch with 16920
11655, Feb 9 at 1355, CNR1 jammer, very good with flutter // 15265

** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910+, Feb 9 at 0414, HJDH on with music, poor signal, slightly on the hi side. Didn`t stay for ID, whether Conciencia and/or Alcaraván this time. It`s missing a lot, or when on, at the `wrong` hours making a LAH with major stations, such as at 0432, when NHK in Russian eastward via LITHUANIA at 0430-0500 is nevertheless more than a match for HJDH; much worse is ROMANIA at 01-03 in Romanian to North America. Also 0641-0659 M-F, TWR Polish via AUSTRIA. Otherwise clear all night except for VOA Radiogram Saturdays at 0930-1000 from Greenville. But you never know when the Puerto Lleras transmitters will be on or off.

6010, Feb 9 at 0414, the other HJDH which IDs only as La Voz de tu Conciencia, with non // music and Spanish preaching, similar signal level, and at 0432 continuing with no CCI, not even a het tho this one is also slightly on the hi side. Both listed as 5 kW in WRTH 2015 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 17650, Feb 9 at 1345, CRI in French, good signal but heavy flutter, going into chinois leçon. This is 500 kW, 308 degrees from Kashi-Saibagh 2022 site for Europe. There used to be two other CRI services like this in the same band area, but only this one now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9905+, Feb 9 at 0552, R. Cairo, good signal level but suppressed/distorted [supp/dist?] modulation of ME music, also flutter and slightly on the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Feb 9 at 1209, R. Verdad with favorite banjo music, reminiscent of `Workin` on the Railroad` but workin` in gospel tunes too, including RR crossing warning bells; presumably outro for Dr. Madrid`s signature show `El Tren del Evangelio`; 1210 YL TC for 6:12; 1211 full ID with Apartado 5, Chiquimula address; 1212 `Ode to Joy` theme introduces a Bible study program in Spanish. Today`s sunrise there is 1225 UT, so may remain for another semihour.

News on Feb 8 that a volcano had erupted in Guatemala, but the item I heard didn`t name it or locate it. It was Fuego, SW of Guat City, while Chiquimula is further ENE of the capital, closer to Honduras, so I suppose no problem for TGAV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9380, Feb 9 at 1357, open carrier, maybe JBM, with flutter, the rule rather than the exception from AIR National Channel via Aligarh (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9550, Feb 9 at 0425, Qur`an and responses, good signal but with hum, flutter. HFCC shows it`s VIRI in Turkish, 0420-0550, 500 kW, 298 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 9430, Feb 9 at 0424, ``A Summer Place`` tune, announcement in presumed Farsi, as R. Farda is here at 0200-0530, 100 kW, 108 degrees from Lampertheim, GERMANY. Per HFCC, from Feb 11, the 0500-0530 part to be dropped (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 5985 & 6195, NHK World Radio Japón in Spanish, Feb 9 at 0419 with Japanese lesson, way out of synch with each other; 5985 at 222 degrees from WRMI, and 6195 at 167 degrees from WHRI. So two frequencies for Spanish and zero for English to North America. 5985 has considerable CCI, i.e. AWR Turkish, 120 degrees from AUSTRIA, so 300 degrees USward off the back during the same 0400 semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 9400, Feb 9 at 0423, Kurdish music has weaker signal yet sounds louder than 9395 Global 24 via WRMI. Starts at 0400 presumably via PRIDNESTROVYE, same as after 1400 when we usually listen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 900, Feb 9 at 1313 UT, Spanish music, then DJ greets `la comunidad de Mojita`` [? no such place found in Tejas or México], then tear-jerker country music in English! Loops NE/SW. Time check for 6:15 so UT -7, temp in F and C, somewhat Spanglish, and mentions ``Radio Caballo`` (Radio Horse??) 1316 ad for a sorteo; then INE and other federal PSAs, so it`s definitely Mexican, and another from the Instituto Electoral de Chihuahua about urnas electorales, so that clinches it as XEDP in Ciudad Cuauhtémoc. DJ resumes ``música cowboy`` with ``Cotton Fields``. Yet this is deep in the heart of Chihuahua, not on the border. Have heard XEDP several times before, not with this format, so maybe a recent change, and maybe not full-time. Cantú has XEDP as 5/1.5 kW, ``Hits FM`` // 98.3.

