sabato 12 luglio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs July 11-12, 2014

** BOLIVIA. 6025-, July 12 at 0119, very poor signal with talk, slightly on the low side, like 6024.96 or so, one click on the 40-Hz DX-398 steps. Surely Red Patria Nueva; LSB decreases Cuban Radio war on 6030, but I rarely hear anything at all on 6025. This is certainly the weakest of the Bolivians on 49m, even less signal than 6155+ < 5952+ < 6134.8.

Wolfgang Büschel reported 3+ hours later: ``UNID 6024.971 kHz tiny signal at 0430 UT``, and RPN has also been traced on the low side by others such as:

``6024.98, at 2305 UT July 7, Red Patria Nueva, La Paz, Under China N.R. most with talks and music, weak. 73, (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium, RX=Icom IC-7410, antenna End Fed, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)``

Those not in the know that R. Amanecer Internacional, Dominican Republic, has been off the air for *years* might make a different assumption based on its being preserved as if active in Aoki and the other databases cluelessly depending on it. The only other thing besides ``Radio Illimani`` in Aoki is Lhasa, Tibet, unlikely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 5990.1, July 12 at 0123, RNA extra frequency with phone conversation, significantly off-frequency. Others report it as 5990.11. Good signal >4 kW.

11765-11795, July 12 at 0129, RNA is splattering plus/minus 15 kHz from overmodulated/distorted 11780, but no discrete spurs this time around 11750/11810. ``Atenção, emissoras da EBC``, time signal about 3 seconds fast at 0130 and swift roll-call of relaying stations around the country (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 860, July 12 at 0503 UT, a nice NAFTA mix: French Canadian talk atop, certainly CJBC Toronto, vs CBS news from KKOW Kansas, and Mexican NA in the background, 0504 UT followed by full ID for Monterrey, i.e. XENL, 5/2 kW per IRCA. Too much QRM to copy details such as slogan, listed as ``Radio Recuerdo, Canal 860``. Predominant SAH of 2 Hz, almost matching the beat of the NA, so not sure which duo of the trio match and which mono be off. MWOffset list includes only CJBC which in January 2012 was 1.5 Hz high. I might not have caught this if there had been a Fox-hole on 960 KGWA which I was checking first at 0500 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Analog-only sporadic E TV-DX July 11, UT:

2233 on 2, antenna northeast, algo in English, very poor

2337 on 2, Global bug barely visible in UR during ET-like show, antenna north. In fact, `Entertainment Tonight` is exactly what`s scheduled now on CKND-2 Minnedosa MB. Soon overtaken by Spanish so I rotate toward Mexico, q.v. When I am getting both Canada and Mexico, of course, double-hop distances are possible end-to-end, but never for us in the middle of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 5025, July 12 at 0113, by now R. Rebelde is back on frequency after jumping to 5049.2+ for at least 12 hours UT July 11; so now BS from WWRB is in the clear again on 5050 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11860, July 12 at 1352, is today`s missing frequency from RHC, still on 11760 and 12010 et al. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11620, July 12 at 1353, JBA carrier perhaps AIR GOS, while 13710 is sufficient with music. Was hoping 11620 would pick up, as Dan Sheedy, California has been hearing it again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, July 12 at 1333, VOI achieves fair signal level, but fails to modulate it at all during English hour; what a pity, as no QRM either. But then VOI has been pitiful for years and years (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15520, July 12 at 1346, S Asian language poor-fair with flutter. Aoki shows it`s VIRI in Urdu at 1250-1420, 500 kW, 109 degrees from Kamalabad. At 1400, IRIB news fanfare (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, Sat July 12 at 1353, on KBSWR, I can tell it`s Farmington`s Kevin O`Donovan, but too poor to read much of it. He mentions World Cup and hearing it from Brasil, like 11780; ending at 1355, says he will be back next week. Inferior signal to Iran Urdu on 15520 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)

** MEXICO. 710-, July 12 at 0501 UT, XEDP, Cuauhtémoc, Chihua2 is off-frequency again, making a LAH with KCMO. My keyboard barely reaches it at the low end, circa F below middle-C, or 175 Hz, vis-à-vis more like F# of 185 Hz the last time I checked, i.e. now 709.825 kHz or so. In cases like this, one wonders if station be alternating two different transmitters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 860, July 12 at 0503 UT, a nice NAFTA mix: French Canadian talk atop, certainly CJBC Toronto, vs CBS news from KKOW Kansas, and Mexican NA in the background, 0504 UT followed by full ID for Monterrey, i.e. XENL, 5/2 kW per IRCA. Too much QRM to copy details such as slogan, listed as ``Radio Recuerdo, Canal 860``. Predominant SAH of 2 Hz, almost matching the beat of the NA, so not sure which duo of the trio match and which mono be off. MWOffset list includes only CJBC which in January 2012 was 1.5 Hz high. I might not have caught this if there had been a Fox-hole on 960 KGWA which I was checking first at 0500 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Analog-only sporadic E July 11, UT:

2340 on 2, as I am watching CKND-2 from Manitoba to the north, Spanish overcomes it, so I rotate toward Mexico for the rest: Televisa-9 Gala swirl bug in LR

