domenica 2 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs November 1-2, 2014

** CUBA. 3365, Nov 2 at 0119, no signal from RHC, but Arnie Coro plans to test here before long, so keep an ear on it. I already saw a log of 3365 somewhere, which I thought might be an image, but can`t find it now, so may have already fired it up.

RHC will be making its always-late B-14 frequency changes shortly, not including courteously getting off CFRX`s 6070; still detectable way under RHC at 0133 Nov 2 check. Blasting away stations not registered with ITU is just an excuse for bullying and ignoring the real world (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9860, Nov 2 at 0113, R. Cairo, good signal but distorted with Arabic music in Spanish service

9965, Nov 2 at 0113, very good signal in Arabic, whine, fairly good modulation, not very distorted --- BUT at 0131 splattering over 9975 KVOH and me, q.v.

12035, Nov 2 at 0116, R. Cairo, good signal but very distorted and undermodulated music in Spanish service

12080, Nov 2 at 0116, R. Cairo, good signal, open carrier/dead air in Spanish disservice

9905, Nov 2 at 0207, R. Cairo, very good signal, but only trace of modulation, and lite RTTY QRM, ex-13850 and succeeding one of the 12 MHz transmissions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9415, Nov 2 at 0109, ERTOpen has shifted back here from normal 9420, YL with Greek song, very good signal, and poor // 9935 is again buried in sideblast from 9930 WTWW with Ted`s country music show. That`s the one which needs to shift away, like 9940 or 9945 at least (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 710-, Nov 2 at 0145 UT, haven`t heard the off-frequency-low audible heterodyne for a while, but here it is again vs KCMO, looping SW, as I get a null on both allowing Cuba thru, and therefore XEDP, Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, on its off-frequency unit, listed 100 watts night, and 185 Hz low per the IRCA Mexican Log 2014 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7375, UT Sun Nov 2 at 0132, The Mighty KBC via Nauen, GERMANY, with Radiogram beeps; VG signal tonight, but competing with even better signal and more exotic music from `Song of India` on WRMI 7570, which is more to my taste.

0150 I retune for Kraig Krist`s Forgotten Song, but instead Uncle Eric plies us with another ``fart song``, i.e. Yankee Doodle, embellished with rubbing balloons, overblown tubas, or real farts? Hee, hee, hee. Not to be confused with VOA despite the beeping earlier.

0151 into ``I Do, I Do, I Do`` by ABBA (sorry, no backward Bs available in this font). 0154 next is Peter with two minutes of DX headlines, not ham expeditions for a change but all-too-brief piece on number stations, episode 2. 0157 usual wrapup with Eric presenting long list of listeners heard from in past week, many of the names repeats (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Nov 2 at 0102, good signal with tears-in-beers country song, Hank Williams? 0103 segué to another, ``Honky-tonkin```. From the music, I immediately suspect it`s Whisk[e]y Redneck Radio, but never hear an ID as I am constantly tuning around. At 0118 on the PL-880, no carrier, but I get the clearest sound at about 6925.25.

Stops at 0124 without announcement, so off the air, or just dead air? Can`t tell with USB, but still silent past 0126. Next check at 0143, some music is back, seems weaker, different station? But at 0200 I find the same frequency offset as above, a few words sounding like `Amos & Andy`; 0201 ``Just One Guitar``, DJ (or QRMer?) cuts in with ``Jukebox, you`re a wannabe``. Now to check the fora:

``Honky Tonkin`` was heard by several at 0038 as well as 0105, all as an unID since there was no talking. One measurement said 6925.04:,19214.0.html
After 0130, Renegade Radio was mostly reported:,19218.0.html
After 0150, Liquid Radio on 6925.23, but in AM mode not USB I heard:,19219.0.html

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, Nov 2 at 0140 UT, cheatin` KREL Colorado Springs CO sports talk [see USA log], but not game, can be fully nulled, audiblizing instead a football game involving Kansas State, leading 21-7, but never hear the other team mentioned! One could look it up if one cared. Nearing end of first half.

I`m suspecting it`s KOKB Blackwell, running more than the 49 watts licensed at night, like 1000 watt day power, non-direxionals; one of the Triple-Play stations operating out of Stillwaer, usually // but now not // 1020 KOKB & 105.1 KOSB Perry which are // each other. Blackwell is right near the Kansas border which may explain why they would split to carry K-State (not referred to as such) even if not playing someteam in OK. At 0203 UT, KOKB is confirmed by ad for Communication Federal Credit Union, a familiar Enid/OK business (but elsewhere too?), and promo for OSU football on the Cowboy Sports Radio Network, sponsored by Homeland groceries. 0205 UT `College Scoreboard` from some national net (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 11650, Nov 2 at 0105, open carrier/dead air, good with flutter, presumed RSO which is missing from 9500, 15140 and 15355; as IDed on this additional listed frequency several nights ago by Dan Robinson. Further chex still find no modulation at 0125, 0153 weaker (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 7340, UT Sunday Nov 2 at 0206, unfamiliar but classical music on RRI Romanian service, very good here // weaker 5910 to S America despite HJDH, but no het, so maybe off. Before 0200 they were playing pop music, so with winter time, Saturday night classical show has shifted one UT hour later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA. 17800, Nov 1 until 2030*, AWR with good signal in French as I nap, 295 degrees from Kigali; better than 17790 R. Africa via WRMI, and nothing else on band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Nov 2 at 0114, SLBC carrier and musical prélude, change music at 0114:37, mistimesignal ending at 0115:19, SLBC sign on, fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 7570, UT Sunday Nov 2 at 0100, WRMI transmitter preëmpts Brother Scare for `Song of India` from PCJ Radio International. This time it`s one hour instead of two from 0000 UT a month ago. Excellent signal with the 315 antenna aimed right at us, much, much better than e.g. the new Global 24 on 9395 at 355 degrees.

