sabato 11 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 10, 2014

** CANADA [non]. 6070, Oct 10 at 0117, still no sign of CFRX, just RHC with no QRM; despite an ODXA report Sept 22, now 18 days ago, that it expected to be on antenna by ``next week`` after dummy-load testing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 12070, Oct 10 at 0109, R. Cairo only fair signal and extremely distorted presumable Spanish, plus humroar

11710, Oct 10 at 0110, mainly het with 11711- Argentina, about equal levels, and bit of modulation unknown from which

9965, Oct 10 at 0110, R. Cairo, good signal, music and OK modulation in Arabic service but as always with whine

9315, Oct 10 at 0111, third R. Cairo Spanish frequency is: absent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Oct 10 at 0104, pirate with unfamiliar music, poor signal with storm noise from KS/NW OK, no announcement heard until 0119 ID as ``XLR8, Accelerate`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 740, Oct 10 at 0143 UT as I am trying to dig out an ID from the off-frequency Mexican, q.v., I can`t help but hear KRMG  mention ``Redskins football in Moore, Oklahoma on 102.3 KRMG``. Redskins = Union High School in Tulsa, of all places, whence we have heard no controversy about such an offensive mascot. See:,ok%29/football/home.htm
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 9500, Oct 10 at 0124, RSO is inaudible, nor on 15355, but JBA algo on 15140. Under propagational circumstances, I will not hazard an assumption if that were really it on 15140, as possibly 9500 was on and not propagating any more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PANAMA [non]. 9955, UT Fri Oct 10 at 0120, Pedro Sedano is starting his monthly DX report from Spain, leading with, of course, REE`s impending closedown Oct 15, delayed from Oct 1, and ruing it. However, he says on the other hand, la Voz de Rusia returned to SW (``volvió a la onda corta``) Oct 1, and gives their Spanish schedule of firstly at 00-02 on 12060, and secondly at 22-24 on 7240.

Boy, does he have huevos en la cara!! Must have recorded this at a time, maybe even before Oct 1, without any confirmation that it had really returned, which we all(?) knew immediately that it did not. How will he correct this next time? And if it were on, reverse which transmission would be first and which would be second.

This show is axually `Antena DX`, the only DX program produced in Panamá, which is among several in Spanish to which Pedro contributes.

José Bueno in Spain posts weekly publicity about this and other DX programs, claiming Antena DX is on WRMI 9955 Wednesdays at 1100 UT = 7 pm! It`s really on the current schedule at that UT time, which is 7 am EDT, but that`s not all; also: Mondays at 1230, UT Fridays at 01 (when I was hearing it); and on 5985, Thursdays at 0430 (or is this one UT Fridays? WRMI sked is confusing). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Oct 10 at 0058, R. Chaski carrier is really JBA, barely enough to detect its cutoff at 0103:05*, which is 30.5 seconds later than 5 nites ago when the time was typoed as 0103:34.5 instead of correct 0102:34.5! That averages 6.1 seconds later, per (Glenn Hauser, OK DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Oct 10 at 0114, SLBC carrier is on; 0114:46 music starts; 0115:19 mistimesignal ends and sign-on, fair with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1742 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB, 3185, UT Friday October 10 after 0330, but off to a very rough start. The preacher is interrupted, hum comes up, WOR 1742 playback blasts on at extreme level and distortion; stops, dead air, 0333 another false start; third try is better after a bit of jumping, settles down and plenty loud but not very distorted level on webcast. With late start, 29-minute show cuts off at 0400 sharp before conclusion as webcast autoswitches to Bible readings, and as soon as I can tune in 3185, it too has switched to Brother Scare for the rest of the night. Next:

Friday 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH 9975
Sunday 1000 on WRMI 5850 [NEW: see below]
Sunday 2300 on WRMI 11580
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; etc.

Checking WRMI extra-frequency schedules, I spot another new time for WOR I had not seen before: Sundays at 1000-1030 UT on 5850. That`s the semi-hour postscript to TruNews carrying various other programs, some of them secular, and at last on the 355 degree beam across eastern North America, altho it`s a bit early in EDT and CDT, not to mention MDT and PDT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, Oct 10 at 0046, WBCQ is on again, TimTron discussing with someone else, not Allan Weiner, business development in his hometown of Skowhegan [in central Maine, a long commute to Monticello, but half as far as Kennebunk in the SW corner]. 0057 mentions Ramsey`s Roadhouse every evening at 7-7:30 on 7490 [but online schedule shows only Mondays at 2300-2330 UT, and website link goes to restaurants/inns in Texas --- is that the same thing??].

