domenica 4 maggio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs May 3-4, 2014

** ALBANIA [and non]. 9842, May 4 at 0148, intermittent ute noise bursts approx. here, noticed when listening to 9845 R. Tirana music, but far enough away not to bother much (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11855.04 approx., May 4 at 0118, R. Aparecida in Brazuguese, now just a tad off-frequency, about one click on the DX- 398 fine tuning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 2749-USB, May 4 at 0151, marine weather in French by man with heavy English accent; 0153 to woman in French, 0154 man, 0156 stops. Per
it`s VAR-3 again, for if not from, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia (we still need to know exactly where it really is), scheduled at 0140 and some other :40 hours; shared with 3 other stations, but none next until 0240 VCS Halifax, both of which are bilingual unlike the other two.

When noise level permits on 2 MHz band I also check: 2598-USB for more Canadian CG weather, 2660 for the KGLD TX harmonic, and 2910 for the XEVT Tabasco harmonic; JBA carrier on 2660 is about all now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 1010, May 4 at 0558 UT, amid QRM I hear the ``RR`` Morse code ID of Radio Reloj; but WRTH 2014 shows no Cuban on this frequency! Nearest is 1020, 10 kW in Victoria de las Tunas; don`t think this was bleedover to next channel. How about R. Reloj`s own frequency list?
indeed shows Tunas on 1010, not 1020, with 5 kW (was the town named for a fishing tournament or a musical competition? Ask Ernest) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. The DentroCuban Jamming Command continues to waste electricity, hence money, which might have gone to feeding undernourished Cubans, by powering multiple jammers at hours when there is nothing to jam, e.g.:

13605, 0058 UT May 4, multiple pulsing long after Martí is over

11930, 0527 UT May 4, heavy jamming but adding up to poor signals propagationally, long after Martí is over

9565 and 9805, 0533 UT May 4, more pulse jamming on unused Martí frequencies. The Cuban Commies apparently live in fear that RM will come on day frequencies at night, which they never do, being entirely too predictable.

7805, 7480, 7365, 0534 UT May 4, all with detectable pulse jamming. Could 7805 be a mispunch on one transmitter instead of 9805? 7480 is another stray with nothing ever really to jam.

7405, 0534 UT May 4, wall of noise jamming where it is ``needed`` but R. Martí is still readable.

11845, 1257 UT May 4, pulse jamming on long-abandoned Martí frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6165, May 4 at 0105, RHC English is missing, way late coming on, but already running on 6000. By 0138 recheck, 6270 leapfrog with 6060 is on, therefore so is the fulcrum, 6165.

11760, May 4 at 1249, RHC has fast SAH and CCI from CRI English via Kunming at 1200-1357. Commies vs Commies! By refusing to coördinate in HFCC, Arnie manages to collide with his good friends the ChiCom, who even over here mar reception on Habana`s beam for ``Chicago``.

Add this to the collision with 11760 Iran in the evenings as in my previous report. IRIB does participate in HFCC altho not exactly friendly with the USA, and even sent delegates to the HFCC in Dallas I attended (but they paid no attention to another collision I pointed out to them in person) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7475 // 9420, May 4 at 0112, Greek music, with Avlis apparently still controlled by the dismissed ERT workers; nothing audible on other 7, 9, 11 or 15 MHz channels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Big sporadic E TVDX opening in progress as I turn on with antenna south at 1405 UT May 4: heavy CCI on channels 2, 3, 4, 5, so the usual frustration of trying to pull out anything identifiable.

1411 on 5, net-5 bug in lower-right, during animation; XHGC itself?

1414 on 4, `El Sonido del Domingo` graphic, program title? Cooking segment judging from big guy in apron. That name is too generic; I don`t google anything connected with Azteca or Televisa

1412 on 6, MUF is up to here, 1413 graphic X-MEN

1417 on 87.75, now with the PL-880 on for FM DX, channel 6 audio fades in here briefly, while I am seeing a net-7 ID on 6 video, but not necessarily from same station due to CCI which is same offset now

1418 on 4, Azteca-13 bug in upper right, CCI, talk show

1438 on 88.7, only FM DX found, in talk show, M&W discussing `Bésame`, apparently a song they play a bit of rather than a certain AM station in the DF; 1442, several promos mentioning ``Fórmula 970 AM``, i.e. the Fórmula network flagship in Mexico City, XERFR, relayed all over the country, even on FM, with precious few local IDs. Plug the Brasil Mundial, Grupo Fórmula; 1445 promo show ``En Viva Voz``, newscast?

Signal holds up well on the PL-880 with attached whip only at ground level, which is an advantage here, getting nothing much from semi-local KLVV Ponca City by groundwave. 1455 fades out, 1502 fades in; 1520 still talk show with good peaks; some tuning up the band as far as 97 MHz finds nothing else from México. So whence is it?

