giovedì 5 giugno 2014

Glenn Hauser logs June 5, 2014

** BOLIVIA [and non]. 6135-, June 5 at 0118, R. Santa Cruz is dominant with rock music, but heavy het from 6135+, R. Aparecida, BRASIL in talk which matches its // 11855v. This time I trot the keyboard out to the 90-degree-F porch to check the het note, and it is within a few Hz of A4 = 440 Hz, as I estimated last time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOLIVIA. 6155.12 approx., June 5 at 0100, very poor signal with some modulation on the hi side of channel. I am confident this is Radio Fides, reactivated, as reported by Thomas Nilsson May 27 on 6155.14 and by Anker Petersen, June 3 on 6155.13. MUCH weaker than Radio Santa Cruz. R. Fides does have a well-developed website with lots of news, and info about their 75 years on the air --- but internal search gets zero hits on 6155, 9625 or onda corta, so SW is not exactly a priority with them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 5999.6, June 5 at 0102, RNB is back on here to het RHC 6000.0, and to barely match the audio to // 6180 in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also BOLIVIA 6135

** CUBA. 11760, June 5 at 0057, VG signal from RHC only; if Iran is still on there, it`s buried. VIRI had asked Latin American listeners to send recordings of the collision in order to figure out what to do about it (like move??) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9963.7, June 5 at 0104, R. Cairo big but virtually unmodulated carrier in Arabic service is also way off-frequency as sometimes happens (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sporadic E from Mexican TV stations is trying to get going, but just barely pokes above channel 2 video MUF, June 5 at 0026 UT, enough to see it`s an ad for phones/devices with 800 toll-free number in Mexican style, and Azteca-13 bug in UR, out again.

0140 UT June 5 on 2, another brief fade-in of weak CCI, f bug in LR, i.e. Televisa net-4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980+, June 5 at 0059, R. Chaski is slightly on the hi side, maybe 5980.05, vs evil Cuban pulse jamming; cuts off around 0113:17* but not sharp, perhaps due to fading or another carrier from somewhere to confuse things. That amounts to 13 seconds later than last check 48 hours ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 6972.5-USB, June 5 at 0119, as I am scanning for pirates, instead find a military net, the strongest and probable NCS sounding like A1BS, truncated callsign? Others heard are A2CV, and YL A2FU, A1FT. Finally decide the first character is 8, not A, since they never say alfa, but do use fonetix for the suffix. Then some mentions of complete calls starting with NF, e.g. NF81BS, etc. So make the others NF82CV, NF82FU, NF81FT. That means US Coast Guard Auxiliary as I`ve researched previously elsewhere, DXLD 14-08, 4819.5-USB, Feb 14 at 0103. Harold Frodge in MI had also heard NF81BS, ``8000.3/USB, UNID Net; 0125-0155*, 27-Mar; NF81BS control (coastal AL)`` as in DXLD 14-14, and he also heard NF82CV. Searching the 6972.5 frequency in the UDXF yg gets no significant hits, but on January 19, 2008, 6792.5 was a HARRP moonbounce test frequency and 6972.5 was transposed by mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9495, June 5 at 0040, WRMI reactivated here, Thaïs & Jeff in Spanish during a `Viva Miami` episode; and at 0055 recheck stuff about Venezuela, so `Acontecer Venezolano` from 0045, the only ``external service`` concerning that country, and not under the control of Maduro. Venezuelan DXers have been unsuccessful in getting any info out of Radio Nacional about the status of their own big SW project in the middle of the country. We suspect it`s stalled if not abandoned.

Around 0035 June 5 I had checked new 5015 and 11730 to confirm whether they were in // with RMI programming, as had been the case as of June 2, but now both are with Brother Scare! Quick check of the WRMI graphic schedule shows another revision as of June 4: 5015 has now been converted to a third 24-hour TOM frequency along with 5950 and 11825, and it`s via transmitter #14, which was formerly the one used on 9495; and now 9495 is back on the schedule but via transmitter #9.

Unfortunately all this came to light after I had recorded WOR 1724, explaining that we would be on new 5015 and maybe 11730 as of UT Sunday at 0030 --- but now back on 9495, apparently. I don`t spot any other major changes on the grid, but there may be some further adjustments.

First broadcast of WOR 1724 confirmed on 9955, UT Thursday June 5 at 0331, slight jamming, none on webcast. Next: 1230 Thursday on 9955; 2100 Thursday on WTWW 9475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5110-CUSB, June 5 at 0104, WBCQ back on with unscheduled replay of an old `Allan Weiner Worldwide` as his ``darling wife`` joins him to talk about candy. Rather sad, considering her demise in the meantime. The other transmitters are active tonight, each with separate programming, 7490v and 9330v-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0347 UT June 5