mercoledì 3 settembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs September 2-3, 2014

** CUBA. 18210, Sept 3 at 0139, RHC is very poor // 6070, third harmonic, but not audible now on 12140, second (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 12070, Sept 3 at 0111, R. Cairo Spanish extremely distorted with humwhine, good signal level

11710, Sept 3 at 0116, no signal from Cairo, just Argentina 11711-

9965, Sept 3 at 0117, R. Cairo Arabic is undermodulated but not distorted, with humwhine, higher pitch than on 12070

9315, Sept 3 at 0122, R. Cairo Spanish is dead air, except for a ringing hi-pitched whine, good-fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420 and all other ERTOpen frequencies are absent at 0138 check September 3 --- and now 9420 is no longer occupied by Iran either after 0030, moved to 9510 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185-, Sept 3 at 0128 I am astounded to hear news in Spanish with good signal level and good modulation. Can it still be XEPPM? Yes, same transmitter slightly on the low side, but must have got a new modulation tube. It`s even much stronger than 6180 Brasil, but that`s partly due to the weakish signal it`s been sporting lately. This is great news, if only XEPPM can keep it up!

News item at the moment is from Wáshington about ME affairs, including clips in English from USG spoxepersons, maybe originating with VOA? Next story about ébola (who decided that this neologism would be stressed on first syllable in Spanish, second in English??). 0131 wrapping up `Pulso de la Noche`, must be own produxion, some African song but lyrix sound at least partly Spanish, ``Yo soy ---`` this & that. 0133 ID ``Radio Educación desde la Colonia del Valle en la Ciudad de México``, next show ``Las Mujeres Contamos`` --- I guess that could be a play on words in Spanish --- women count as in they matter, but they also tell their stories.

These programs match the MW, not SW program schedule at
which is still labeled Mayo 2014, but just below it says Enero 2014. Furthermore the separate jpg SW schedule below that, if you hover over it, is dated Feb 2013! And is evidently no longer applicable.

XEPPM surely remains México`s last and only SWBC station; 6010 has weak Spanish with a het at 0134, presumably Colombia & Brasil (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Sept 3 at *0114:13.5 carrier on; 0144:46.5 music starts; 0115:18 mistimesignal ends from SLBC, fair with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. After hearing it again earlier today at 1416 Sept 2 on 13564 as in previous report, found a website about the GNK beacon, via

``STATUS of GNK HiFER Beacon - ON THE AIR --- The GNK HiFER Beacon is also running 24/7 and CW from the same QTH on the frequency of 13.5640 MHz with 4 mW at about 10 wpm with a 1/2 wave dipole. Both the MedFER and the HiFER transmitters and antennas are home brew.

You can send reports to , LWCA at or by snail mail, My address is on I also have a 10 meter beacon located in Madison and can be found at
All reports would be greatly appreciated, even ones from within Madison. Thank you. Domenic, KC9GNK, Madison, Wisconsin EN53``

Apparently only lists 13 MHz beacons currently active, including GNK:
Yes, it`s very off-topic for longwave, but anyway --- very helpful as it also IDs some others I have been hearing:

13554.0,   AZ is in Oro Valley, north of Tucson AZ, operated by KF7A
13558.510, AJO is indeed in Ajo, Arizona! Isolated town in southwest
13557.54,  MTI is in Stone Mountain, Georgia, suburban Atlanta

13558-CW, Sept 3 at 0110 I am again hearing AJO, and it`s JBA.
13556-CW, Sept 3 at 0144, MTI beacon is JBA. Heard this after the unID on 13555. Frequency approximate, but it seems these are subject to variation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Sept 2 at 2015, WTWW-3 is in English with PPP instead of PP = Portuguese: that`s because 9475, WTWW-1 is off the air, so its programming has bumped lower-priority Bibling off #3 unit. 9930, WTWW-2 remains on with BS. Next check, 0111 UT Sept 3, 12105 is still with PPP but modulation breaking up badly, the crackle also audible out to plus/minus 10 kHz. At 0119, I find that 9475 is back on, and doing the same since it`s now // 12105, with music introducing `Saddle Up` show. Non-PPP announcer conveniently gives the date of show: May 27, 2014. Of course it`s non-PPP, as he was long dead by then. Normally during this hour, 9475 and 12105 have separate SFAW programming. Now WTWW-2 remains nominal, on 5085 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9370, Sept 2 at 2016, WWRB`s BS frequency is off; certainly not due to propagation as neighbor WWCR is blasting in on 9350. 5050, Sept 3 at 0122, this WWRB is off, but 3185 is on with fair signal and Tourette`s preacher. By 0243 check, 5050 is back on with BS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5110v-CUSB, Sept 3 at 0120, no signal from WBCQ, while 7490 and 9330 are nominal; was this transmitter off last night too when I couldn`t monitor due to thunderstorms? However, at 0127, `Allan Weiner Worldwide` is JBA, either faded in or late coming on, talking about transmitters but just too weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 5950, Sept 3 at 0135, WRMI-14 is inaudible and apparently off during the extra RMI programming hour; however, there`s enough weak signal from something to het 5952.4 Bolivia --- probably Iran in Tajik, northeastward from Sirjan. WRMI-3 still audible, weak as usual on 5015 with BS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13555-USB, Sept 3 at 0143, surprised to hear voice contact rather than beacons around here. American accent says ``send you my data --- QRX tomorrow same time`` and nothing further heard. Also Part 15? Unless the radiogram tones I then heard at 0145 around 13554 were related to this; these with a good signal, better than any voice or CW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15534-USB, Sept 3 at 0141, INTRUDER net of two or three stations at least, laughing and conversing in colloquial something, maybe Spanishish; one with music in background (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0336 UT September 3