Cantú shows two Fórmulae on 88.7:
88.7 XHJX Radio Fórmula Querétaro + AM 1250 Querétaro, Qro. 6,000
88.7 XHEX Radio Fórmula + AM 1230           Culiacan, Sin. 25,000

And so does WTFDA FM database:
XHEX-FM 88.7 BELLAVISTA SIN 25.0 25.0 Spanish RADIO FÓRMULA + AM 1230
I was leaning toward QRO till I started getting TVDX from Baja California, but that`s later:

1541 on 3, real estate information with large-font crawler mentioning Rosarito BC et al., from WSW and surely XHBC Mexicali, still in analog! 1545 with Mexican phone number and AC (619) = San Diego CA

1555 on 4, dominant signal from WSW with loud audio, CCI; 1559 credit roll with music

1618 on 4, soccer on Televisa 2 net with Star bug in lower right; 1626 promos for net-2 with good view of large Star. Still aimed WSW. 1635 also a program? bug in lower left of a reverse C in a circle, or like a crescent. Probably XHBS-TV Los Mochis, Sinaloa, the only one in that part of the country per

1647 opening is fading out, with some remnant CCI on 2 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9925, May 4 from 0053 tune-in, The Mighty KBC via Nauen, GERMANY, now on new summer frequency, at 00-02 UT Sundays. It`s better overall than 7375 was, but with plenty of selective fading distortion on the obscure rock music. Plugs ``listener appreciation contest`` several times including 0120; see regulations at --- runs the rest of the year; PL-660 is the prize (model embracing it not included?); send reception reports with mandatory program comments. Circa 0130, Kim Elliott`s Radiogram minute. 0145-0150 Kraig Krist`s Forgotten Songs segment, so tuning in at 0150 would have missed it. This time, Melanie Safka`s ``Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)`` from April 1970 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 780, May 4 at 0132 UT, open carrier/dead air looping for KSPI Stillwater, and little signal from WBBM yet, even when the carrier is nulled; recheck 0158 UT now OC off, and mostly C&W from Colorado. FCC sunset in May for KSPI is 0130* (June & July 0145*); at least they didn`t leave it on all-night as sometimes happens (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PALAU. 9930, Sunday May 4 at 1244, gospel huxter in Spanish! wrapping up with a South Bend address, 1245 switch to English for another out of Jeffersonville IN. Sufficient signal from T8WH, with WTWW not yet Overcoming it. Aoki shows at 1230-1245 Sundays, `Eternal Good News` in English, and so does WHR`s own schedule upon which no doubt Aoki is based. Must be a bonus of doing business with WHR, as there is no significant Spanish audience in SE Asia, unless remnant of the colonial era in Guam, Marianas; Filipinas, where Tagalog is heavily Spanish-influenced (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, May 4 at 0100, R. Chaski carrier with some modulation making it, until cutoff at 0110:11* which is 12 seconds later than 32 sesquihours ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. 12095, Sunday May 4 at 0528, fair carrier off and on with flutter, just barely modulated, 0530 off, and back on in unknown language joined in progress; keeps cutting off and on, with or without modulation. HFCC A-14 shows Meyerton with BBC Kinyarwanda scheduled 250 kW, 5 degrees, Saturdays at 0500-0600 & Sundays 0529-0600. Marred by TADIL-A bonker on low side circa 12089.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 4 at *0114:15 carrier on from SLBC; 0114:47 music starts; 0115:18, 3-pip mistimesignal ends, opening Hindi. Poor with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [and non]. 13720, Sunday May 4 at 1247, presumed PCJ Radio International via SRI LANKA is JBA, as usual, intended for SE Asia only. News from Keith Perron as of May 1:

``On May 18th 2014 we will be doing the first test from our own site.
Target: Southeast Asia
Time: 1300-1400 UT [Sunday]
Frequency: 11765 kHz
Power: 20 kW
To cut down the bureaucratic process of registering a frequency with the NCC, Radio Taiwan International will be letting us use one of their frequencies for the test. Regards, Keith Perron, PCJ Radio International``

Per Aoki, that hour on 11765 is a gap between RTI in Vietnamese until 1300, and CRI English via Urumqi from 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1719 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 9930, Saturday May 3 at 2330:15; next airing, UT Sunday May 4 at 0030 on WRMI-14, 9495, however, is repeat of 1718, tho with good sufficient signal. Reconfirmed #1719, UT Sunday May 4 at 0400:55 on WTWW-1, 5830. Next: UT Monday 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB (we hope: only the first few words aired last week) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085 & 12105, UT Sunday May 4 at 0116, Ted Randall`s `QSO` show on both WTWW-2 and WTWW-3! VG signals, but not //; at 0139 recheck sounds like same interview guest voice, but nowhere near synchronized, no doubt separate playouts to neighboring transmitters. Still no Bibling any more on WTWW-3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7505.18 approx., May 4 at 0114, WRNO gospel huxter, still not back on authorized frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 920, May 4 at 0130 UT, Spanish mentions area code 832; loops NNW/SSE so that means it`s KYST Texas City (Houston) TX, dominant signal, 5/1 kW U4 per NRC AM Log 2013. Wiki has a table of unverified Mexican ``area codes`` showing 832 for several towns in Tamaulipas, not including Tampico where the state`s only 920 resides. I think those are more like exchanges than ACs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1570, May 4 at 0545 UT, in XERF null, Christian Resource Center in Beckley WV mentioned, unclear if start, stop or mid-program, but per
hovering over MO, they have a 1570 in ``Branson``, as I expected, my closest in the XERF null, axually KBCV, COL Hollister (Springfield address), 5/3 kW U4, with night pattern major lobe NW, minor SE, but we`re far enough off its null toward Del Rio. Furthermore it`s the only 1570 at

UNIDENTIFIED. 11222, May 4 at 0109, the count-the-number-of-pulses station is no longer heard after about 3 days of activity (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1819 UT May 4