But what show is this, still not on the schedule? TimTron implies it`s been `Allan Weiner Worldwide` with himself insitting. 0100 canned sign-off with by AW with classical music, to 0101.1* on 9330. Meanwhile, I have found the same show is on weaker 7490, but running about 25 seconds later until after same generic sign-off, that goes off too at 0101.5*. However, a bit of other music plays on 9330 before cutoff; and a bit of other talk plays on 7490 before it cuts off (5110 checked earlier was not on at all.) AWWW is now on the Thursday sked but one hour earlier at 23-24 UT = 7-8 pm ET. This certainly is not the scheduled 8-9 pm Thursday = 00-01 UT Friday show ``World Jewish News with Rabbi Yaakov Spivak`` on 7490. Another new(?) time for `AWWW` is Tuesdays at 21-22 UT = 5-6 pm ET on 7490 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 900, Oct 10 at 0138 UT, I`m hearing country music in English looping NNE/SSW, which is Wichita`s direxion. Can it be KSGL, which I have still not been getting more than a trace of in the daytime? Yes, 0140 UT ID sounds like ``Classic Country 90, KSGL``. I thought they were NOStalgia + religious. To be really sure, at 0153 UT, promo for a show Sundays at 10 [am or pm?] definitely on ``KSGL`` and 0157 UT ``Proud to be an American`` song as the Spanish QRM is growing. Program sked
for weekdays after 8 pm is merely `Music You Remember`.

KSGL is 250 watts day, 28 watts nite, with same direxional pattern of east-west, which is no good for Enid, so I`m lucky to get them at all. October nites are officially 0000-1230 UT (November: 2315-1315 UT) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 1140, Oct 10 at 0135 UT, KRMP OKC is not to be heard, not cheating tonight, and XEMR Monterrey is unusually weak, allowing me instead to copy ``Newsradio 11-40, WRVA``. 50 kW from Richmond VA is seldom heard here with its day & nite figure-8 pattern of NW/SE, far from ideal for here altho not in deepest null.

Southerly conditions are subnormal, with XEMR weakened, altho fading up some at 0156 UT about salvación, but still nullable. I compare to other Regiomontana bigsigs: XEG 1050 is OK but not as strong as usual; and XET 990 is way under CBW Winnipeg, far too unusual but very welcome: CBW is ND, while XET is supposed to be direxional south at nite.

Just before 0200 UT I`m on 1140 again to hear another ID from WRVA, and after 0200 Fox News sounder, which is their net per NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 610, in previous report I referred to KCSP as in Omaha; make that Kansas City, while Omaha is KXSP on 590. Such confusion was less likely when they were WDAF and WOW (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 740-, Oct 10 at 0143 UT, again the rumbling het from off-frequency Mexican, with KRMG Tulsa nulled as precisely as possible, I hear Spanish mentioning a .mx website, but nothing more as KRMG fades up and XE fades down. At 0153 UT, I am hearing English instead with KRMG nulled, probably remnant of KTRH Houston. Will keep trying to get an XEQN Torreón ID as probably the source (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0509 UT October 10

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 5995, Oct 10 at 1321, RA is playing IS Waltzing Matilda over and over, for the rest of the hour as the signal gradually fades, until 1400 finally joins 9580 et al. for worthless rap-music `Earthbeat` from Triple-J ABC network, as RA now throws away three or four M-F hours of SW airtime which could be filled with somethings significant ---- but hey, it`s after midnight in Melbourne, so who cares? I had already checked other RA frequencies 6150, 9475, 9580, 9965, 12065, 12085, and none of them were Waltzing.

5995 is registered as Brandon in DRM at 12-14, 25 kW at 10 degrees, flipping to Shepparton AM at 14-18, 100 kW at 30 degrees. Brandon apparently lost feed from Melbourne, and also stayed in AM. Or automation was misprogrammed for Brandon transmitter, wrong program feed into it during an hiatus, and nobody noticed. Or could well be DST mixup, as Queensland stays on UT +10 while Victoria & NSW have just shifted to UT +11, pretending it`s an hour later than reality.

BTW, 9965 via PALAU was running 9 seconds behind the Sheppartons.

Ron Howard also observed this independently: ``Hi Glenn, As you have recently been reporting, RA is acting up. Oct 10, on 5995 (Brandon), heard Waltzing Matilda at 1342, after 1400 with ABC produced audio feed for music show "Triple J"; many program IDs, but did not catch any ABC IDs even at 1500; audio troubled with background noise (transmitter problems?). At times was // 9580 // 12065 // 12085, but that was very erratic, while 5995 was steadily on``

I have now searched thru the entire RA online program schedule to confirm new times for the two shows which marginally qualify for inclusion in our DX/SWL/MEDIA programs listing. I feared they might have been lost in the shuffle, but they are still there, mostly shifted one UT hour earlier:
`Future Tense`: Sun 0030, Thu 0330
`Download This Show`: Sun 1005, Mon 1630, Tue 0330, Tue 1830
For frequencies see:

** CHINA. 18980, Oct 10 at 1325, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter, and maybe some CCI from target RFA Tibetan via KUWAIT. No OOB CNR1 jammers found lower in the 17s, 16s, 15s, 14s, 13s, 12s, just the 15 MHz inbanders (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. 12010, Oct 10 at 1318, RHC modulation is somewhat suppressed, breaking up and echoing.

