mercoledì 1 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 1, 2014

** ANGUILLA. 6090, Oct 1 at 0527, DGS modulation is still breaking up like 24 hours earlier. So-called University Network --- what university would that be, anyway? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 12065, Oct 1 at 1317 after listening to ``Apache Tears`` on `The Daily Planet` from RA, I can hear some CCI underneath the talk break, not noticed before. HFCC shows it`s, what else, IRAN in ``PRS``, which really means Dari as in Aoki, 1150-1450, 100 kW, 85 degrees from Kamalabad. (VIRI long ago deleted all SW broadcasts in its own language, Persian/Farsi, having no interest in reaching own diaspora, strange; but Dari is close enough.).

RA 12065 USward is strong enough for this not to be a problem; // 12085 aimed toward Asia always weaker and also suffering from heavy flutter unlike 12065 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH [and non]. 15105, Oct 1 at 1250 tune-in, surprised to find Bangladesh Betar one of the few signals on band (OOFSOB), fair with heavy flutter, and certainly among the best, like 15520 Iran in Urdu (skirting the other side of the pole); with even 15825 WWCR not propagating yet. BB YL in English is wrapping up sports (?) segment until next Wednesday and then into typical Bengali music --- ``Allá en el Rancho Grande``, ``Why Should I Be Loving You``, and at 1257 ``I`ll Be There`` in English and Spanish; 1259 sign-off announcement and off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Oct 1 at 0532, the big 11780 RNA transmitter is out of whack again!! Putting out big terribly distorted but matching spurs, this time about 35 kHz above and below instead of 30 kHz. Watch out, R. Brasil Central on 11815. Also weaker second order spur which I noted first, circa 11710 blocking a weak carrier, presumably CRI English via ALBANIA. Could not make out a match to that on 11850, however. Would our Brazilian DX friends please get on RNA about this ASAP so it doesn`t worsen and last another few weeks like last time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 13850, Oct 1 at 0536, R. Cairo, Arabic to America, is merely open carrier/dead air, fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Oct 1 at 0530, fair signal but open carrier/dead air, presumed ERTOpen as happens occasionally with them.

15650, Oct 1 at 1412, fair signal in Greek, into music, i.e. ERTOpen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [and non]. Suddenlink went and did it, at 0500 UT Oct 1 deleting all the Viacom channels as seen here in Enid and presumably everywhere. ``This channel will be right back`` it says on some of the channels, yeah right. I won`t bore you with the channel numbers as applicable here only, but replacing Comedy Central is FXX; replacing NIK is Sprout. We also now get UP, and Pivot, and Blaze and OWN. I think these have been moved in (or duplicated) from higher tiers where hardly anyone watched them. Some of the deleted channels are still not replaced, with multiple copies of QVC filling them!

Say, I wonder if some friend who still gets Comedy Central would be willing to VHS tape and mail The Daily Shows and Colbert Repors to me? Preferably starting tonight. Please contact privately to discuss expenses. Could also be on disc or thumb drive if necessary (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 21750, Oct 1 at 1304, algo with talk, VP signal I haven`t noticed before. Aoki shows it`s VIRI in Indonesian at 1220-1320, 500 kW, 107 degrees from Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also AUSTRALIA [and non], BANGLADESH [and non]

** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & RF 32, by Oct 1, TV-OK = KXOK-LD Enid has resumed ``programming`` of nothing but infomercials instead of black screen, but still no audio over the air except surging hums and buzzes, checked at 1640 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [and non]

** SOMALILAND. 7120, Oct 1 at 1328, JBA carrier much weaker than several CW QRMs including from an N4 ham. Presumed R. Hargeisa showing by long-path, during what used to be English segment; how is it on the west coast? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 21610 & 21640, it`s now definitely October 1, and REE is still there at 1303 but JBA; much better at 1416 both good but 21640 has an echo and 21610 does not. The only difference is the azimuths out of Noblejas, 21610 at 110 degrees, and 21640 at 272 degrees. 21610 is close to directly off the back, while 21640 is aiming closer toward us but further south. Somehow the latter may be getting thru on long path too producing the echo.

11910, Oct 1 at 1322, REE Spanish song, fair via Beijing, CHINA, // 17715 Noblejas but two seconds behind it. It`s speculated that the relay exchange with China (9690 at 02-04 to Americas) may be holding up the closedown of REE on SW. The next tentative drop-dead date is October 15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15530, Oct 1 at 1411, YL in presumed Tibetan talk, entertained by dog barking in background. This is Voice of Tibet, via MADAGASCAR, 250 kW aimed 45 degrees, close to off the side from here, yet achieving a reliably fair signal. No sign of CNR1 or Firedrake jamming, but Aoki shows until 1407 VOT starts on 15525, then jumps hoping to leave the jammer behind (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 13830, Oct 1 at 0535, no signal from VOA French via BOTSWANA, which had been reliable at 0530-0600 M-F, so no longer a companion to 13840, NHK French via Madagascar daily at same time, still heard. Suspect the transmission deleted or moved as part of IBB October 1 changes, as yet unknown? But it`s still in HFCC as of 30 Sept effective until 25 Oct. So maybe just an outage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1740 monitoring: I was so involved in checking other stuff that I neglected to confirm the Wednesday October 1 at 1315 airing on WRMI 9955, but still on schedule.

NOT on schedule any longer is the UT Sun 0100 on 5950, as that hour of transmission has been replaced by 15770 with the new Hindi service of Family Radio --- even tho it`s a different transmitter. The 01-02 block on 5950 was sublet from Family Radio, ``System F``, color-coded red but filled with RMI programming until FR claimed the hour for Hindi. Now, 15770 for that is on the 44-degree azimuth, toward Europe, not India, but close enough? The 355-degree antenna for eastern North America would be closer to India, but probably unreliably transpolar.

Furthermore, there is now a replacement time for WORLD OF RADIO on 11580, as it was bumped from Thursdays by the new daily UKRAINE relay at 2330-2400. WOR now scheduled Sundays at 2300-2330. We hope by then it can be the newest show rather than the previous one (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7285-LSB, Oct 1 at 1332, Daytime Texas Traffic Net, the NCS considering himself an entertainer. Says also has website by that name as one word.
Never caught his call, but some check-ins from beyond Texas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, Oct 1 at 1415, KVOH at VG signal level, but Spanish modulation quite suppressed, worse than usual, and distorted. Was not yet propagating an hour earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11000, Oct 1 at 1320, open carrier with flutter (so it`s not just the FRG-7 Wadley Loop MHz birdie). Smax of a CNR1 jammer rarin` to go, but not on the Aoki or EiBi lists (yet?) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1656 UT October 1