2341 on 4, Azteca-13 bug in UR during novela

2343 on 2, old B&W Mexican musical movie

2346 on 2, Televisa-9 Gala bug in LR, western movie, signs of color

2348 on 6, MUF pops up to here, Televisa-5 bug in LR

UT Saturday July 12:

0002 on 6, CCI, now more than one station propagating, but no FM

0026 on 4, algo, as MUF has dropped, and sports on 2

0031 on 2, Azteca promo could be for 7 or 13

0040 on 2, sports/gymnastics/games, Azteca-7 bug UR; NINJA graphic

0041 on 2, `Simpsons` opening sequence again at this odd time, dubbed; Azteca 7 bug UR

0048 on 2, Azteca-13 promo on Azteca 7

0058 on 2, all that`s left is some CCI here as I head to the porch for my evening SW monitoring session

0137 on 2, back at the TV, *still* Simpsons --- two eps in a row?

Next morning, July 12, more:

1459 on 2, antenna south, fades in rap music video in English, extreme letterboxing, i.e. large black blox atop & abottom; circular bug in UL comes and goes. Nice steady signal for a while. Some Spanish thrown into video, ``caliente``; 1502 black screen for a while, and 1503 neat video showing impressive TV transmission tower and antenna (channel 2 makes for the biggest elements), and finally animated ID for ``XEFE La Imagen Familiar`` with the usual very big call letters. That`s Nuevo Laredo again, one of our closest possible XE TVDX stations, 1005 km/625 miles (while XEPN-3 is 892/554 away, XEPM-2 947/588). I wonder if XEFE stands for ``Frontera Extrema``. Now same-offset CCI is growing

1501 on 3, algo

1504 on 3 // 2, docu about Islandia, with junior rating

1505 on 3, live action, maybe same as above, now with Televisa-5 LR

1539 on 2, fade-in lucha libre promo on Canal 13

1606 on 2, fade-in YL in front of PLAN B graphic; time bug in UR

1626 on 2, still various CCI in and out on 2

1629 on 2, studio dance show, super at bottom, also with phone number. Website acerca de says only: ``Somos un canal de TV que se preocupa por ofrecerte contenido de calidad para toda la familia. Buscamos promover la cultura, valores y buenas costumbres. ¡Gracias por vernos!`` and has various programs, both news and entertainment, but whence, on what station(s)?? ``Contacto`` has no physical address, only by webform, so I sent:

``Esta mañana del sábado veo su programación en canal 2 a larga distancia en Oklahoma. ¿Cuál es la televisora en la frontera? ¿Donde se ubica su cadena?``

1632 on 2, music video letterboxed, again circular bug in UL, probably the XEFE ``2``

1640 on 2, still signals in and out, mostly out after 1700

** OMAN. 15140, July 12 at 0129, JBA carrier here is probably RSO, as it`s missing from 9500 and 15355; the higher band barely propagating tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, July 12 at 0110, R. Chaski carrier and some modulation until autocutoff at 0116:49.5* which, of course, is 5.5 seconds later than yesterday. Altho I can hear it any night I try for it, I notice that some log editors are loath to publish any of mine, even tho each has a different time; no other station is going thru this precessive process (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, July 12 at 0114:57, very poor signal, open carrier from SLBC starts S Asian instrumental music opener, 2+1 mistimesignal ends at 0115:18.5, that still with very little variation. Now this event is comfortably earlier than my obligatory Chaski-cutoff timings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15525, July 12 at 1358 open carrier is on, poor signal, 1400 V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR in non-Chinese, and no CNR1 jamming audible yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9870, July 12 at 0127, Voz de Turquía is missing again from half its Spanish frequencies, still good signal with Turkish music on 9770; then at *0128, 9870 carrier pops (back) on, and shortly joins the modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15720, July 12 at 1700, no signal from VOA Portuguese, another service which has just been canceled in HQ`s relentless drive to make Greenville redundant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. A reminder to check for the brand-new airing of WORLD OF RADIO, thanks to KVOH, starting tonight, UT Sundays 0130 on 9975. Also on WRMI 9495 an hour earlier, but may be previous episode (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15770, Friday July 11 at 2112 check, WRMI extension another semihour to 2130 again today is merely more BS. Ivo Ivanov provides these clips of WOR reception in Bulgaria on Monday:

WRMI Okeechobee, TOM in English to WeEu at 2059 & World of Radio 1728 at 2102 on 15770:
[showing WOR was joined late after 2102 on July 7]

15190, July 11 at 2114, R. Africa Net via WRMI, revival music with hum. Wiggle that patchcord! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9930, July 12 at 1706 check, WTWW-2 has a double-helping of BS, i.e. a quick echo. No sign of a separate signal, such as a SAH, so presumably both coming out of WTWW. (IIRC there was once a clash with Palau, not any more.) This and the other two transmitters are all on now, 9475 and 12105 with separate PPP stuff, and all are relatively weak compared to neighbor WWCR on 9980 and 12160, so I conclude WTWW must be running at considerably reduced power. 12160 is carrying the old-record show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 750, July 12 at 0543 UT, KAMA El Paso with Univisión América talk about Tejas Gob. Perry, way atop poor WSB Atlanta, as KAMA is obviously running 10 kW ND again instead of 250 W ND or 1 kW westward as authorized (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1733 UT July 12