17730, Oct 10 at 1409, RHC missing here, but still on 17580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]. 17790, Oct 10 at 1409, open carrier/dead air from R. Africa Network via WRMI; suddenly cuts on music at 1413.3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 870, Oct 10 at 1230, rustic band music, no doubt XETAR, Guachochi, Chihuahua; yes, ID at 1231 also mentioning FM, but frequency uncaught. This must be new as no FM for it in IRCA, WRTH or Cantú; but all Mexican AMs are being forced to add FM with the intention of closing down AM in the near future. But nothing about FM via CDI website, nor in general Google search, nor trying putative corresponding callsign of XHTAR. Maybe I misheard; further monitoring needed. 1232 announcements about Chihuahua, but WWL is fading back in (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)

** MEXICO. 1100, Oct 10 at 0619, I am getting Spanish with WTAM nulled, peaking southwestish, ID by SHVA as `Radio Cañón, 90.algo FM``. Per last year`s IRCA Log and Cantú, it`s XETGO in Tlaltenango, Zacatecas, 5000/400 watts, with FM on 90.1 (and no other 1100`s with FMs in the 90`s). WRTH agrees except for night power as 500 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1580, Friday Oct 10 at 1250 UT, KOKB Blackwell with talkshow interviewing State Rep. Cory Williams, Democrat! of Stillwater, about the insane push for allowing guns on campus, opposed by OSU President Burns Hargis, and OU President David Boren, along with all the other university leaders in OK. Has a few choice words for colleague Rep. John Enns, Republican of Enid, who is supporting guns on campus. (I wonder if he`s packing heat in his wheelchair, which may influence his views; he was disabled in a farm accident, not shooting.) Conversation continues past hourtop until a break at 1306 UT. Evidently Williams is a regular guest on this show Friday mornings, not all just stupid sports talk on the Triple-Play stations, with 1020 KOKB Perry and 105.1 originator in Stillwater. More about him:

** OKLAHOMA. 13-2, Oct 10 at 1628 UT, OETA OKLA with new promo which we are now bound to be seeing over and over: fund-raiser because they have to move to a new tower:
Play Race to the Top: The OETA Tower Game!
where there are no details of when, why and where the new tower is necessary. Maybe something to do with the original KWTV tower being dismantled? I think OETA were on it. This game looks rather inane, with a limited list of PBS/OETA characters to support while playing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 9830, Oct 10 at 1404, fair signal in Arabic, mentions Alemanya, Arabiya. Unfortunately vs RTTY which infests this frequency all day in North America. It`s RRI at 14-15, 142 degrees from Tiganeshti, backwards to here. Has anyone ever identified source of this RTTY, and why isn`t it bothered by all the broadcast QRM? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Larry Will, WBCQ webmaster, explains Oct 10 what`s going on as per our latest logs:

``Hi Glenn, I was a little puzzled about this log until I realized that wb caught the very end of last week's Allan Weiner Worldwide. Allan does a little prayer at the end of his show, and the 10/4 show timed in at almost 126 minutes. The show was trimulcast on 5110//7490//9330.

The "expanded program Mon-Thurs" refers to Rabbi Spivak's Jewish World News, now scheduled for Tuesday to Friday 0000-0100 UT. However the past couple of days the Rabbi has not been on at this time, e.g., Friday at 0000 a rebroadcast of AWWW was on instead.

I am working on an update of the 7490 schedule and will send you a summary when it's complete.

Allan also mentioned that 7490 programming will now be // 9330 weekdays from 6-9 p.m. eastern time on weekdays (2200-0100 Tuesday-Saturday). Regards, Lw`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540, Oct 10 at 1248 UT, unmistakable Chinese accent in English of CRI YL announcer, talking about holidays, no problem now as long as KXEL be nulled, so 2.5 kW KGBC Galveston TX, which has sold out to the ChiCom; bits of same thing under KOKC 1520, so 25 kW KYND Cypress TX, both rimshooting Houston. KGBC`s official FCC October sunrise was 1215 UT (November: 1245 UT), but what about KZMP The Metroplex with ESPN Deportes, midway between us? Its Oct FCC sunrise is 1230 UT (Nov: 1300 UT), so should be on day power 32 kW, but it`s tightly direxional east-west, with very little usward. Our real Enid sunrise today was 1234 UT per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM. 7906-USB, Oct 10 at 1309, I remember to check for Ho Chi Minh City Radio, coastal station which includes marine info in English --- there it is, but only Vietnamese now and 1310 long series of rapid beeps, its characteristic closing signal, very poor. Need to listen earlier at 1305 or 1306 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 702, Oct 10 at 1235 UT, JBA carrier; usual suspect is 2BL Sydney, Australia; nothing on the higher-latitude NHK frequencies. Sunrise today 1234 UT (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7800-SSB, Oct 10 at 0611, 2-way in English, one of them with slight accent, and both of them modifying every other word with ``*uc****`` this & that, commiserating about their debts. Amid this expletive overload, they referred to ``nets`` and ``separators`` making me suspect they are fishers or even poachers. 0617 standing by while one goes to make coffee. No IDs, of course. This frequency might be of further interest, at least not having to try to make out colloquial Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1747 UT October 10