Keith Perron plays mostly Indian music which is what we want to hear, but says any request is eligible. At 0105 Keith says the earlier Saturday broadcast [via Sri Lanka] has moved from MW 1125 to SW 13720 for better coverage, even to Europe. There had been a lot of uncertainty which frequency this would end up on. I think he said the time was 1330 to 1358 but that would be less than half an hour. 0113 outro Herman`s Hermits tune.

A lot is going on at the same time, so I`m constantly tuning back and forth and switching from one receiver to another. Why does everyone do their music shows at the same time on Saturday nights? 0158 scratchy but neat old 78 recording of someone singing ``Oklahoma!`` which I took as a greeting to me, hi, tho not clear whether from Taiwan or fill from Okeechobee; anyhow, it had to be cut short at 0159:33 for a canned Bob Zanotti ID, and rejoin BS in regress. Also not clear whether this broadcast will stay weekly or on an occasional basis (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9395, after becoming inaudible in the daytime Nov 1, by 0100 UT Nov 2, Global 24 has a good signal, but some deep fades, with `European News Net`. Yet, this frequency, apparently at 355 degrees from WRMI is much weaker than 7570 & 11825 aimed at us 315 degrees and blasting in on both lower and higher bands. 0108 jazz is in progress. Global 24 has been posting fragments of their schedule a few hours ahead of time on Facebook:
``Tonight November 2 - UTC
0000-0100 Polish Radio External Service
0100-0400 Jazz from the Left
0400-0500 Radio France International
0500-0700 The Rock Pile
Please send reception reports: ``
Apparently the initial programming is experimental, and what will be retained depends on listener reaxion.

Since I`m not a big jazz aficionado, I mostly listen to other stations during this hour, and there`s a lot to choose from: KBC Radio 7375, Sound of India 7570, both with much better signals; pirates on 6925.

At 0209 check, 11825 is still very good with BS while 9395 is poor, so MUF from Okeechobee to here is not the problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330+ CUSB, Nov 2 at 0108, WBCQ still Brother Scaring here, full extent of new schedule unknown; poor signal.

7490, Nov 2 at 0118, WBCQ with talk about socialism being demonized but an alternative to greed-based capitalism. Voice resembles Allan Weiner.

5110v-CUSB with separate musical programming; 0118 refers to Glenn Hauser`s yahoogroup where someone posted hearing a pirate last night on strange frequency of 15419.38-AM at 2300 with Wolfman Jack show, but it was really licensed WBCQ. Show now is `Lumpy Gravy`.

Well, I wish someone had posted advance time and frequency for the WMJ show, as I wasn`t listening then. And I heard this on WBCQ about the DXLDyg item before finding it myself:

``NORTH AMERICA. 15419.86 USB, PIRATE October 31 at 2250. Unidentified pirate with special Halloween broadcast. Wolfman Jack songs and imitations followed by excellent section of oldies. Fair signal strength, but quite clear in Houston. Quite the odd frequency.

Correction - the logging should likely be WBCQ. This makes much more sense and resolves the issue with the definitely un-pirate-like frequency - Jim Andrew, TX`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9975, Nov 2 at 0114, KVOH is already on with jazz prélude, fair-good signal; 0128 music with continuous heavy crackling QRM from overmodulated 9965 Cairo talk splattering. I compare 9975 with 9965 on both receivers to be sure that`s the source. No escaping it even by narrow bandwidth and side-tuning upwards, as WORLD OF RADIO 1745 starts at 0131, suffering this QRM. I had long been apprehensive about the proximity of 9965 Cairo, which until now had been the `best` of their defective transmitters, not bothering 10 kHz away. At 0208 check, there is less QRM during music than there had been during talk. Anyhow, from next week, WOR will be at 0231 UT Sundays (but Cairo will still be on 9965). From tomorrow, KVOH shifts all programming one UT hour later, opening at 0231 with `Wavescan` UT Mondays.

Next for WORLD OF RADIO 1745:
Sunday 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sunday 2300 on WRMI 11580
[with DST off, note following UT time shifts!]
UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Tuesday 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 0503 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 2200 on WBCQ 7490v

** U S A. 12105, Nov 2 at 0126, very poor signal from WTWW-3 but can tell it`s PPPP; while -2 on 9930 and -1 on 9475 are still inbooming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1580, Nov 2 at 0140 UT, KREL Colorado Springs CO with 15 kW day signal inbooming at night instead of 15 watts, but nullable for KOKB to be heard close to 90 degrees away [see OKLAHOMA log]; 0144 UT KREL with golf course ad, then citing its legalese contest rules; 0205 into Fox Sports Radio rather than play-by-play any games on a Saturday night, leaving that to KOKB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1620, Nov 2 at 0149 UT, I`m looking for `Science Fantastic` with Prof. Michio Kaku on WTAW College Station TX, but only hear adstring including Guaca Maya Mexican Restaurant on 33rd St., which leads to Omaha`s KZON instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0527 UT November 2