sabato 13 dicembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs December 12-13, 2014

** ARGENTINA. 11710.74 approx., Dec 13 at 0326, poor signal from RAE with het from 11710.0, presumed CRI Russian via Urumqi which is even weaker. This is the shifted English hour of RAE UT Tue-Sat, now with music, unusable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11714 approx., Dec 13 at 0327, center of extremely distorted crackly spur matching the modulation peaks of 11780.1, RNA/RNB --- yes the second-order spur is back, about 66 kHz away from fundamental, which means the first-order spur 33 kHz away circa 11747 is much stronger than usual. On 1 kHz DX-398 steps, I can hear it between 11742 and 11752, really messing up something on 11750. Matching spurs on hi side, 11813 and 11846 are slightly weaker. Come on EBC, clean up your transmitter! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9320, Dec 13 at 0316, very poor signal with heavy flutter, talk in Chinesish. Yes, Aoki shows the only usage of 9320 is by Sound of Hope 100-watt relays of Radio Free Asia, and thus *jammed by CNR1 with at least 100x the power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9765-9815, Dec 13 at 0316, CRI English relay as always extremely strong, and splattering out plus/minus 25 kHz, but worst in the area out to 20 kHz from 9790, which is unacceptable. Modulation on center frequency is somewhat distorted and whiny (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9860, Dec 13 0319, R. Cairo ``English to North America`` only presents suppressed, distorted JBM music, but VG signal level

9905, Dec 13 at 0319, R. Cairo, Qur`an also VG signal and loud somewhat distorted modulation, plus usual RTTY QRM

9965+, Dec 13 at 0320, R. Cairo, other Arabic service with ME vocal/orchestral music, whine, distortion, flutter, not loud (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9710, Dec 13 at 0321, IRIB IS is VG with flutter; just came on and I can barely tell if RHC is still on under it as usual. // 7325 in the clear running 3 seconds behind 9710. 0323 ID only as ``This is the Voice of Justice`` and into NA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [non]. 6010+, Dec 13 at 0312, Spanish station, with het, but it`s a sermon so The Voice of Thy Conscience rather than Radio Mil, which Ron Howard heard reactivated 48 hours earlier. One night only? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6975, Dec 13 at 0309, JBA signal, music with a beat. Never any better but can barely still detect it at 0336. Numerous logs by listeners further east had it much better, as XFM for 3+ hours:,19827.0.html

** SOMALILAND. 7120, Dec 13 at 0330 and still 0337, no signal from R. Hargeisa. I am still waiting for a November report from Kouji Hashimoto in Japan who had been monitoring their 1900v* sign-off almost every day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [and non]. 7200.0, Dec 13 at 0330, open carrier, fair-good; 0332 JBM music, but 0338 mostly dead air, presumed reactivated Omdurman. Meanwhile some hams are using it as BFO for their LSB making them sound like AM; one call heard was W5ANA. A ham AM carrier het also came and went (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 5925, Dec 13 at 0315, good signal in Arabish, would be OK if it weren`t for the ACI from much stronger 5920 WHRI. This is Afia Darfur, an IBB service at 0300-0330 via VATICAN, violating Separation of Church and State (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15570, Fri Dec 12 at 2057, open carrier from Greenville-B warming up until off at 2058*; then I tune up to 15580 waiting for it to pop on there (meanwhile Vatican relay is apparently not propagating to here, inaudible). 15580 GB carrier comes on at *2058:53, goes off and back on once, a minute later cuts on modulation of a music bit and 2100 officially starts the secret Friday airing of `Music Time in Africa` with hyper Heather, still VG signal during this one hour the frequency emanates from Greenville, backward to here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1751 monitoring: confirmed Friday Dec 12 at 2130.5 on WRMI 7570 & 15770, both good.

WOR 1751 also confirmed via special make-good airing on Area 51, UT Saturday Dec 13 at 0305.5 via WBCQ both 5110v-CUSB and 7490-AM. `Allan Weiner Worldwide` ran over two hours from 0100, and AW is not delivering his closing prayer until 0302; 0304 plugging his new Free Radio Special. Allan had also mailed me about this Dec 12:

``Hi Glenn, Well- checking in. To try and get more free radio broadcasters on the air legally, we are offering a Free Radio Special open to all. For $20 the hour the FR folks can have access to one of our 50 kW transmitters on 5110 kHz. You can read all the details on the site. Why pirate when you can really get out. Have to do all we can to get more good programs on the shortwaves. WBCQ is A-OK. We are a great family of radio folks and love what we do. Bringing free speech to the air. BTW, speaking of free speech. The Hal Turner Show will be returning to WBCQ sometime soon. The more controversy, the better. Hope you are well and have a good Christmas and HNY. Allan``

Unfortunately, propagation from Maine is really bad tonight: 5110 is JBA and 7490 is very poor (and 9330 is no longer on). 7490 is also troubled by splatter from extremely strong WRNO which is active again on 7505.34, more than 15 kHz away! This WOR airing is instead of UT Monday Dec 8 at 0400 on 5110 only, because John Lightning asked for and got an extra hour for his broadcast, pre-empting WOR. Furthermore, Larry Will agreed to air the latest edition of the irregular DX podcast from Hobart Radio International, Tasmania, after WOR, heard starting at 0334 after WBCQ jingle ID. Reception too poor to try to follow now, but it`s available online.

WOR NOT confirmed at 0401 UT Saturday Dec 13 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395, a time I was told would be added; `Jazz from the Left` continued instead, heaving played ``Sunny Side of the Street`` at 0339 check. Lacking anything specific from G24, it`s time to remove this from my roster.

Keith Perron, of PCJ Radio International, reported at 0222 UT Dec 13: ``It seems Jazz From The Left is the only thing running now on Global Radio 24. And it seems it's the same couple of hours airing. After going though the playlist on the computer for Global Radio 24, very few if any programs have been updated`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505.34 approx., Dec 13 at 0304, WRNO preacher is very strong and splattering as far as 7490 to QRM much weaker signal from WBCQ as WORLD OF RADIO special airing is about to start. I haven`t been checking for it every night, so not sure when WRNO reactivated, but it continues to go and come (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0555 UT December 13