venerdì 3 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 3, 2014

** BANGLADESH. 15505, Oct 3 at 1358, open carrier from Bangladesh Betar, 1359:00 start IS, 1359:24.5 end 5+1 mistimesignal, opening Urdu. This is three seconds earlier/faster than yesterday, but I`m sure it just varies rather than precesses like Chaski sign-offs. Poor with flutter, but ``best`` yet heard this ``season`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Oct 3 at 0545, RNA distorted spurs from 11780 are still here but weaker than last two nights, and not audible on 11710 this time. Maybe they are really attenuated rather than weaker propagation, as 11780 seems as strong as ever without being measured. But they need to be eliminated ASAP. 6180 is still AWOL at 0550 Oct 3 check.

BTW, Wolfgang Büschel reported this on Oct 2: ``awful horrendous and overmodulated distorted signal of AIR probably Khampur unit on 11710.0 kHz at 2255 UT`` --- but could this really have been RNA? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5040, Oct 3 at 0551, RHC English still with a big wobble on the carrier, audible even without BFO, while the other four of The Cuban Five on 6 MHz band are nominal. Perhaps Arnie hasn`t caught up yet with these reports from his most faithful volunteer technical monitor abroad, in order to find out and do something about it before the 5040 transmitter self-destructs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET & VACUUM [and non]. I`m afraid there`s more to report about Suddenlink vs Viacom: while I was able to watch the Oct 1 `Colbert Report` on the Comedy Central website, when I tried to do the same with `The Daily Show`, it was blocked with a 1-minute display of a notice from Viacom blaming this blockage on Suddenlink. Apparently only the latest show is/was available this way, so one would need to keep up with them.

However, I think Viacom must have done it themselves on own website (even tho our only way to get it is also via Suddenlink): it`s in Viacom`s interest to block it there too in order to encourage SL customers to keep pressure on SL to bring back all their channels on cable.

However, at least for now, one could still watch both shows in segment-by-segment portions. Introductory ads on the segments, and thruout the full eps are unavoidable except by muting, but that`s understandable. One frequently appearing is Ron Reagan for the Freedom From Religion Foundation which rarely appears on the `air`. My daring to mention that quickly on WOR did not go over well with WTWW. Such were the limits of my editorial freedom.

BTW, the Chamber of Commerce has scheduled a ribbon-cutting to inaugurate Suddenlink`s new office in Enid, Oct 3 at 1900 UT. I wonder if there will be protest demonstrations? The controversy has received front-page local press coverage in the Eagle (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 11685-11690-11695, Oct 3 at 0546, no DRM from RNZI unlike unscheduled noise appearance 24 hours earlier. Then I need to sleep until *1319 wakeup, so no check today whether still on 6170 instead of 9700 before 1300 like yesterday; did anyone notice? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. It`s FINALLY OFFICIAL. The date and time for REE to delete all shortwave broadcasting: October 14 at 2200 UT, just in time for the newly-scheduled 5-hour foreign language rotation overnight.

Oct 3 at 1405, on 21610 & 21640, I hear announcement in Spanish that REE will be ``modernized`` into an internet- via and TDT ``broadcaster`` only, starting at midnight Spanish Peninsular Time on October 15.

(TDT = televisión digital terrestre, the strange terminology in vogue in Spain, to distinguish it from TV via satellite which has been mostly digital for a long time on totally different bands, and which was never dubbed ``televisión analógica satelital`` even when it was.)

At 1404 Oct 3, I had been comparing 21610 with 21640 and noting some long-path echo on both of them, but less so on 21610. Last time, only 21640 was exhibiting this. Soon there will be nothing to compare here or on any band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15525, Oct 3 at 1401, V. of Tibet has a fairly good signal via MADAGASCAR, so I keep listening whether it`s going to jump 5 kHz: yes, at 1407:05 up to 15530. This is a ploy to fool the ChiCom jammers: get them started on 15525 and hope they stay there after 1407. Except today I can`t hear any jamming on either frequency before or after the QSY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13564-CW, Oct 3 at 1413, GNK Hifer beacon is JBA with continuous IDs. You`d never know this signal existed without BFO and careful tuning aside the Part 15 ISM mush infesting 13560 (is this propagating from somewhere, or just groundwave from somethings local around here?)

Tuning on the lo side, find only circa 13557 possibly another Hifer with a more difficult ``ID`` of two beeps, pause, two beeps, etc. So is that the letter I or the letter E, twice? Cannot tell with nothing to compare to determine wpm rate. Or are they just dits? No help at the LWCA list
and the much more extensive Knightsqrss Clipboard has only one Hifer on 13 MHz, MTI on 13557.54. Default listing is in reverse chrono order but can be resorted by frequency,
mostly in Hz, but some in kHz, some in MHz putting them out of order.

on EE or I is of course totally unproductive; searching on kHz 13556, 13557 is not either, altho there were some reports last year of ``ditters`` on 13558, but not described exactly as what I was hearing today. Could even be some RF ID idling??

We do come up with a significant datum from Chris Smolinski: ``13 MHz Part 15 allocation: 13.553-13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15,848 microvolts/meter at 30 meters`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1741 monitoring: no show for the second week, UT Friday 0330v on WWRB, 3185. This time Dave comes on at 0329 and apologizes, saying their internet connexion is down and he can`t get WOR. It comes via a point-to-point microwave relay about 15 miles from the station, and it`s offline, probably due to storms. I`ve previously suggested that he try downloading it as much as 24 hours earlier when first available instead of trying to play it `live` at airtime.

WOR on WRMI times: Friday 2130.5 on 7570 & 15770 (but probably 1740 again); Sunday 2300 on 11580 (new time but old show?); etc. On HLR, 7265-CUSB: Saturday 0630 & 1430. On KVOH 9975: UT Sunday 0131. On Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB: UT Monday 0259v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11580 & 11825, Oct 3 at 0547, WRMI with Brother Scare, but strangely, 11580 has a much stronger signal than 11825. This does not make sense here northwest of Okeechobee, as 11825 is supposed to be on 315 degree antenna right at us, while 11580 is 90 degrees off, at 44 degrees toward Europe, and normally 11825 is much, much stronger. So is WRMI switching antennas around, varying power levels, or what? This has happened before. Seems unlikely there should be a sharp MUF cutoff between them, only 245 kHz apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1628 UT October 3