I search on ``Radio Caballo 900`` and get hits on two YouTubes as the name of a new program which started in January, but nothing in the captioning about where it comes from:::

Radio caballo 900:
ESTACION radio Caballo uploaded and posted 4 weeks ago
Primer programa de la estacion: Radio caballo, acompañanos escuchando estas hermosas canciones del baul de los recuerdos de pilot, una excelente agrupacion...
RADIO CABALLO! Llamada a Angelica Rivera | Mago de Oz
ESTACION radio Caballo

Mascot is a human being with a horse`s head. The phone call to Angélica has Mexican content, but the interviewer is speaking Castilian. The music on the clips is NOT C&W in English, but hard rock in Spanish, so apparently this is no relation to XEDP.
Radio Caballo!
ESTACION radio Caballo  3 views Published on Jan 11, 2015
espero y les guste la primera edicion de nuestro programa, proximamente contaremos con locutores, etc...

This second clip does feature music in English, but it`s rock.

BTW, Fred Cantú on Facebook if not at itself, says he no longer has time to keep it updated and is looking for someone to take it over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, Feb 9 at 0546, XEPPM, nice tango concert, with audience, good signal and no QRM, as Brazil continues to be weakened on 6180 if on at all. Radio Educación only has to keep its modulation level up, which is often insufficient and never loud (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 7350, Feb 9 at 0550, Hamada Radio International, daily via Nauen, GERMAN during this semihour, fair with drumming now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 9440, Feb 9 at 0554, American accent briefly, then W&M conversation in presumed Kanuri, since this is the new Dandal Kura Radio hour via ASCENSION, fair signal even here. Kai Ludwig, Germany, comments to the DXLD yg:

``Just take a look at
The regions of Nigeria in which Kanuri is spoken are essentially the very ones the state of Nigeria now more and more loses to Boko Haram. Considering this, the profile at
must be called a plain euphemism. Why USAID and not BBG/VOA? I fail to recognize an immediately obvious explanation for this approach. Kai``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Maybe avoids BBG bureaucracy

** OKLAHOMA. 1140, Feb 8 circa 2040 UT on caradio, KRMP OKC is in dead air, for at least a few minutes, like 1120 KEOR Tulsa is constantly; and the latter still so 24 hours later Feb 9 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 7315, Feb 9 at 0550, R. Dabanga jingles, good signal via VATICAN, but with het on hi side, i.e. Sudan jammer, rather than a tone making a het on both sides. I see that WHRI is also registered certain days of week on 7315 during the Sudan sesquihour 0430-0600 --- does it really collide with Dabanga, or wooden? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9655, Feb 9 at 0426, VOT is VG with flutter, ID in English, `Eco-Friendly Turkey` about recycling of electronic products.

I want to see their first-semester 2015 program schedule, so hunt for it on homepage, via Alan Roe`s Hitlist ---- you have to go to the very bottom of
to find a link,
and --- it`s blank, on two different browsers. Tnx a lot!

Among the programs individually shown, `DX Corner` is gone as reported previously at yearend, but apparently so is `Letterbox`, unfound by searching. I may still be on the p-mailing list for their schedule folder which usually arrives sometime in Feb. Or someone may forward me a copy.

The Turkish service on 9700 is not as strong, but in well enough after 0500 for great music. HFCC registration for NHK in Japanese direct to Europe on same from 0500 appears to be wooden, fortunately; as WRTH shows no Japanese from 05 to 07 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 9695, Feb 9 at 0428, ME Music, Farsi, fair with fades. HFCC shows it`s BBC Persian at 0330-0430, 250 kW, 350 degrees from OMAN and also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1759 monitoring: confirmed Sunday Feb 8 at 2300 on WRMI 11580, good signal. And after 0400 UT Monday Feb 9 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5109.96-AM approx., good signal. And Monday Feb 9 at 2301 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395. Next:

Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wed 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395

** U S A. 5985, UT Monday Feb 9 at 0429, WRMI concluding NHK relay in Spanish giving their entire transmission schedule, including this and 6195 at 0400; 0430 Rudy Espinal ID and into `Historias de Radio`, media show from Daniel Camporini in Argentina. So now we know which UT days are which in the ambiguous WRMI schedule. This one is shown as Monday, so the 0430-0500 segment is really in UT days, not ``local days in the America`` except in the UT-4 and lesser zones. So here`s the total lineup at 0430-0500 UT days on 5985:

UT Mon, Historias de Radio
UT Tue, Trova Libre [Cuban music]
UT Wed, Antena DX [from Panamá]
UT Thu, Angloparade [rock in English presented in Spanish; why7]
UT Fri, Viva Miami & Acontecer Venezolano [only pseudo-external SW
        service concerning this country; pseudo-clandestine, too?]
UT Sat, Frecuencia al Día [Dino Bloise` media show]
UT Sun, Walking in Power [religious apparently in English]

9955, Monday Feb 9 at 1415, `AWR Wavescan`, including another in multi-part history of Family Radio/WYFR, read by Ray Robinson of KVOH.  Sufficient until 1430 when ACI hits from 9960, but evitable by tuning down a bit; 1445 `Viva Miami`, Jeff & Thaïs all in American and Venezuelan Spanish; 1459 fill music of Qur`an which strikes me as odd, then `Okeechobee Ocean` ID and off for 7 hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, Feb 9 at 0413, WTWW-2 is on again, Ted reverb ID during music fill (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 840, Feb 9 at 1307 UT, Spanish romantic music from SSW, 1309 UT segué but interrupted incomplete at 1310 UT by ID mentioning ``La Frontera``, 1311 UT into YL with ``las noticias de la frontera``, poor signal and fading but no WHAS or KTIC. As there are no XE 840s close to the border, it must be KVJY Pharr TX in the RGV, 5/1 kW U4 which is News/Talk per NRC AM Log, ``Informativa 840``. Major lobe goes NW, with a null toward WHAS, and not much toward us; official February sunrise is not until 1315 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 920, Feb 9 at 0605 UT, the Vernal Utahn continues to reach out far beyond what ought to be its night coverage area, i.e. a 1 kW lobe to its NE, rather than a 5 kW ND daytime pattern. ID for ``104.5 & 920, KVEL``, weather, notices of traffic delays on hiways due to construxion, or weather?

Wolf Creek Pass mentioned --- yes, there is one in NE Utah, besides the better-known one in Colorado we have traversed a number of times, and pine to do so again (in the summer!).

NRC AM Log shows 104.5 is --- you guessed it --- really just a translator, K283BN, now getting top billing as legacy AM stations continue to dis their roots. At least KVEL covers its routes. Has no problem surpassing KLMR Lamar Colorado, much closer in same direxion.

920, Feb 9 at 1249 UT, there`s KVEL again (or still) with ID after promo for HS football in HD, via VTV Channel 6. Apparently cable only, not on air, per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 2660, Feb 9 at 1150 UT, I am awake too early, so seize the opportunity to re-chase the very weak harmonic here. Music is JBA; 1159 UT signal surges a bit, as fundamental 1330 is going from 77 watts night to 500 PSRA? (and what fraxion on x 2?). 1200 UT legal ID I can almost copy as ``KGLD, 1330, Tyler``. Gospel music continues past 1206 UT. Also 1230 UT, gospel music fades up and down.

Before 1300 I am back on 2660 hoping for a clearer ID, and I get it! Absolutely, positively over gospel music, says ``KGLD, 1330, Tyler`` (and with ``AM`` but I lost track of whether before or after ``1330``). So they`re good about legal IDs at tops of hours, if not harmonic suppression. 1300 UT is KGLD official Feb sunrise, but maybe already on 1 kW day power? JBA carrier still at 1343 UT after sunrise here.

I am unaware that anyone else has ever reported DXing this harmonic; if so, please speak up. BTW, I see in NRC AM Log, its business address is in Baytown, faraway eastern suburb of Houston.

Despite the thousands of US MW stations, harmonics in the 2-4 MHz area remain extremely rare. Those with no local noise level should hunt them out better than I can, before spring T-storm noise builds up.

I also hear a JBA carrier at times on 2910, presumably 3 x 970 XEVT from Villahermosa, Tabasco (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 9395, Feb 9 at 0555, Vatican Radio news with correspondent in Melbourne about Abbott, VG signal on Global 24 via WRMI. How long before various English SW schedule sites will include this at 0545-0600 six days a week, and even more so, ISRAEL Radio, otherwise absent from SW, preceding it at 0530-0545? WRTH might provide a v. 2 of its 30 pdf Jan Update, but not yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1566, Feb 9 at 1302 UT, JBA carrier for a few minutes, presumably FEBC South Korea; nothing heard on loband 774, etc., from Japan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 4990+, Feb 9 at 0412 again a JBA carrier, slightly on the hi side compared to WWV, possibly, or what else but? R. Apintie, SURINAME, a tough one I have yet to log with something definite like Dutch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0043 UT February 10